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Unit 3 human-made hazards

Translate the definition in the writing form:

Anthropogenic hazards or human-made hazards can result in the form of a human-made disaster. In this case, anthropogenic means threats having an element of human intent, negligence, or error; or involving a failure of a human-made system. This is as opposed to natural hazards that cause natural disasters. Either can result in huge losses of life and property as well as damage to peoples' mental, physical and social well-being.

Word combinations to know:

governing authority

some form of penalty

private property

human-induced fires

law enforcement


mass outrage

armed conflict


руководящий орган форма штрафа частная собственность антропогенные пожары правоприменение безработица массовые возмущения вооруженный конфликт военные действия

Read and translate the Text A:

Sociological hazards

Crime is a breach of the lawfor which some (via thelegal systems) can ultimately prescribe aconvictionwhich will carry some form of penalty, such as imprisonment or a fine. At least in the view of the legislators, the criminal act will cause harm to other people. Modern societies generally regard crimes as offenses against the public or the state, distinguished fromtorts(offenses against private parties that can give rise to a civil cause of action).

Arson is the criminal intent of setting a firewith intent to cause damage. The definition of arson was originally limited to setting fire tobuildings, but was later expanded to include other objects, such asbridges,vehicles, andprivate property. Arson is the greatest recorded cause of fire. Some human-induced fires are accidental: failing machinery such as a kitchen stove is a major cause of accidental fires.

Civil disorder is a broad term that is typically used by law enforcement to describe forms of disturbance. Although civil disorder does not necessarily escalate to a disaster in all cases, the event may escalate into general chaos. Rioting has many causes, including large-scale criminal conspiracy, socioeconomic factors (unemployment, poverty), hostility between racial and ethnic groups and mass outrage over perceived moral and legal transgressions. Examples of well-known civil disorders and riots are the Poll Tax Riotsin theUnited Kingdomin 1990; the1992 Los Angeles riotsin which 53 people died; the2008 Greek riotsafter a 15-year-old boy was fatally shot by police; and the2010 Thai political protestsinBangkokduring which 91 people died.

Terrorism is a controversial term with varied definitions. One definition means a violent action targeting civilians exclusively. Another definition is the use or threatened use of violence for the purpose of creating fear in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological goal. Under the second definition, the targets of terrorist acts can be anyone, including civilians, government officials, military personnel, or people serving the interests of governments.

War is a conflict between relatively large groups of people, which involves physical force inflicted by the use of weapons. Warfare has destroyed entire cultures, countries, economies and inflicted great suffering on humanity. Other terms for war can include armed conflict, hostilities, and police action. Acts of war are normally excluded from insurance contracts and sometimes from disaster planning.

Write down 5 sociological hazards from the text, their causes and consequences:









Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Антропогенные опасности — это угрозы, источником которых является сам человек.

  2. К социальным источникам опасностей принадлежат опасности, вызванные низким духовным и культурным уровнем: бродяжничество, проституция, пьянство, алкоголизм, преступность и тому подобное.

  3. Неудовлетворительное материальное состояние, плохие условия существования, забастовки, конфликтные ситуации на межнациональной, этнической, расовой или религиозной почве провоцируют появление источников социальных опасностей.

  4. Терроризм – это политика и тактика террора, то есть совокупность особо жестких форм и средств политического насилия, которые используют террористы для достижения своих античеловеческих целей.

  5. Современные войны связаны с огромными людскими и материальными потерями, с небывалыми прежде разрушениями и бедствиями.

  6. 13 марта 2014 года в Донецке на массовом митинге произошли столкновения, результатом которых стала гибель нескольких людей и множество пострадавших.

Read and translate the Text B:

Word combinations to know:

severe accident

prevention of disasters

mitigation of disasters

engineering failure


power outage

health facilities

civil disorder

relief actions

human negligence


emergency preparedness

accessible emergency exits escape route

fire extinguisher

systems are abused

the release of hazardous substances


pipeline rupture

traffic collisions

fatally or seriously injured

oil spills

серьезная авария

предотвращение катастроф

уменьшение ущерба

инженерная ошибка

недостаточный запас прочности

прекращение подачи электроэнергии

помещения и оборудование медучреждений

общественные беспорядки

оказание помощи

халатность человека


подготовленность к чрезвычайной ситуации

доступные аварийные выходы

маршрут эвакуации


эксплуатировать систему с нарушением норм

выброс опасных веществ


разрыв трубопровода

столкновение транспорта на дороге

смертельно/серьезно травмированный

разлив нефти