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3. Найдите эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний в тексте, вы­пишите их.

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4. Прочитайте текст, найдите ответы на вопросы;

1. Why did the nationwide movement for reform gain strength (набрало силу)?

2. What was the Government reaction towards the Progressive Movement?

3. What is the Federal Reserve System?

4. When did the biggest changes take place?

5. What were these laws and regulations like?

  1. What did people of business think about those regulations?

5. Разделите текст на логические части, выделите в каждой из них ключевые предложения (содержащие основную информацию). Напишите краткое содержание текста.

6. Прочитайте текст. Расскажите о возможных рисках в бизнесе. Озаглавьте текст.

Looking ahead, entrepreneurs see opportunities for financial gain. But there are no guarantees in a future full of uncertainty. Instead of reward, tomorrow could bring financial loss. All business owners accept this risk but while they can’t avoid all risks, they can reduce some. This occurs because some risks are predictable, and others are not. For example, suppose a producer of CD-ROMs decides to develop a new computer game. Doing so involves an unpredictable risk; no one knows if customers will buy enough discs to make the effort worthwhile. If the new game is boring or expensive, the company will lose money.

No one can measure the likelihood of such a loss. Even past experience is no clear guide, so these risks are unpredictable. A willingness to bear them is a big part of entrepreneurship.

Other risks have some predictability. Here, past experience is a good indicator of the likelihood of loss. For example, every business faces the risk of fire or theft. True no one knows which business will suffer a fire or theft, just as no one knows beforehand if his or her car will be in an incident. But past experience shows that a predictable number of such misfortunes will befall some businesses or cars during the year. So what is predictable for a particular company or person becomes quite predictable for all companies or individuals taken together.

Insurance companies can protect individual businesses or people from these types of risks. By charging premiums, insurance companies build a pool of money to reimburse the businesses or people who suffer financial losses during the year. Through insurance, the people can turn the risk of a big loss into the certainty of a small fee they pay - an insurance premium.

A premium businesses pay might be for liability of insurance. This covers losses due to property damage or personal inquiry caused by the company’s employees or property. Businesses also might pay for property insurance. This covers losses caused by theft or destruction of their property. Finally, businesses might pay for business interruption insurance. Fires or natural disasters not only destroy property but may also make it impossible to continue operating until the damage has been repaired.