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Essential Equipment

A pencil and pencil sharpener

Kneaded or white eraser

0.5” and 0.75” flat brushes (inexpensive synthetic brushes are fine)

Cold press 140 lb. watercolor paper (Arches or Winsor & Newton brands are good) or a bound watercolor journal

Watercolor tubes (Winsor & Newton and Sennelier are good quality) or pans of 8 or 16 colors (Prang or the Winsor & Newton travel set are good). These are the color tubes I use:

* Permanent alizarin crimson

**Cadmium red light or medium

Permanent rose * Ultramarine blue

** Pthalo (or Prussian) blue Cobalt blue

Cerulean blue Yellow ochre * Lemon yellow

** Aurelian yellow Burnt sienna Burnt umber

To start with just a few colors, use Triad 1 (*) for a bright palette and Triad 2 (**) for a versatile palette (see chapter 7, Color Mixing).

Portable drawing board

Clips or tape for securing paper onto the board

2 small water jars with watertight lids: one for mixing, one for cleaning

A portable watercolor palette for mixing colors (if using a paint box, you can mix on the inside of the cover)

Paper towels

Optional Equipment

Medium-size travel brushes with water reservoir in handle

Size 8 round brush

Bone folder


• Field stool

One 20” x 30” piece of watercolor paper can yield a variety of sizes to work with.

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