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V speaking

5. Do you remember customs and traditions in your country?

Work in pairs and talk about four or five pieces of advice on gift giving in your culture. Use the headings in 5b as a plan.

VI writing

6. If we want to congratulate somebody, to wish someone happy birthday, to express sympathy, to wish good luck, etc. We send greetings cards. They are short, friendly, and written in informal style.

Write a greeting card apropos of the case mentioned below:

you want to show you are grateful for the present you’ve got for your birthday.

Informal Style:

  • short opening and closing remarks(Hi Sue, See you


  • abbreviations (I’m)

  • colloquial phrasal verbs, idioms and everyday language (What’s up?)

  • the imperative (Do come)

  • informal linkers (and, so, NOT: however

Dear Mary,

How are you? I’ve just heard about your car accident. I hope it was’t too serious. I’m sure you will be back on your feet in no time!

Hugs and kisses,



1. Write and decorate a greeting card apropos of any case mentioned below:

a) it’s someone’s birthday;

b) someone is leaving university;

c) it’s Christmas.

2. Success in business depends upon many factors. Knowing the gift guidelines for the country you are visiting will help make your meeting a success.

a) Skim the text and choose the best heading.

a) Art of receiving b) A token of eternal gratitude

c) Business Gift-giving Etiquette d) Gifts or Bribes?

1) Preparing for a business meeting requires a working knowledge of many things including information about possible gifts. Knowing the gift guidelines for the country you’ll be visiting will help make your meeting a success.

2) A business gift is a social gesture that may be expected in some countries, and could be considered a bribe in others. Some multi-national companies and some governments have very strict policies regarding their employees accepting gifts. Countries like Malaysia and Paraguay, concerned with corruption, frown upon any gift that could be construed as a bribe. In Malaysia you wouldn’t give a gift until you had established a relationship with the person. In Singapore, government employees are not allowed to accept gifts, and the United States limits the acceptable dollar value to $25. However, in some countries like Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines, exchanging gifts is strongly rooted in tradition.

3) Always be cognizant of religious laws when selecting gifts. For instance, pork is prohibited in the Jewish and Muslim religions, so you wouldn’t select a gift made from pigskin. As in India, don’t offer a gift made from cowhide. Another prohibition for the Muslim faith is alcohol.

4) A standard to keep in mind for any gift you select is quality. Choose quality items that are not ostentatious. If you have gifts with your company logo, it’s better if the logo is discreet. And don’t give company logo gifts in Greece, Spain and Portugal.

5) Part of the tradition is the gracious style used to present and receive them.

It’s important to plan time and focus on the process. It’s very important in Asia and the Middle East to only use your right hand, or both hands, to offer a gift. In Japan and Hong Kong, use both hands.

6) Hosting a meal at a nice restaurant is always a good business practice. A fine dinner is a wonderful way to give a “gift to your hosts”, to show your guests you appreciate the business relationship you have with them, and an opportunity to build rapport. People in Brazil, England, Panama, and Peru enjoy being invited guests for a meal, and the Greeks look forward to an evening filled with dining. In China, plan a banquet, especially if you are being honored with one.

7) Many times a small detail can make the best impression. Recipients sometimes struggle with the humility required to give or receive a gift graciously. Therefore, it seems strange that although most have mastered the art of giving, still many are not comfortable with the etiquette for receiving a gift. Giving is not a one-way street. In receiving a gift, we are immediately acknowledging the gift giver and returning the favor with a show of appreciation and kind words. Therefore, both the giver and the receiver can experience the benefits associated with giving.

8) In today’s world, with global companies, giving and receiving gifts properly

is an important part of international business. Therefore, it is necessary to master the art of giving and receiving a gift to cement the relationships with your partners, colleagues and just friends.

b) Scan the text and find in what passage there is the information about

  • cross-culture differences

  • dangerous” gifts




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