Variant №2 (вариант №2)

Study the following grammar to do the lexical-grammar test - для правильного выполнения контрольной работы №2 необходимо усвоить следующий грамматический материал:

1. Tense forms of the Verb.(Active Voice and Passive Voice). Regular and irregular verbs. - Видовременные формы глагола (действительный и страдательный залог). Правильные и неправильные глаголы.

2. Modal verbs and their equivalents - модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

3. Types of questions (revision). – типы вопросов (повторение).

4. Word formation. – словообразование.

I. Read the text. Translate it into Russian. Put 7 questions of different types to it. Write out a) verbs in passive, b) modal verbs with the meaningful verbs.


Cloud computing means using software that is installed on the Internet. You can also save your work on another computer instead of the hard drive of your own PC or laptop. Music, letters, presentations and other projects can be stored on clouds, data storage areas on giant servers on the Internet.

There are many so-called web applications that can do the same as normal desktop software. Google Documents, for example, gives you a text editor, a slide show application and a program for creating tables and diagrams. You can use these programs for free – from any computer all over the world.

Up to now web browsers were only used to search for information on the Internet and show it. But now they have become something like operating systems which can give you almost everything that you have on your own PC desktop.

Cloud computing can also be cheaper than buying expensive software. Many basic applications on the net are free, but you may have to pay to use some of the more complex programs. Companies do not have to buy expensive software licenses for all their workers and computers do not have to be better and more powerful all the time because all you need is a simple web browser, like the Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Cloud computing allows people from different parts of the world to work on a project together. Teachers and pupils, for example, might work on the same text together. Companies around the world can work together on a single computer and do not have to send data back and forth.

There are, however, some things that make computer users skeptical. One of the big problems is security. With cloud computing, your data is given to someone else. Users are also worried that they might lose their data on other computers. In any case, cloud computing is marching forward and in a few years we may only be having a web browser running on our PCs.

II. Choose the correct verb in brackets. Define the tense forms, voice of the underlined verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian. - Выберите подходящую форму глагола. Определите видовременную форму и залог глаголов. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Silicon Valley (located/is located) in California.

  2. Keyboards first, then digital tablets from 2010 (have invaded/have been invaded) developed countries.

  3. Cloud computing (allows/is allowed) people from different parts of the world (to be worked/to work) on a project together.

  4. At the moment the objects (are being manipulated/are manipulating) by the robot.

  5. A hacker (has just been cracked/has just cracked) a database of the bank website.

  6. The silicon transistor (was developed/developed) in the1970s.

  7. The picture and sound (are becoming/are become) increasingly important to the text. The picture and sound (make/are made) the text easier to understand