III. Complete the sentences below using the following verbs in the passive. Translate the sentences:

(Model: The printers ……… three weeks late. (deliver)

The printers were delivered three weeks late.

Принтеры доставили на три недели позже.)

  1. After testing everything the problem with the machine …………. finally. (discover)

  1. The frame of lightweight plastic. (make)

  2. The information to the machine's inbuilt computer. (transmit)

  3. The packing equipment and production was halted for an hour. (switch off)

  4. Don’t worry. All your files …………………. in the computer's memory. (store)

  5. Last year the factory for three weeks and everybody had their holiday at the same time. (close)

  6. These new offices ………. by an American company last year. (build)

IV. Choose the correct modal verb/phrase in italics. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the meaning of modal verb. – Выберите подходящий модальный глагол/фразу. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение модальных глаголов.

1 I (might / must) lose my work because I haven’t backed up my files.

2 I (shouldn’t/couldn’t) finish my work because the computer went wrong.

3 You (mustn’t / mightn’t) put your cup of coffee on the computer.

4 They aren’t (mustn’t / permitted) to share their passwords with anyone.

5 You (not allowed / shouldn’t) use your date of birth as a password.

6 We (are permitted / might) have a virus in the system.

7 Employees (shouldn’t / aren’t able to) eat lunch at their desks.

8 The computer (may/needs to) crash without an antivirus programme.

9 I’m sorry I’m late. I (could/had to) solve an urgent problem.

V. In this passage about the use of computers in business you must fill each blank with one word. Choose each word from the following list. You must use each word once only.- прочитайте текст, заполните пробелы словами из таблицы.


















Computers are being used more and more in business because they are fast, efficient and 1………… .

Here are some ways in which computers are used:

Insurance companies use them to store and 2 ………… details of clients' policies.

Production departments in companies use them to ensure they have adequate

3 ………… of raw materials and 4………….. .

Banks use them for processing details of accounts and 5 ……………….. .

Personnel departments use them to keep 6 …………… of a company's employees.

Can you think of any other ways in which computers are used?

The most common ways in which you can 7 …………… information into a computer are:

  • by typing it on a 8

  • from a 9 disk

  • by 10 over a telephone link.

  • from another computer 11 to yours.

A computer can 12 information:

  • on a 13 called a VDU (visual display unit),

- to a 14 which may use 15 ……. sheets or 16 ……… stationery,

  • to a floppy disk,

-to another computer.

VI. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. You may have to change some words slightly. – заполните пробелы подходящими по смыслу словами, добавляя нужные окончания, если необходимо.

1. considerably, consider, considerable, consideration

a) We'll have to ___________ using another company if they can't provide the software we need.

b) The company has invested a ___________ sum of money in ergonomic workstations.

2. depend, dependence, dependable, dependably

a) The company has supplied us_______________ for over ten years.

b) We have to reduce our _______ on imported goods.

3. technology, technological, technologically

a) The computer is the greatest invention of the twentieth century.

b) There are two involved in a clipboard PC.

4. identifies, identifying, identity

a) The clipboard's pattern recognition software immediately ______________ the letters and numbers written by the stylus. b) Most computer companies will not allow people without an ___________ card to enter their premises.

5. expense, expensive, expensively

a) It's ___________ to send the goods by air but they're needed urgently.

b) He built a successful business but at the __________ of his health.