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Environmental management

Environmental resource management is the management of the interaction and impact of human societies on the environment. Environmental resources management aims to ensure thatecosystem servicesare protected and maintained for future human generations, and also maintain ecosystem integrity through considering ethical, economic, and scientific (ecological) variables. Environmental resource management tries to identify factors affected by conflicts that rise between meeting needs and protecting resources. It is thus linked toenvironmental protectionandsustainability.

The three main issues that affect managers are those involving politics (networking), programs (projects), and resources (money, facilities, etc.). Environmental management is therefore not the conservation of the environment solely for the environment's sake, but rather the conservation of the environment for humankind's sake.

Environmental management involves the management of all components of the biophysical environment, both living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic). The environment also involves the relationships of the human environment, such as the social, cultural and economic environment with the biophysical environment.

As with all management functions, effective management tools, standards and systems are required. An environmental management standard or system or protocol attempts to reduce environmental impact as measured by some objective criteria. The ISO 14001 standard (ISO – International Standardization Organization – Международная организация стандартизации, МОС) is the most widely used standard for environmental risk management. Other environmental management systems (EMS) tend to be based on the ISO 14001 standard and many extend it in various ways.

Label the pictures and complete the table:

weakness, stomachache, burn, smog, skin rash, headache, disease/sickness, hole in the ozone layer, breathing problem, chemical reaction, acid rain, deafness.

Fill the table:

Effects of pollution on people

Effects of pollution on the environment

Verb form in if-clause

Verb form in result -clause

Meaning of if-clause




If + Simple Present

Simple present

Real and Possible situations at any time, but most commonly in present

1) situations that can occur at any time(more than once) and their results

2) general truths

3) general instruction

If you press this key, the game starts

If you boil water, it turns into steam

If you want to start, press the red button


If + Simple Present

Simple Future

Possible in the present or future

1) possible future events and their results

2) command

3) offer

4) warnings

If it rains, I will stay at home

If you come home late, don’t make noise

I’ll call the hotel if you don’t have time

I’ll call the police if you don’t leave now!


If + Simple Past


or + verb


. Impossible or not true in the present

. improbable in the future

. imaginary situations

1) improbable future event or situation

2) a hypothetical current situation which is contrary to known facts

3) giving advice

If I won a lottery, I would buy an island

If I knew the answer I would tell you

If I were you, I would see a doctor


If + Past Perfect


or + had + past participle



Impossible in the past

1) regret

2) criticism


If I had seen the red light, I would have stopped

If you had worked hard, you could have passed your exam

Learn the grammar: If-Sentences

Put the words in the correct order:

1. market it rained The have success a much street would if been hadn’t so …………………………………………………………………………..

2. cut would you look , If your better hair you


3. get stop Mary , stomach ache doesn’t If a she’ll eating

……………………………………………………………………… ………………

4. have the if hadn’t we yesterday We passed test wouldn’t revised grammar …………………………………………………………………………......

5. they die Thousands were of vaccinated children wouldn’t if

………………………………………………………………………………………6. enjoy out Adam if shy would he so going weren’t

………………………………………………………………………………………7. tickets we book will the advance sold in unless Most be of


8. better your see glasses You on would put if you ……………………………………………………………………………………….9. if meal tastier We got been cheaper so have had the wouldn’t and angry…………………………………………………………………………....

Decide the type of Conditional Sentences below:

1. You would pass your examination if you worked hard. (Type I/II/III)

2. If he eats too much, he’ll be ill. (Type I/II/III)

3. It would have been better if he had not gone there. (Type I/II/III)

4. If she were thirsty, she would drink water. (Type I/II/III)

5. You’ll succeed if you do as I tell you. (Type I/II/III)

6. If we left right away, we could be there in an hour. (Type I/II/III)

7. If today were Sunday, we would have not to work. (Type I/II/III)

8. I would have gone to the beach if yesterday had been a holiday. (Type I/II/III)

9. If he had learned the truth, his friend would have been very angry. (Type I/II/III)

10. If they marry, they will have happy family. (Type I/II/III)

Choose the meaning of conditional sentences:

1. Ruri: Why don’t you try to find a job in a factory? With the money you earn you can buy things that you need.

Vano: If I worked in a factory, I wouldn’t have much time to study.

  1. Vano works in a factory.

  2. Ruri allows Vano to work in a factory

  3. Vano didn’t worked in a factory

  4. Vano worked in a factory

  5. Vano doesn’t work in a factory.

2. Jaya: Why are you still here? Didn’t you tell me that you would go to Jakarta today?

Setiadi : I would have been in Jakarta if the bus had not got an accident.

  1. Setiadi is in Jakarta

  2. Setiadi went to Jakarta

  3. The bus was safe

d. Jaya went to Jakarta

e. The bus got an accident

  1. If we went to bed early every night, we wouldn’t be so tired all the time.

a. we go to bed early every night

b. we went to bed early every night

c. we went to bed so late every night

d. we didn’t go to bed so late at night

e. we go to bed so late every night

4. If I don’t go to class today, the teacher will have me write the poem ten times.

  1. the teacher has written the poem ten times

  2. the teacher will write the poem for me ten times

  3. I will have to write the poem ten times

  4. I have written the poem ten times

  5. I will ask the teacher to write the poem ten times.

5. I would let him know about the meeting if I knew his phone number.

  1. I know his phone number

  2. he knows about the meeting

  3. He knows nothing about the meeting

  4. I let him know the meeting

  5. I didn’t know his phone number

6. “Your drawing is very good”

“I could have done better if I _______ enough time”

a. have had

b. had

c. had had

d. will have had

e. would have

7. X : Why didn’t you buy those shoes? You seemed to like them.

Y : I would have if they had been cheaper.

a. I did buy the shoes

b. I was not against the price

c. The shoes were too expensive.

d. I looked for more expensive shoes.

e. The shoes were a bargain.

8. If my younger brother can have full fasting next Ramadhan month, my father……….

a. buys him a camera phone.

b. will buy him a camera phone

c. bought him a camera phone

d. would buy him a camera phone

e. had bought him a camera phone

9. “I didn’t know that Cindy was at home”. We can say that………….

a. If I did, I would come and see her.

b. If I had known, I would have come and seen her.

c. If I knew, I came and saw her.

d. If I have known, I have come and seen her.

e. If I know, I’ll come and see her.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. If he (try) hard, he would have found a job.

2. Andri could go shopping at Malioboro if he (be) in Yogyakarta.

3. If she (save) her money, she will be able to go on a vacation.

4. I (forgive, not) Rahul if I were Anjeli.

5. If I (eat) breakfast several hours ago, I wouldn’t have been hungry now.

6. My father would be President of the company if he (get) promotion.

7. We (go) to the beach if the weather had been warm.

8. If the train (be) late, we won’t be able to see them.

9. If Tukul were not patient in going on this life, he (feel, not) how comfortable the couch in Empat Mata studio is.

10. I would give free talk time for all costumers if I (have) a hundred percent share in PT. Telkomsel.