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13.Different Means of Travel

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Nowadays, there are many different means of travelling which include airplane or ships or trains or buses etc. you can choose your medium by keeping in view your interest, your priorities and of course your budget. Lets have some general over view of different means of travelling.

AIR: Air travel is the most recent means of moving from one place to another. Since its first usage, it has become so popular due to its many advantages that it is now the most used mean of travel by people for long routes. It is taken as an expensive choice although there are many air lines that are offering air flights quite cheaply but over all it is an expensive but most quick mean of moving from one place to another.

SEA: Sea is one of the oldest means of travelling. Ships were used for roaming even by Greeks and Egyptians. It remained the main source of travelling for quite a long time but after the invention of aero planes, it has somehow lost its place. Nowadays moving from one place to another by sea is rarely done and even when done it is mostly through large ships which are built for luxurious cruising for the more privileged people. Middle and lower class people can't really enjoy in those huge and luxurious vessels.

TRAIN: Moving from one city to another by means of train is considered as the most reliable and affordable mean of travelling. Trains now for long have remained a top priority of people for travelling. Travelling by train has all the ingredients that it takes for a perfect travel as it is quick and reliable and cheap mean of travelling.

14.Переделать немного 20

15.Travelling by Car - Путешествие на машине, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик.

There is nothing better than travelling by a fast car. Travel by car is a more personal experience, for there you can drive yourself.

You just sit down at the steering wheel, start the motor, step on the accelerator with your foot and off goes the car. You can go as slowly or as fast as you wish, stop when and where you choose; you park the car on the side of the road, get out and go wherever you like.

It is quite true that driving a car has some disadvantages. In town it is rather a nuisance with all those traffic «jams» or «hold - ups», round-abouts, detours and so on. It is not pleasant at all when you ride on a bumpy road or get a flat tyre, or still worse, when you get stuck in the mud.

But what can be better than a spin in a car on a week-end with your friend? As soon as you get out of the crowded town and see a long wide road in full view, what a thrill it is to feel the car rush forward at a touch of your foot, to feel the wind in your face, to see houses, trees find people flash past, to feel the real joy of speed.

Then, of course, you see much more of the country than you do in a plane.

Suppose you are on vacation and have decided to take a trip in a car. What magnificent views you behold on your way — green fields, a road winding its way up the mountain with steep, grey cliffs on one side and a deep precipice on the other, a shining expanse of the sea wrapped in a blue noonday haze, the woods, the rows of acacia that stretch along the streets of the towns you pass through. Indeed your impressions are unforgettable.

Перевод текста: Travelling by Car - Путешествие на машине

Нет ничего лучше чем путешествие на скоростном автомобиле. Путешествие на машине — это не только путешествие, но и приобретение личного опыта, так как вы сами сидите за рулем.

Вы просто садитесь за руль, заводите двигатель, нажимаете ногой на педаль газа, и машина трогается с места. Вы можете ехать, как хотите, медленно или быстро, остановиться, когда и где захотите. Вы паркуете машину на обочине дороги, выходите и идете, куда вам хочется.

Несомненно, что езда на машине имеет некоторые недостатки. Если вы находитесь в городе, вам доставят много неприятностей все эти дорожные « пробки », участки дороги с круговым движением, объезды и так далее. Не совсем приятно, если приходится ехать по ухабистой дороге или у вас спустилась шина, а еще хуже, когда ваша машина завязла в грязи.

Но что может быть лучше чем прогулка на машине с другом в выходной день? Как только вы выезжаете из переполненного города, перед вами открывается длинная широкая дорога. Какое волнение испытываешь, когда машина начинает мчаться, когда вы жмете на педаль газа, когда вы чувствуете ветер, дующий вам в лицо, видите дома, деревья и быстро промелькнувших людей и испытываете настоящую радость, развивая скорость.

Кроме того, путешествуя на машине, вы имеете возможность увидеть намного больше, чем путешествуя на самолете.

Предположим, вы в отпуске и решили совершить прогулку на машине. Какие прекрасные пейзажи вы можете созерцать на своем пути — зеленые поля, дорогу, тянущуюся к горам с крутыми серыми утесами с одной стороны и глубоким обрывом с другой стороны, сияющие морские просторы, окутанные голубым полуденным туманом, леса, ряды акаций, растущих на городских улицах, по которым вы проезжаете. Действительно, у вас останутся незабываемые впечатления.

16-18. у меня тема осталась еще со школы распечатку принесу оттуда можно взять (такого текста в нете нет все перерыла)

19.Hitchhiking (also called lifting or thumbing) is a form of transport, in which the traveller tries to get a lift (ride) from another traveller, usually a car or truck driver.

Contrary to popular opinion there are still a lot of hitchhikers, all over the world, even in the United States. If you've never hitchhiked before you might want to check out the article hitchhiking for the first time. Please also check out hitchwiki.org, which is a wiki for the topic of hitchhiking.

First time hitchhiking doesn't necessarily mean a short trip -- but starting with a short trip might help you get used to the motions and what to expect. Take a day trip to the next town! This said, don't prepare too much. Decide where you're going, the best road to get there, walk a distance, and at a good spot face the traffic and stick up your thumb. You'll feel like the center of attention at first, but after a while you'll get used to it, and will become more concerned with trying to "win a ride" than your worries about what you're doing.

I tried to hitchhike before, but those were complete failures, without a map, with no clue about hitchhiking. Then one moment, living in Paris, I found myself with 200 euros and the wish to go to Barcelona. So I tried again! It was great! I waited more than 2 hours in Paris and it took me a day and a half.

On-demand car-pooling is expected to arise as a result of the location reporting capabilities that are to be incorporated in all new mobile phones by the end of 2005 according to the requirements for E911 services in the United States. Once users can expose their location to 3rd parties that coordinate ridesharing, the main restrictions on car-pooling – same time, same place pick-ups and drop-offs – may be removed. This will facilitate sharing of vehicles not only on commutes but also for trips of all kinds.

Drivers will be especially encouraged to participate in these programs by:

cost sharing with electronic credits that are processed automatically by the ridesharing systems,

the continued existence or expansion of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes,

desire to socialize.

Abuses will be strongly discouraged by participant feedback and the identification and location reporting that is intrinsic to the system. Proof of insurance may be required by ridesharing agreements or provided as a rider benefit.

As with other form of social networking, riders and drivers will be matched according to personal criteria. While users may restrict matching criteria in order to exclude non-neighbors or according to other chosen factors, they may also broaden their matches in order to meet a more representative sample of the population. The resulting interactions could significantly increase the degree of social connectedness.

If the participant pools are not overly fragmented by an uncoordinated commercialization – a significant risk that ought to be eliminated by creation of open standards for matching subscribers to different services – riders in good standing should be able to travel wherever mobile phone service is available with much quicker pick-ups, faster connections and almost no stops as compared with mass transit, and at substantially lower cost than operating their own vehicles. Drivers who participate regularly and exhibit good driving skills should be able to offset a substantial fraction of their expenses. The result should be a marked and permanent increase in average vehicle occupancy.

Hitchhiking is usually very safe. The most encountered feelings of unsafety are probably concerning the driver's driving style.

Communication is essential to make sure the ride offered is one that the hitchhiker would like to take, and that it will end at a safe spot to stop. Ask the driver before getting in his/her car: Where are you going? Can you drop me off at a service area or other safe place near your destination? Trust your instincts! If you do not feel comfortable accepting the ride, thank the driver and say no. Walk away.

Hitchhiking a boat is a bit like hitchhiking a plane. There are not so many boats...

Your best chances are to become part of the crew.

In the Caribean it's not too hard to find sail boats that need an extra hand on deck.

If you want to hitch on a boat, you will find a way if you try hard enough, but it will take you a lot of time. You can try hanging out at the harbor for a week, talking to almost anyone, possibly finding a pub where sailors tend to drink their beer.

You will be wise to read this beforehand, from a boat owner

Sometimes hitchhiking on a plane is possible. However, most of the stories are about tiny far-off airports.

Nowadays it seems very unlikely you will be able to hitch a fly on the oversecured airports of today.

Hence airhitch.org seems like someone's money making scheme. But if you have some experience with it, please write about it... Wikipedia has some more information, article and talk page.

You might have more luck hitchhiking a boat.

Especially in Eastern European countries hitchhiking clubs are popular.Hitch-hiking clubs bring hitchhikers together, organize various competitions, meetings, etc.