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Тест 3 cеместр

ООП: 080502.6х-Экономика и управление на предприятии ( по отраслям)

Дисциплина: Английский язык

Время выполнения теста: 80 минут

Количество заданий: 34

Задание №1

Заполните пропуск

Exchange of information and opinions is called _______

Варианты ответов:

 Law

 Communication

 Tradition

 Culture

Задание №2

Заполните пропуск

I am thinking of applying for the_______of Office Manager.

Варианты ответов:

 activity

 business

 position

 employment

Задание №3

Заполните пропуск

Corporations usually sell _______ on the Stock Exchange.

Варианты ответов:

 status

 shares

 currency

 capital

Задание №4

Заполните пропуск

To put a good idea profitably into practice requires managerial _________

and authority.

Варианты ответов:

 executive

 example

 experiment

 experience

Задание №5

Заполните пропуск.

A number of jobs has been created as a result of heavy ______ in this project.

Варианты ответов:

 investment

 investigation

 improvement

 insurance

Задание №6

Заполните пропуск

Helix International is running a number of projects in ______Latin America.

Варианты ответов:

 the

 a

 -

 an

Задание №7

Заполните пропуск

It was a good suggestion of ______ to look for consultants.

Варианты ответов:

 you

 your

 yours

 yourself

Задание №8

Заполните пропуск

There is a great demand ______ our products in China.

Варианты ответов:

 on

 from

 of

 for

Задание №9

Заполните пропуск

To be ______ successful, internet service markets have to overcome cultural barriers.

Варианты ответов:

 many

 much

 the most

 more

Задание №10

Заполните пропуск

To understand the market better, we _____ have done extensive research.

Варианты ответов:

 must

 need

 ought

 should

Задание №11

Заполните пропуск

Can I talk to Mr Blake, please?- I’m sorry, he is not available now. He ____ just ____ the office

Варианты ответов:

 has___left

 had___left

 is____ leaving

 was____leaving

Задание №12

Заполните пропуск

Many companies provide workers _____ insurance.

Варианты ответов:

 by

 on

 into

 with

Задание №13

Заполните пропуск

I didn’t get the job ____ I had all the necessary qualifications.

Варианты ответов:

 in spite of

 while

 for

 though

Задание №14

Заполните пропуск

______ of rapid decline in consumption of our products, we launched a new advertising campaign.

Варианты ответов:

 to inform

 informing

 being informed

 informed

Задание №15

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Mr Smith: Can I speak to Mr Blake, please?

Receptionist: _____________________

Варианты ответов:

 No, you can’t

 He is busy now.

 It’s impossible to speak

to him.

 I’m afraid he is busy

now. Could you call him


Задание №16

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Shop assistant: Can I help you?


Варианты ответов:

 I’m afraid not.

 I’m fine, thank you. And


 It’s OK, thanks, I’m just


 I’m so glad to see you.

Задание №17

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Student: Did you have time to check up our tests yesterday?


Варианты ответов:

 Yes, and I’m quite satis-

fied with the results.

 Oh,dear, I forgot to do it.

 I am honoured to have

been asked to do it.

 I’m so glad you asked

me about it.

Задание №18

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Boss: Can you stay in the office a bit longer today?

Employee: _______________________________

Варианты ответов:

 Why don’t you ask some-

body else?

 I’m terribly sorry but I re-

ally have to leave on time.

 Look at the time! It is so


 I don’t think so.

Задание №19

Заполните пропуск

The territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is historically divided into ____ parts.

Варианты ответов:

 two

 three

 four

 five

Задание №20

Заполните пропуск

The United States of America is a federation of ____ states.

Варианты ответов:

 fifteen

 fifty

 thirty

 thirteen

Задание №21

Заполните пропуск

English and French are two official languages in ____________.

Варианты ответов:

 Canada

 France

 Sweden

 Switzerland

Задание №22

Заполните пропуск

______ is appointed by the British Crown as the head of Australia.

Варианты ответов:

 Prime Minister

 President

 Governor General

 Senate

Задание №23

Прочитайте текст

Will the corporation survive?

Since the corporation was invented it has been widely accepted that bringing activities together into one large company lowers communication costs, and manufactures have market power due to their knowledge of markets.

However, nowadays the internet is eliminating the physical costs of communication. Power is shifting to the customer who could be either another business or the end user.

All this raises two burning questions. Firstly, does it mean that the supplier will no longer be the seller but become the buyer for the customer? Secondly, is diversification* changing the structure of companies? The answer to both questions is ‘yes’ for many businesses.

Some of the largest pharmaceutical companies do not manufacture drugs themselves anymore. They are wholesaling every other kind of pharmacy product as well. The managers in the pharmaceutical sector are trying to find out what to outsource to smaller companies next.



Определите, является ли утверждение:

The supplier is gradually changing the position of being the seller for the position of becoming the buyer for the customers.

Варианты ответов:

 в тексте нет информа-


 истинным

 ложным

Задание №24

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We don’t need managers. We manage ourselves!

It seems like a recipe for anarchy: At TechTarget, an interactive media company in the USA all 210 employees are free to come and go as they please. There are no set policies on working hours or sick, personal or vacation days. More productive between midnight and 4 a.m.? “No problem”,- says the founder and Chief Executive Officer ( CEO) Greg Strakosch.

Strakosch, 40, may sound strange. But the financial results tell a different story. The four-year company’s ‘open-leave’ policy, Strakosch says, is the biggest reason why turnover is expected to hit 35 million dollars this year, up nearly 30 per cent from last year. It’s a competitive weapon.

That doesn’t surprise Shoshana Zuboff, a professor of business administration at Harvard. In an age of intellectual assets, she says, it’s absurd to treat workers with an industrial-age mindset.

“ We should be beyond demanding just loyalty from workers and we should trust them to be honest about managing their time,’Zuboff says.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The profits at TechTarget where people manage their own time will be lower this year compared to the previous one.

Варианты ответов:

 в тексте нет информа-


 истинным

 ложным

Задание №25

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The Art of Delegation.

Many managers believe that getting work done through others requires a free flow of information and open, productive relationships with employees. Rather than creating a climate of terror, they give clear instructions and realistic terms and take care to give only constructive criticism and not hurt employees.

They work towards creating a positive working environment where staff feel valued and trusted. Some specialists say that it is essential not to criticise,as this rarely motivates and often causes stress and loss of confidence among the employees.

Managers who successfully maintain the balance of power will not lose their authority even when certain subordinate members (managers of lower level) take control of projects.

This style of management is particularly important during an economic stable improvement when employees can easily find work with another company.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Getting something done is only half the job. Keeping staff happy at the same time is also very important.

Варианты ответов:

 в тексте нет информа-


 истинным

 ложным

Задание №26

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An Impossible Mission?

Louis Scweitzer, the 59-year-old Chief Executive Officer ( CEO) of the Renault group, has just received the latest results for Nissan, the Japanese car manufacture in which Renault has a 37 per cent stake.

The situation looks bad. Nissan has lost money for the sixth consecutive year, the company’s debts have now reached a record of 19 billion dollars and they are now losing 1,000 dollars on every new car they produce.

Clearly something needs to be done to return Nissan to profit and quickly. The time has come to appoint a new CEO. There is only one name that comes to Schweitzer’s mind: Carlos Ghosn, the tough results-oriented director of Renault’s engineering division.

He would be just the person for the job. He might be more successful than a Japanese CEO as he would have more freedom to break the strict Japanese rules of management.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Carlos Ghosn has already accepted the position of a new CEO of Nissan.

Варианты ответов:

 в тексте нет информа-


 истинным

 ложным

Задание №27

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The power of Brands.

1. Historically, building a brand was rather simple. A name was a direct guarantee of quality and consistency, or it was a signal that a product was something new. Brands were the first piece of consumer protection. They knew where to go if they had a complaint.

2. As shoppers have become more mobile and discovered more places to buy, they change products more often. Brands now face competition from the most unexpected quarters. Who would have thought that Virgin would sell mobile phones, Versace would run hotels or Tesco sell banking services?

3. The new marketing approach is to build a brand not a product- to sell a lifestyle or a personality, to appeal to emotions. It is a much harder task than describing the advantages of the product. Clever, simple advertisements are dreamt up long before the product is produced. This way a product becomes a personality.

4. The trouble is that most marketers have to struggle to create strong feelings for their brands. Firms such as Coca-Cola and McDonalds find it difficult to admit that their customers are changing to newer products. Other companies panic that they need to do something. Old-fashioned market –research methods help explain such mistakes.

Укажите какому из абзацев текста (1,2,3,4)

соответствует следующая идея:

Nowadays, even strong brands have to deal with competition from other companies.

Варианты ответов:

 1

 2

 3

 4

Задание №28

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Too many meetings are a waste of time.

1. Much of the time of corporate leaders is spent in meetings. Meetings are the cornerstone of teams, which are the basis of corporate existence. But meetings, like teams, do not necessarily

achieve what they set out to do. Only 12% of managers think their meetings are productive.

2. Running meetings well is clearly an art .Lots of meetings happen in the corridor, they are spontaneous, small and quick and that is why more efficient. Bigger meetings are usually more problematic. Unimportant ideas are often given too much time.

3. Meetings tend to be held either to share information or to solve problems. For the first sort the manager should ask everyone to say at the end what they think they have heard, and correct their accounts if they are wrong. With problem-solving, the aim should be paying proper attention to putting solutions into practice. It is wise to ask people what they liked about the things they heard.

4. Meetings often waste huge amounts of time. The way to get a good decision is to frame the question carefully. If you want to invest in China, do not announce that you are planning to do it. Better ask your colleagues:» We want to be in the Chinese market: how do we get there?”

Укажите какому из абзацев текста (1,2,3,4)

соответствует следующая идея:

It is a good idea to check what people have understood at the meeting.

Варианты ответов:

 1

 2

 3

 4

Задание №29

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Are we being manipulated into buying brands?

Historically, building a brand was rather simple. Because shopping was still a local business and competition limited, a successful brand could maintain its lead and high prices for years. Now consumers are bombarded with choices. They are more cynical than ever about marketing and are harder to reach.

Some of the most cynical consumers are the young. College students take marketing courses and “know the enemy». Marketers have to take some of the blame. While consumers have changed beyond recognition, marketing has not. Even in the USA, home to nine of the world’s ten most valuable brands, it can be a shockingly old-fashioned business.

Marketing theory is still largely based on the days when Procter & Gamble’s brands dominated the USA, and its advertising agencies wrote the rules. Those rules focused on the product and where to sell it, not the customer. The new marketing approach is to develop a brand not a product- to sell a lifestyle or a personality, to appeal to emotions.

It is a much harder task than describing the features and benefits of a product. However, brands of the future will have to stand for all this and more. Not only will they need to be a stamp of product quality and a promise for a more desirable lifestyle but they will also have to project an image of social responsibility.

Ответьте на вопрос:

What seems to be wrong with marketers and their advertising agencies?

Варианты ответов:

 Marketers attack

consumers with


Marketers understand

the necessityof

adopting a new mar-

keting approach.

 Marketers have to solve

a very difficult task to be

a success.

 Marketers largely

concentrate on

the product and the place

where to sell it.

Задание №30

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The new networked lobbies.

The internet has proved an essential tool in organising various groups of campaigners. It has given them, once organised, a powerful and very effective new weapon. Email makes it easy to gather activists and bombard the target with signed petitions from around the world.

The internet has also played an important role in highlighting issues such as labour and environmental conditions in trade, and debt relief for the poorest countries. It has also helped to increase the influence of charities like Oxfam who criticise protectionism, which restricts north-south trade.

Many economists and governments agree that it would be beneficial to the north to do business with the south rather than just giving aid. They would also like to see the tearing down of some of the high tariff barriers designed to make the imports from poor countries more expensive.

Governments and economists are willing to listen to the so-called ‘respectable’ face of protest, like Oxfam, rather than to large groups of protesters who have sometimes used aggressive and even violent tactics to draw attention to their cause.

Определите основную идею текста

Варианты ответов:

 Email makes communica-

tion easy.

Authorities realise that

it will be advantageous

to the north to trade with

the south.

  • Internet petitions are a

powerful and effective

tool of protesters.

  • Authorities are ready to

cooperate with charitable organisations

Задание №31

Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке

Варианты ответов:

1 I am looking forward

to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Basuki

Sales Manager

2 Dear Mr Long

3 Mr Peter Long,Manager

Intercity Bank,58 Jalan


  • 4 Thank you for your

letter of 26 November.

We really must apologi

se for the delay which is a result of problems at our supplier’s factory. We expect to receive the goods next week so I hope that you will not have to wait much longer.

5 27 November 2006

6 39 Headland Road

Brinton BR6 6AW

Tel.0218-74453 Tlx43

0036 WTV

Задание №32

Ответьте на вопросы, пользуясь информацией на конверте


1677 Sea Harbor Drive

Orlando,Florida F 35509


Mr Bending

Production Supervisor

Plastics International

57 West Road, Paxton,


  1. What is the ZIP Code in the return address?

  2. What is the ZIP Code in the mailing address?

  3. Who is the addressee?

  4. What town does the letter come from?

  5. What is addressee’s company name?

  6. What is the street name in the mailing address?

Варианты ответов:

1 PX3 7JA

2 Plastics International

3 Mr Bending


5 57 West Road, Paxton

6 F 35509

Задание №33

Определите тип делового письма

1 We are glad to offer you on behalf of “Lentextil” the following Poplin qualities…

2 We should be obliged if you will kindly book hotel accommodation for our inspectors…

3 We have seen your advertisement in “General Export” and are interested in receiving your catalogues and price lists…

4 Our order No.436 should have been delivered by now, but there is no sign of the goods. We have to inform you that in case of further delay we will have to refer to the penalty clause and…

Варианты ответов:

 1 complaint

 2 enquiry

 3 offer

 4 request

Задание №34

Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки

1 _________: Diana Hicks

2__________: Tom Lander

3__________: Kraftborr drills

I have received a letter from 4_____,Sweden. They say that they will send our order at once. Please, check that the trucks are available on time.


Варианты ответов:

 1 Haga Verktyg

  • 2 From

  • 3 T.L.

  • 4 Subject

  • 5 to

Ключи к тесту

Дисциплина: Английский язык

Время выполнения теста: 80 минут

Количество заданий: 34

Задание №1 Задание №27

communication №2

Задание №2 Задание №28

position №3

Задание №3 Задание №29

shares №4 Marketers largely concentrate on the pro-

Задание №4 duct and the place where to sell it.

experience Задание №30

Задание №5 №3 internet petitions are a powerful and

investment effective tool of protesters

Задание №6

____ Задание №31

Задание №7 6,3,5,2,4,1


Задание №8 Задание №32

for 1-6, 2-1, 3-3, 4-4, 5-2, 6-5

Задание №9 Задание №33

more 1-3 offer, 2-4 request, 3-2 enquiry, 4-1

Задание №10 complaint

should Задание №34

Задание №11 1-5 to, 2-2 from, 3-4 subject, 4-1 haga verktyg

has__left 5-3 t.l.

Задание №12


Задание №13


Задание №14

being informed

Задание №15

I’m afraid he is busy now.

Could you call him later?

Задание №16

It’s ok, thanks.I’m just


Задание №17

Yes,and I’m quite satisfied

with the results

Задание №18

I’m terribly sorry but i really

have to leave on time

Задание №19


Задание №20


Задание №21


Задание №22


Задание №23


Задание №24


Задание №25


Задание №26

нет информации