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Unit 5 pollution

Words to know:


(to pollute, pollutant)



to release

to tear up










to call for

to refine




internal combustion engine

to exhaust

to poison

(poison, poisonous)

to disappear








['spI: ʃI:z]





['sju: Idჳ]



загрязнение (загрязнять, загрязнитель)

окружающая среда


освобождать, выпускать

рвать, изнашивать

место свалки

плохое обращение; злоупотребление

пáхотный (земля)

вид, род, порода млекопитающее жив-ое

вымирание (рода)

завоевывать, покорять



вызывать, быть причиной

усовершенствовать сточные воды

очищать, очистка водохранилище

двигатель внутреннего сгорания

выпускать (газ, пар)


(яд, ядовитый)



Read and translate the Text A:

Nature pollution

For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment. Nature has served Man, and it seemed that natural riches were unlimited. We have upset nature’s sensitive equilibrium releasing harmful substances into the air, polluting rivers and oceans with industrial waste and tearing up the countryside to accommodate rubbish. The most important problems in this field are: the environmental pollution, ozone layer depletion, diminishing water resources.

Pollution covers many things which can happen to the land, in towns and the country, because of our activities. The progress of mankind has turned into the threat to its health and life. The environmental pollution is called for the numerous industrial, chemical enterprises, which do not refine their wastes and in emergency cases have no sewage purification, the result of which is the pollution of reservoirs and water basins.

Rubbish tips, dumped poisonous chemicals, broken cars, thrown away bottles and dropped sweet papers are types of land pollution. Some types of land pollution except they are just unpleasant to look at, can be dangerous to people and to animals. Faun animals injure themselves on old tins and bottles. Young children are sometimes hurt while playing in broken – down cars. Small animals crawl into bottles and die because they cannot get out. Poisoned soil can make animals and people very ill.

The problem of ozone depletion is also of great importance for the people. There is the urgent need to protect the Earth’s ozone layer. In this connection the international Protocol to protect the ozone layer was worked out by 35 countries in Montreal, Canada in 1987.

One of the sources of environmental pollution is automobile transport. The internal combustion engines which work on oil fuel exhaust a lot of harmful gases. The main task here is: to replace the conventional gasoline powered engines with pollution-free electrical ones. Moreover, the oil supplies are not unlimited and the people will have to look for other sources of energy. By this it is necessary to remember that the most important problems for protection of nature are the nuclear power stations.

There are many consequences of damaging the environment: acid rain, water shortage resulting from abuse of arable lands in agriculture, damage to wild-life. According to the International Union for the Protection of Nature 76 species of animals and some hundred species of plants have disappeared from the planet in the course of the last 60 years. 132 mammal and 26 bird species face extinction not so much due to hunting as due to the pollution of the biosphere.

In 1952 many people died in London as a result of air pollution. This pollution came from coal fires in fire-places and from power stations. It combined with the winter fog to form poisonous smog. Vast forests are cut and burnt in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

By now the pollution and poisoning of the soil, water and air have reached a critical level. Environmental pollution has become a significant obstacle to economic growth. The discharge of dust and gas into the atmosphere returns to the Earth in the form of “acid rains” and affects crop, the quality of forests, the amount of fish. To this can be added the rise of chemicals, radioactivity, noise and other types of pollution. Our duty is to help to prevent it.

Sum up the information from the text using following tips:

  1. the most important problems of environment;

  2. the reasons of environmental pollution;

  3. the problem of ozone layer depletion and its prevention;

  4. the task of preventing oil fuel exhaustion by automobile transport.

Translate into English:

  1. Природа обеспечивает человека своими ресурсами, если человек живет в гармонии с окружающей средой.

  2. Огромное количество сломанных и выброшенных вещей могут испортить экологическое состояние земли.

  3. Выброс вредных газов в атмосферу отрицательно влияет на состояние окружающей среды и здоровье человека.

  4. Люди нарушают равновесие в природе, выбрасывая вредные вещества в воздух, воду и почву.

  5. Бытовые и промышленные отходы наносят вред природе.

  6. В результате деятельности человека происходит загрязнение окружающей среды.

  7. Различные типы загрязнения не только неприятны на вид, но и опасны.

  8. Люди и животные, подвергающиеся воздействию загрязнителей, могут болеть и даже умирать.

  9. Из-за загрязнения биосферы многие виды животных и птиц исчезли.

  10. Бурная деятельность человека нанесла непоправимый ущерб природе.

  11. В результате обширной вырубки лесов нарушился кислородный баланс.

  12. Отравление почвы, воды, воздуха стало значительным препятствием экономического роста.

  13. Следует предотвратить загрязнение окружающей среды вредными газами, химикатами и радиоактивными веществами.

Watch the video about Land, Air and Water Pollution (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP3pbh_-pu8):

Read and translate the Text B: