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Аракин 4 КЛЮЧИ Дилетто

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1."Some people prefer only classical music and find contemporary music to be cocaphony." "Stop being conservative," say others. "We need something 'far out' to shock the audience."

Which side do you agree?

Composer A. Ribnikov says: "Ours is an age of great technological progress and accompanying emotional stress, which requires new forms of expression in music."

Can his opinion help you formulate your answer?

2.As you know composers sometimes arrange (transcribe) music which is written for one group of instruments and apply it to another.

One brilliant transcription is R. Schedrin's approach to G. Bizet Carmen in which he uses only string and percussion groups, thus adding to the music the incomparable colour range and bringing the 19th century music into the present day.

What other examples of transcription do you know and what is your opinion of this art?

3.Many modern composers and performers change the sound of live instruments by making technical adjustment (for example "prepared piano"1) a) What other examples of changing instruments do you know and do you find such change necessary? b) Will musicians have to sell their instruments in order to pay for tuition as engineers?

4.In the opinion of D. Kabalevski there are two kinds of beauty in the world. One is passed on from generation to generation, the other is temporary. The most important thing is to differentiate between them. In order to do this one needs to develop taste which is acquired first of all through the study of established classics. How is your opinion different from that of D. Kabalevski?

7. When you criticize you normally try to find faults rather than virtues, but it certainly does not exclude the expressions of virtue. Read the following dialogue where the characters make comments about themselves and others. Note down the expressions in bold type. Be ready to use them in dialogues in class:

Liz and Michael on the way home from a jazz concert.

Michael: Perhaps you might consider me a bit of a fanatic about jazz ... but that was a fantastic concert, wasn't it?

Liz: I'm not exactly — how shall I say? I suppose I'm not crazy about jazz, and the melodies were hard to follow. Could you perhaps help me to understand it better?

Michael: I've tried to help many people... I've done my best to open a jazz club, so

I've become quite good at interpreting jazz, though I had no one to rely on. Anyway, in the first place there are two elements in jazz. One is the playing of instruments so that they sound like the half-shouted, half-sung blues of Negro folksong. The other is the steady, unchanging 1-2-3-4


1 "prepared piano" involves stuffing the inside of the piano with a variety of paraphernalia, including units and bolts in order to alter the normal piano timbre.

beat initiated from the French military marching music the blacks heard in New Orleans where jazz was born around 1900.

Liz: Well, I'm an easy-going person really unless of course you start discussing jazz. Then I'm a bit vicious. Basically I'm receptive to any music that has harmony and melody. That's me. But I didn't even recognize any of the tunes, though I have heard some jazz music before.

Michael: Well, that's riot surprising, since another important feature of jazz is "improvisation" or "making it up as you go along", therefore tunes can sound different each time you hear them.

Liz: Well, I think I've kept myself —- yes, I've kept myself respectable — that's the word I'd use — respectable and dignified on my appreciation of jazz. The musicians played with great skill and speed. And when they improvised they played a completely new variation of the basic tune every time.

Michael: Absolutely. That's one of the greatest thrills of a jazz session. Tunes are not the most important feature of jazz. It's not the composer but the performer who makes a good piece of jazz. In fact it's almost impossible to write down much of a jazz in musical notes!

Liz: In that case jazz is rather elicit and separate from other kinds of misic, if only the performer knows what's being played. I say, get rid of these thugs who call themselves professional musicians — get rid of them.

Michael: Professional or not, you leave the musician out' of it for a while/As for jazz, it has influenced many kinds of music, particularly pop which still borrows from jazz its beat, its singing style and its improvisation.

Liz: You shouldn't be asking me what I think of jazz... But what I think of rock music... this music is a mess.

Michael: But how do you explain the fact that hurfdreds and thousands of young people simply go mad over rock music? For example, I listened to Shubert's messes. I'm not saying that I didn't understand them. As a matter of fact I enjoyed listening to them. But music like that isn't able to give me anything new, whereas rock music feels a thousand times nearer, more immediate.

Liz: No, Michael, I'm unable to understand it. And that's probably my main fault, I should say. Then... Professional musicians are always neatly dressed... But heavy metal rock players! Well... you'd have to see them to believe it. There is only one hope for it — a special section (department) for rock music at the Composer's Union that will do something about the situation.

Michael: So you're the sort of ordinary decent person who wants to restore the position ot classical music.

Liz: Yes and no... But I'll let you have the last word on jazz and I'll stick to my own opinion on rock.

1.Have you ever been to a live jazz concert/rock music concert? What is your impression of them?

2.Do you agree with all that is said in the dialogue? In what statements concerning jazz or rock music do you find the criticism appropriate?

8. When criticising someone, describe, don't judge. Always focus on, tad confine criticism to observable behaviour.

For instance, telling your pupil who is not practising his music "Of late you've been practising less than usual and we need you in the concert" is more likely to encourage practice than snapping "You are irresponsible and lazy. Practise more from now on."

a) Below are statements about music which express different opinions. Imagine that they are your opinions and change them into subjective arguments. (Use the expressions showing critisism.):

1."There is only one way to come to understand music by learning to play a musical instrument whether an external one like the piano or flute or by training the human voice to become an instrument."

2."However good recorded music might be, it can never really take the place of a live performance. To be present at an actual performance is half the enjoyment of music."

3."I find I have to defend jazz to those who say it is low class. As a matter of fact all music has low class origin, since it comes from folk music, which is necessarily earthly. After all Haydn minuets are only a refinement of simple, rustic German dances, and so are Beethoven scherzos. An aria from a Verdi opera can often be traced back to the simplest Neapolitan fisherman."

b)Team up with your partner who will be ready to give critical remarks on the statements given above. Use the cliches expressing criticism.

c)As a group, now decide which event you will all attend together. When giving your criticism try to be honest, but tactful.

9. Group work. Discuss the effect of rode music on young people. After a proper discussion each group presents its critical remarks. First read this:

There are world-wide complaints about the effect of rock. Psychologists say that listening to rock music results in "escapism" (abandoning social responsibilities). They also add that some rock rftiislc (for example certain heavy metal songs) affect young people like drugs. There are well-known cases of antisocial and amoral behaviour on the part of young "music addicts". How cfo you feel about this opinion?

10. Most of the expressions which you found in the dialogue (Ex. 7) are used to criticise something or somebody.

Below is a review of the Russian Festival of Music hi which a Scottish journalist extolls the virtues of Russian music, a) Read the text and note down any useful expressions in giving a positive appraisal of music,

b) Discuss the text with your partner.

A Feast of Russian Arts

The strong and impressive Russian theme at this year's Edinburgh Festival commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.

The festival opened on August 9 with three giant companies, the Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and Leningrad's Gorky Drama Theatre, and the spectacular young traditional folk music and dance group Siverko, from the arctic city of Arkhangelsk.

Other musicians in the first week included the Bolshoi Sextet, and the final week sees the arrival of the Shostakovich Quartet.

The first of the four programmes by the Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, in an Usher Hall draped with garlands, was a fascinating demonstration of Russian tone quality and Russian interpretation. After the two national anthems the rustling, atmospheric opening movement of the suite from Rimsky-Korsakov's Invisible City ofKitezh, with some particularly expressive strands of oboe tone, was sufficiently promising to make the thought of even a familiar piece of Tchaikovsky seem exciting.

Nobody, at any rate, could have called the Rimsky familiar. Though it was performed in an arrangement by Maximilian Steinberg, this did not prevent the brazen battle scene, with its ferocious side-drum, from being a sensational display of Russian strength, or the woodwind passages in other movements from being an exquisite display of Russian sweetness.

The account of the symphony was quite remarkable. It was played with thrilling velocity (yet with sufficient breathing-space where Tchaikovsky asked for it), with beautifully characterized woodwind, keenly defined textures and a penchant for highlighting inner parts, especially if they happened to involve the horns. The conductor, Mark Ermler was more in his element in Tchaikovsky's fifth symphony.

Whether or not one actually liked the horn tune was beside the point. It was authentically Russian, and though, at the start of the slow movement, it sounded like an amplified saxophone, its eloquence was not to be gainsaid. In small details — such as the effect of the cellos and basses doing entirely different things at points in the finale — just as in the symphony's grand design, this was a stunning performance and perhaps, after all, a Festival event.

What one did expect and received was a performance of massive vocal integrity and a grand convincing enunciation of the music by Irina Arkhipova, with a recurring arm movement — hand stretched towards the audience.

In the event, the curtains of the Playhouse Theatre opened to reveal a company that were the epitome of everything we have come to expect from a Russian folk dance group — vast numbers, and endless variety of colourful and beautifully-embroided costumes, and — most important of all — boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm. The musicians, all extremely accomplished, performed on zither and some remarkable varieties of shawm.

It all finished with the entire company lined up in front of the stage singing Auld Lang Syne — a characteristically warmhearted gesture to end a programme that was irresistibly good-natured, impeccably presented, skilfully performed, entertaining and enjoyable — and which left the audience clamouring insatiably for more.

(From: "The Scotsman," August 11, 1987)

11. Group discussion. Discuss the rote of music in Russia. After a proper discussion each group presents brief information on music ufe in Russia. Consider the following:

1. Russian music of the 18th and 19th centuries.

2.Music of the 30s-40s.

3.Contemporary music.

12. Do some library research and write an essay on:

The development of music in the multinational countries (Russia, the USA, Canada).

Unit Five



By H. Munro

Hector Munro (pseudonym Saki, 1870-1916) is a British novelist and a short-story writer. He is best known for his short stories. Owing to the death of his mother and his father's absence abroad he was brought up during childhood, with his elder brother and sister, by a grandmother and two aunts. It seems probable that their stem род and unsympathetic methods account for Munro's strong dislike of anything that smacks иметь привкус of the conventional традиционный and the self-righteous самодовольный. He satirized things that he hated. Munro was killed on the French front during the first world war.

In her Biography of Saki Munro's sister writes: "One of Munro's aunts, Augusta, was a woman of ungovernable необузданный temper, of fierce неприятный, лютый likes and dislikes пристрастия и предубеждения, imperious властный, a moral coward,

possessing владение no brains worth speaking of, and a primitive

disposition манера." Naturally the last person who should have been in charge заведующий of children. The character of the aunt in The Lumber-Room is Aunt Augusta to the life.

The children were to be driven, as a special treat угощение, to the sands at Jagborough. Nicholas was not to be one of the party группа; he was in disgrace быть в опале. Only that morning he had refused to eat his wholesome полезный bread-and-milk on the seemingly frivolous легкомысленный ground that there was a frog in it. Older and wiser and better people had told him that there could not possibly be a frog in his bread-and-milk and that he was not to talk nonsense; he continued, nevertheless, to talk what seemed the veriest nonsense, and described with much detail the coloration and marking of the alleged подозреваемый, утверждаемый frog. The dramatic part of the incident was that there really was a frog in Nicholas's basin of bread-and-milk; he had put it there himself, so he felt entitled давать право to know something about it. The sin грех of taking a frog from the garden and putting it into a bowl of wholesome bread-and-milk was enlarged on распространяться at great length, but the fact that stood out clearest in the whole affair, as it presented itself to the mind of Nicholas, was that the older, wiser, and better people had been proved to be profoundly in error in matters about which they had expressed the utmost assurance убеждѐнность.

"You said there couldn't possibly be a frog in my bread-and-milk; there was a frog in my bread-and-milk," he repeated, with the insistence of a skilled tactitian тактик who does not intend to shift перемещаться from favourable ьлагоприятный ground.

So his boy-cousin and girl-cousin and his quite uninteresting younger brother were to be taken to Jagborough sands that afternoon and he was to stay at home. His cousins'

aunt, who insisted, by an unwarranted необоснованный stretch напряжение of imagination, in styling называя herself his aunt also, had hastily поспешно, орпометчиво invented the Jagborough expedition in order to impress on Nicholas the delights удовольствие that he had justly forfeited поплатиться by his disgraceful недостойное conduct at breakfast-table. It was her habit, whenever one of the children fell from grace приличие, to improvise something of a

festival nature from which the offender would be rigorously сурово debarred лишѐн, if all the children sinned согрешить collectively they were suddenly informed of a circus in a neighbouring town, a circus of unrivalled не имеющий себе равных merit заслуга and uncounted elephants, to which, but for their depravity порочность, they would have been taken that very day.

A few decent приличный tears-were looked for on the part of Nicholas when the moment for the departure of the expedition arrived. As a matter of fact, however, all the crying was done by his girl-cousin, who scraped her knee rather painfully against the step of the carriage as she was scrambling вскарабкиваться in.

"How did she howl выть," said Nicholas cheerfully as the party drove off without any of the elation приподнятое настроение of high spirit that should have characterized it.

"She'll soon get over пережить that," said the aunt, "it will be a glorious чудесный afternoon for racing about over those beautiful sands. How they will enjoy themselves!"

"Bobby won't enjoy himself much, and he won't race much either," said Nicholas with a grim мрачный chuckle; "his boots are hurting him. They're too tight."

"Why didn't he tell me they were hurting?" asked the aunt with some asperity


"He told you twice, but you weren't listening. You often don't listen when we tell you important things."

"You are not to go into the gooseberry крыжовник garden," said the aunt, changing the subject.

"Why not?" demanded Nicholas.

"Because you are in disgrace наказан," said the aunt loftily надменно.

Nicholas did not admit the flawlessness безупречность of the reasoning; he felt perfectly capable of being in disgrace and in a gooseberry garden at the same moment. His face took an expression of considerable obstinacy. It was clear to his aunt that he was determined to get into the gooseberry garden, "only," as she remarked to herself, "because I have told him he is not to."

Now the gooseberry garden had two doers созидатель by which it might be entered, and once a small person like Nichplas could slip in there he could effectually disappear from view amid the masking growth растительность of artichokes, raspberry canes малинник, and fruit bushes. The aunt had many other things to do that afternoon, but she spent an hour or two in trivial gardening operations among flowerbeds and shrubberies кустарниик, whence откуда she could keep a watchful бдительный eye on the two

doors that led to forbidden paradise. She was a woman of few ideas, with immense огромный power of concentration.

Nicholas made one or two sorties вылазка into the front garden, wriggling изгибаться his way with obvious stealth хитрость of purpose towards one or other of the doors, but never able for a moment to evade ускользать the aunt's watchful eye. As a matter of fact, he had no intention of trying to get into the gooseberry garden, but it was extremely convenient for him that his aunt should believe thaе he had; it was a belief that would keep her on self-imposed возложенный на самого себя sentry караульный-

duty for the greater part of the afternoon. Having thoroughly совершенно con-

firmed and fortified

укреплять her suspicions, Nicholas slipped back into the

house and rapidly put into

execution a plan of action that had long germinated

порождѐн in his brain. By standing on a chair in the library one could reach a shelf on which reposed покоиться a fat, important-looking key. The key was as

important as it looked; it was the instrument which kept the mysteries таинственность of the lumber-room чулан secure from unauthorized неправомочный intrusion вторжение, which opened a way only for aunts

and such-like privileged persons. Nicholas had not had much experience of the art of fitting keys into keyholes and turning locks, but for some days past he had practised with the key of the school-room door; he did not believe in trusting too much to luck and accident. The key turned stiffly туго in the lock, but it, turned. The door opened, and Nicholas was in an unknown land, compared with which the gooseberry garden was a stale избитый delight, a явный mere material pleasure.

* * *

Often and often Nicholas had pictured to himself what the lumber-room might be like, that region страна that was so carefully sealed запечатан from youthful eyes and concerning относительно which no questions were ever answered. It

came up доходить to his expectations ожидание. In the first place it was large and dimly lit, one high window opening on to the forbidden garden being its only source of illumination. In the second place it was a storehouse of unimagined treasure. The aunt-by-assertion утверждение was one of those people who think that

things spoil by use and consign отправлять them to dust and damp by way of preserving them. Such parts of the house as Nicholas knew best were rather bare and cheerless, but here there were wonderful things for the eyes to feast on любоваться. First and foremost самый выдающийся there was a piece of framed tapestry гобелен that was evidently meant to be a fire-screen каминный экран. To Nicholas it was a living breathing story; he sat down on a roll of Indian hangings драпировки, glowing in

wonderful colour beneath внизу a layer слой of dust and took in all the details of the tapestry picture гобелен. A man, dressed in the hunting costume of some remote отдалѐнный period, had just transfixed пронзать a stag with олень an arrow стрела, it could not have been a difficult shot because the stag was only one or two paces шага away from him; in the thickly густо growing vegetation that the picture suggested предлагать it would not have been difficult to creep up подкрадываться to a feeding stag, and the two spotted пятнистая dogs that were springing forward to join in the chase

преследование had evidently been trained to keep to heel till the arrow стрела was discharged освобождѐн. That part of the picture was simple, if interesting, but did the

huntsman охотник see, what Nicholas saw, that four galloping wolves were coming in his direction through the wood? There might be more than four of them hidden behind the trees, and in any case would the man and his dogs be able to cope совладать with four wolves if they made an attack? The man had only two arrows стрела left in his quiver колчан, and he might miss with one or both of them; all one всѐ равно knew about his skill искусство in shooting was that he could hit a large stag at a ridiculously short range предел. Nicholas sat for many golden minutes revolving обдумывая the possibilities of the scene; he was inclined расположен to think thai there were more than four wolves and that the man and his dogs were in a tight corner чѐткозагнан в угол.

But there were other objects of delight and interest claiming требующий his instant attention: there were quaint причудливый twisted изгибающийся candlesticks подсвечник in the shape of snakes змея, and. a teapot fashioned like a china

duck, out of whose open beak клюв the tea was supposed to come. How dull скучный and shapeless the nurseryдетский teapot seemed in comparison! Less promising in appearance was a large square book with plain black covers; Nicholas peeped заглянуть into it, and, behold замечать, it was full of coloured pictures of birds. And such birds! A whole portrait gallery of undreamed-of creatures. And as he was admiring the colouring of the mandarin duck and assigning определять a lifehistory to it, the voice of his aunt came from the gooseberry garden without снаружи. She had grown suspicious at his long disappearance, and had leapt прыгать to tied сonclusion that he had climbed over the wall behind the sheltering прикрытый screen

ширма of lilac bushes; she was now engaged привлечѐн in energetic and rather hopeless search for him among the artichokes and raspberry canes


"Nicholas, Nicholas!" she screamed, "you are to come out of this at once. It's no use trying to hide there; I can see you all the time."

It was probably the first time for twenty years that any one had smiled in that lumberroom.

Presently вскоре the angry repetitions of Nickolas‘ name gave way to a shriek, and a cry for somebody to come quickly. Nicholas shut the book, restored it carefully

возвращать на прежнее место to its place in a corner, and shook some dust from a neighbouring pile куча of newspapers over it. Then he crept ползти from the room, locked the door, and replaced the key exactly where he had found it. His aunt was still

calling his name when he sauntered прогуливаться into the front garden. "Who's calling?" he asked.

"Me," came the answer from the other side of the wall; "didn't you hear me? I've been looking for you in the gooseberry garden, and I've slipped into the rain-water tank цистерна. Luckily there's no water in it, but the sides are slippery and I can't get out.

Fetch сходить за the little ladder верѐвочная лестница from under the cherry tree —"

"I was told I wasn't to go into the gooseberry garden," said Nicholas promptly.

"I told you not to, and now I tell you that you may," came the voice from the rainwater tank, rather impatiently.

"Your voice doesn't sound like aunt's," objected Nicholas; "you may be the Evil One tempting me to be disobedient. Aunt often tells me that the Evil One tempts me and that I always yield сдаваться. This time I'm not going to yield."

"Don't talk nonsense," said the prisoner in the tank; "go and fetch the ladder." "Will there be strawberry jam for tea?" asked Nicholas innocently.

"Certainly there will be," said the aunt, privately про себя resolving решая that Nicholas should have none of it.

"Now I know that you are the Evil One and not aunt," shouted Nicholas gleefully ликующе; "when we asked aunt for strawberry jam yesterday she said there wasn't any. I

know there are four jars банка of it in the store запас cupboard буфет, because I looked, and of course you know it's there, but she doesn't because she said there wasn't any. Oh, Devil, you have sold надуть yourself!" There was an unusual sense of luxury

большое удовольствие in being able to talk to an aunt as though one was

talking to the Evil One, but Nicholas knew, with, childish discernment проницательность, that such luxuries were not to be over-indulged

злоупотреблять in. He walked noisily сопя away, and it was a kitchen-maid, in search of parsley петрушка, who eventually в конце концов rescued вызволить the aunt from the rain-water tank.

Tea that evening was partaken отведать of in a fearsome грозный silence. The tide волна had been at its highest when the children had arrived at Jagborough Cove бухточка, so there had been no sands to play on — a circumstance that the aunt had

overlooked не учесть in the haste спешке of organizing her punitive карательный expedition. The tightness of Bobby's boots had had disastrous гибельный effect on his temper the whole of the afternoon, and altogether the children could not

have been said to have enjoyed themselves. The aunt maintained сохранять

the frozen muteness немота of one who has suffered undignified недостойно and unmerited незаслеженный detention арест in a rain-water tank for thirty-five minutes. As for Nicholas, he, too, was silent, in the absorption погружѐнность of one who has much to think about; it was just possible, he considered, that the huntsman would escape with his hounds гончая while the wolves feasted пировать on the stricken поражѐнный stag.


1.Older and wiser and better people had told him that there could not possibly пожалуй нельзя be a frog in his bread-and-milk.1 How can I possibly могу возможно do it? Do it if you possibly can если осилишь. The child couldn't possibly возможно не сможет have done it alone.

2.She was a woman of few ideas, with immense power of concentration.

She was a woman of few words.

She has aiwas been a woman of fashion.

He is a man of property.

3. a) ... there was a piece of tapestry that was evidently meant to be подразумеваться a fire-screen.

The door is meant to be used in case of emergency. He was meant to be an artist.

b) They were meant предназначен for each other. Are these flowers meant for me?

What I said wasn't meant for your ears.

4. That part of the picture was simple if хотя interesting. That part of the play was entertaining забавный if long. The concert was enjoyable if loud.

The dress was unattractive if new.

Phrases and Word Combinations

to be in disgrace быть в немилости

to describe with much detail (in great detail) описывать подробно as a matter of fact фактически, на самом деле

to picture to oneself (literary) представлять себе, воображать

to come up to one's expectation (BE), to meet one's expectations (AE) отвечать ожиданиям, удовлетворять требованиям, соответствовать, подходить

in the first (second, last) place во-первых

to open on to (smth) (of a window, door) вести, открываться на

to be one pace (mile) away from smb or smth на шаг (милю) дальше от to change the subject переменить тему разговора

(for) the greater part of the day (the time; the year; of one's time) (more literary)

большая часть

(to look, to come, etc.) in one's direction/in the direction of по направлению к to be inclined to do smth быть склонным, расположенным делать что-л.

to be in a tight corner (spot) быть в трудном положении

to claim one's attention требовать к себе чьего-л. внимания in comparison with в сравнении с

to be in search of smb or smth быть в поисках in one's haste of (doing) smth делать впопыхах

1 The pattern is mostly used in interrogative and negative sentences.


1. shift перемещаться; передвигаться vt/i to change the place, position or direction of, e. g. The boy shifted from one foot to the other. He kept on shifting his plate on the table until his mother looked at him. The wind has shifted to the west.

to shift the blame on to smb else перекладывать ответственность на кого-то другого to make another person bear the blame, e. g. Don't try to shift the blame onto me. It's not my fault.