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Light shifts throughout the days and the seasons. Early morning sunrises and evening sunsets, when the sun is low in the sky, typically create warmer colors, while high noon tends to yield cooler colors that are punctuated by stark shadows. In the winter, the light has a yellow quality. In April, there is a clear glow, ethereal in the morning, as the salt crystals from the ocean rise to meet the sky.


From January through August, depending on the mix of spring rain and sun, you can witness a show of wildflowers in Point Reyes.

The bright orange splashes of California poppies and deep purple of Douglas iris are always a vivid surprise.

Coastal lupines—yellow, purple, and white—line the walking trails through the meadows. My favorites are the lavender ones as they stand against the backdrop of the ocean.

In a pasture of grass where cows graze off in the distance, the field appears to be all grass, but upon closer inspection, delicate little flowers are mixed in—worlds within worlds. They say that color can change your mood. Try sitting in a field of wildflowers in the spring and see how you feel.

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