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4.1. Structure Drills 1.doc
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Would it be all right if ...

PEG 263

A: I'd like you to go today.

  1. B: Would you mind if I went tomorrow instead?

    (Would you mind if I go is also possible, but the past tense is better after would.

    Do you mind if I go is also possible, but more casual. Would you mind is more polite.)

  2. B: Would it be all right if I went tomorrow instead?

I'd like you to ... today.

  1. leave

  2. ring the Smiths

  3. tell Jack

  4. pay the bill

  5. write to Mary

  6. send the cheque

  7. buy the tickets

  8. begin

  9. report it

  10. mend it

  11. make the cake

  12. change the wheel

  13. check the brakes

  14. renew your licence

  15. do your packing

  16. book the seats

  17. decide

  18. move out

  19. make the inventory

  20. settle the account

99 Expressions of preference: would rather / would prefer to

PEG 297

A: Would you like to go with Peter or with Paul?

  1. B: I'd rather go with Paul.

  2. B: I'd prefer to go with Paul.

A: Would you like to fry it or grill it?

  1. B: I'd rather grill it.

  2. B: I'd prefer to grill it.

Would you like to ...

  1. have supper at home or go out to supper?

  2. join a nine o'clock class or an eleven o'clock class?

  3. drive or fly?

  4. pay cash or by cheque?

  5. marry a poor man or a rich man?

  6. stay at home after marriage or go out to work?

  7. write to him or ring him?

  8. eat it raw or cook it?

  9. watch cricket or tennis?

  10. see a film or a play?

  11. buy one or borrow one?

  12. leave today or tomorrow?

  13. ask Tom or ask Jack?

  14. earn money or spend it?

  15. see the film first or read the book first?

  16. wash them at home or take them to the launderette?

  17. explain it in French or English?

  18. queue for a bus or look for a taxi?

  19. drive or be driven?

  20. live 35 floors up or nearer the ground?

100 Expressions of preference: I would rather you + past tense

and I would prefer you + infinitive

PEG 297

A: Can I go by air? (train)

  1. B: I'd rather you went by train.

  2. B: I'd prefer to go by train..

  1. Can I by a big dog? (small dog)

  2. Shall I phone you when you're away? (write to me)

  3. Can I study sociology at the university? (mathematics)

  4. Shall I toss the pancake? (turn it with a knife)

  5. Shall I put the money under the mattress? (put it in the bank)

  6. Can I hang the washing out of the window? (hang it on the line)

  7. Can we speak French at meals? (English)

  8. Can I pay by cheque? (pay cash)

  9. Can I settle the account tomorrow? (today)

  10. Can I climb alone? (with a guide)

  11. Shall I leave the key in the lock? (under the mat)

  12. Shall I adjust the brakes myself? (ask the garage to do it)

  13. Can I join the demonstration? (stay at home)

  14. Shall I complain to the manager? (say nothing)

  15. Shall I let the phone ring? (answer it)

  16. Shall I leave the light on? (turn it off)

  17. Can I wear jeans to Ann's party? ( a suit)

  18. Shall I cut my own hair? (go to a hairdresser)

  19. Can I drive fast? (slowly)

  20. Shall I send it by ordinary post? (register it)