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2.1.27.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.What is the pious claim for all?

2.What may the exams be a good test of?

3.What can they tell you about person’s true ability and aptitude?

4.When may your whole future be decided?

5.Who can give of his best at the exam after a sleepless night?

6.What happens when a child begins school?

7.\What should a good education train you among other things?

8.How do examinations motivate the student to read?

9.Why are the students induced cramming?

10.How are the teachers judged?

11.What do they train their students instead of teaching subjects? 12.How are the most successful candidates educated?

13.What techniques are they trained in?

14.Under what conditions do the examiners work?

15.When do you have the right of appeal?

16.What is the best comment on the exam system on author’s opinion?

2.1.28. Закончите предложения в соответствие с содержанием текста:

1.Testing person's knowledge and ability remains …..

2.The educationist couldn’t devise anything …..

3.It is common knowledge that exams …..

4.The exams are probably a good means …..

5.They can’t tell you anything …..

6.Very much depends on …..

7.When it is an exam it doesn’t matter if ….

8.It is impossible to do your best if …..

9.In the world of competition the success or failure ….

10.Can you be surprised at the increasing number …..

11.The students should memorise things according to ….

12.Examinations motivate the students …..

13.The standards of teaching go down because …..

14.The best candidates are usually …..

15.The results of the exams are really …..

16.Examiners are human beings; they also …..

17.There should be some more effective …..

18.One of the failed candidates wrote …..

2.1.29.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Что является главной целью образования?


2.Они пичкают детей знаниями, но не учат думать самостоятельно.

3.Ты умеешь напряжённо работать?

4.Я думаю, книга точно там, где ты её оставил.

5.Твоё будущее зависит от результатов экзаменов.

6.Они устали и проголодались, поэтому делают ошибки.

7.Ему не удалось придти домой в обычное время.

8.Он провалил все свои экзамены.

9.Мы не поверили его заявлению, что он отсутствовал в офисе в это время.

10.Если ты не можешь выдержать этого напряжения, лучше уходи сразу. 11.У неё низкое давление?

12.Я почувствовал их беспокойство по поводу его приезда.

13.Он напишет эту статью именно потому, что эта проблема очень важна сейчас.

14.Многие люди в мире лишены возможности получить высшее образование.

15.Мне понравился этот дом, но пойди посмотреть и решай сам. 16.Школы оцениваются по результатам экзаменов.

2.1.30.Сформулируйте основную мысль каждого абзаца.

2.1.31.Составьте аннотацию текста.

2.1.32.Перескажите текст по ключевым словам:

Methods of testing; efficient and reliable; examinations; fateful day; to be in moral terror; a world of competition; defined and measured;

train to think; to be encouraged; motivate; standards of teaching; exam techniques; examiners; make mistakes; illiterate message.

2.1.33. Прочитайте диалог. Выучите его и разыграйте парами со своим сокурсником:

A:Have you seen the new girl in our group?

B:No. What is she?

A:I forgot her name.

B:Is she from around here?

A:No. She has lived in India with her parents for many years. She entered the university there. But then they came back to Russia.

B:Does she speak English well?

A:Yes, she does. And more important she is beautiful. B. How old is she?

A:She is eighteen, I think. She has lovely eyes.

B:How do you know so much about her?


A:I saw her and I really wanted to get to know her. So when someone asked her about herself, I listened. She had to come here because her parents are from our town.

B:I would meet her. Could you remember her name?

A:Oh, yes. Her name is Ann. Will you do me a favour?

B:Sure. What is it? You don’t want me to ask her if she’ll go out on a date with you, do you?

A:No way. But maybe I should ask for myself.

2.1.34. Прокомментируйте следующие высказывания:

1. To know everything is to know nothing..

2. Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. 3. Only the educated are free.

4. A little learning is dangerous thing.

5. The best education in the world is that by struggling to get a living. 6. It is only the ignorant who despise education.

2.1.35. Опишите ситуацию или разыграйте диалог с сокурсником, используя высказывания из предыдущего упражнения. Ситуация: Вы встречаете своего бывшего одноклассника, который не хочет продолжать образование. Приведите аргументы в пользу получения высшего образования.

Раздел 2.2.

2.2.1. Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:

imagine v

воображать, представлять себе



определённо, ясно, точно

put up with


терпеть, мириться

bind (bound,bound) v

связывать, обязывать

aim n


прицел, цель, намерение



передовой, первейший, самый главный








впихивать, набивать, фаршировать



отделять, изолировать




предлагать, представляться (о случае)

extra-curricular a

вне расписания







соперничество, конкуренция




воспитывать, поощрять




присущий, правильный, приличный







содействие, вклад




разгонять, рассеивать









острый, пронзительный




узловатый, шишковатый




нечёсаный, неопрятный, небрежный




неудобный, затруднительный, неловкий




приводить в порядок, приспособлять



хорошо приспособленный






2.2.2. Прочитайте текст и скажите, какие аргументы выдвигает автор против раздельного обучения мальчиков и девочек в современной школе.


Imagine being asked to spend twelve or so years of your life in a society which consisted only of members of your own sex. How would you react? Unless there was something definitely wrong with you, you wouldn't be too happy about it, to say the least, It is all the more surprising therefore 5 that so many parents in the world choose to impose such abnormal conditions on their children - conditions which they themselves wouldn't put up with for one minute!

Any discussion of this topic is bound to question the aims of education. Stuffing children's heads full of knowledge is far from being foremost among them. One of the chief aims of education is to equip future citizens with all they require to take their place in adult society. Now adult society is made up of men and women, so how can a segregated school possibly offer the right sort of preparation for it? Anyone entering adult society after years of segregation can only be in for a shock.

A co-educational school offers children nothing less than a true version of society in miniature. Boys and girls are given the opportunity to get to know each other, to learn to live together from their earliest years! They are put in a position where they can compare themselves with each other in terms of academic ability, athletic achievement and many of the extra-curricular activities which are part of school life. What a practical advantage it is (to give just a small example) to be able to put on a school play in which the male parts will be taken by boys and the female parts by girls! What nonsense co-education makes of the argument that boys are cleverer than girls or vice-versa. When segregated, boys and girls are made to feel that they are a race apart. Rivalry between the sexes is fostered. In a coeducational school, everything falls into its proper place.

But perhaps the greatest contribution of co-education is the healthy attitude to life it encourages. Boys don't grow up believing that women are mysterious creatures - airy goddesses, more like book-illustrations to a fairy-tale, than human beings. Girls don't grow up imagining that men are romantic heroes. Years of living together at school dispel illusions of this kind. There are no goddesses with


freckles, pigtails, piercing voices and inky fingers. There are no romantic heroes with knobbly knees, dirty fingernails and unkempt hair. The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physical and emotional problems involved in growing up. These can better be overcome in a co-educational environment, Segregated schools sometimes provide the right conditions for sexual deviation. This is hardly possible under a co-educational system. When the time comes for the pupils to leave school, they are fully prepared to enter society as well-adjusted adults. They have already had years of experience in coping with many of the problems that face men and women.

2.2.3. Прочитайте следующие высказывания. Исправьте неверные высказывания в соответствие с содержанием текста:

1.The discussion of co-educational school is based on the question of the aims of education.

2.The main aim of education is to give much knowledge for the future profession.

3.Segregated school prepares children for life in the adult society.

4.Anyone from segregated school will fill well when they find themselves in the adult society.

5.A co-educational school is an adult society in miniature.

6.At a segregated school boys and girls have possibility to get to know each other.

7.At a segregated school children learn to live together from the earliest years.

8.Extra-curricular activities are part of adult life.

9.A co-educational school has got only disadvantages.

10.The main argument for the co-education is that boys are cleverer than girls or vice-versa.

11.The co-education makes boys and girls different races.

12. At the co-educational school girls grow up imagining that man are romantic heroes.

2.2.4.Заполните пропуски следующими словами:



be taken




the aims



proper goddesses


1.The discussion of this topic is bound to question ….. of education.

2.They choose to impose such abnormal …… on their children.

3.One of the chief aims of education is to equip future citizens with all they


4.They learn to live ….. from their earlier years.

5.They can compare themselves with each other in ….. of academic ability.

6.The male parts will ….. by boys and the female parts by girls.


7.In a co-educational school everything falls into its ….. place.

8.Years of living together at school dispel ….. of this kind.

9.There are no ….. with freckles.

10.The ….. stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physical and emotional problems.

11.Segregated schools sometimes ….. the right condition for sexual deviation. 12.When the time comes they are fully prepared to ….. society as …..adults.

2.2.5.Прокомментируйте следующие высказывания:

1.If you want to be successful you must look successful.

2.There is only one success – to spend your life in your own way.

3.All want to possess knowledge but few comparatively speaking are willing to pay the price.

4.Everybody is ignorant only on different subjects.

5.Most ignorance is possible to overcome. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.

6.Ignorance is the night of the mind but the night without moon or stars.

2.2.6.Назовите положительные стороны совместного обучения детей в школе.

2.2.7.Напишите 5-7 вопросов по содержанию текста и задайте их своим сокурсникам.

2.2.8.Сформулируйте основную мысль каждого абзаца.

2.2.9.Напишите краткую аннотацию текста, используя следующие словосочетания:

Imagine being asked; something definitely wrong; be too happy; the aims of education; full of knowledge; adult society; a true version; give the opportunity; compare themselves with; practical advantage; healthy attitude to life; dispel illusions; the right conditions; hardly possible; to be fully prepared to enter society; years of experience in; to copy with many problems; to face the problem.

Раздел 2.3.

2.3.1.Прочтите текст и определите его основную идею:

On April 21st 1,000 high school students will flock to Yale’s Old Campus. With their admission to the university just secured, it is their turn to be feted with everything from meetings with famous professors to pizza parties.


Admission season has just concluded, and it has been another record of the year. The big four – Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and Yale – all took less than 10% of their applicants for the first time ever. Harvard accepted just 7.1% of those who applied.

Explaining the absurd competition at the top is easy. A population bump has increased the college-aged cohort for the past 15 years just as higher percentages of students have decided to enter university. Add to that two other factors: an intensifying obsession with big-name colleges rather than the ones that are cheapest or nearest to home, and the big financial-aid packages at the best universities.

These trends have profoundly altered the selection process in lower ranks. Such universities as Bowdoin and Middlebury also saw low admission rates (18% each). It is now as hard to get into Bowdoin, says the college’s admission director, as it was to get into Princeton in the 70s. That has boosted the cachet of what used to be “safety schools”.

Rarer in lower tires, though, are good financial-aid programmes. Fees will be an even bigger worry as the sub-prime mess savages family finances. And lenders are now unable to raise cash in uneasy debt markets. Even federally guaranteed student loans may become less accessible: Sallie Mae, the largest lender, has just announced that it will charge fees for loan applications.

Some congressmen want the government to buy up securities backed by student debt, and the federal education department may step in as a lender of last resort. Even so, outside the top tires, the big winners in this competition for applicants will be the ones who cause students least anxiety about how they are going to pay for all that learning.

2.3.2.Озаглавьте текст. Дайте не менее 3-вариантов заголовка.

2.3.3.Письменно переведите текст со словарём.

2.3.4.Напишите небольшую заметку (10-12 предложений) на тему: «Education: knowledge and examinations”



Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

Тема: “Problems That Government Face”

Pаздел 3.1.

3.1.1. Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол из предложенных в скобках:

1.He has been training to drive for a month. Now he (can, may) drive well.

2.He doesn’t feel well now. So he (can’t, may not) play the second game.

3.I saw him in the garden ten minutes ago. He (can, may) be still there.

4.The drivers (may, must) be very careful on the road.

5.The weather is hot. We (might, must) go to bathe.

6.Where will you go on holiday? I am not quite sure but we (may, can) go to Spain.

7.I bet you (can, must) get at least two hundred pounds for the painting.

8.I need to talk to you and I’m afraid it (may not, can’t) wait.

9.(Can, might) you take the risk that you (can, might) lose your money)?

10.We (may, must) encourage fathers to take full responsibility for their children.

3.1.2. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя модальный глагол can (could, could have):

1.Можно мне воспользоваться Вашим телефоном?

2.Можно ли мне поговорить с управляющим отделом продаж?

3.В прошлом месяце она могла принять участие в соревновании.

4.Ему только пять лет, а он уже умеет хорошо читать.

5.Боюсь, я не могу зайти к тебе сегодня.

6.Они могли бы заехать за ней в гостиницу, но они сразу поехали в банк.

7.Ты мог бы узнать об этом заранее, а теперь ты опоздал.

8.Я могла бы предупредить тебя, но не подумала, что всё так случится.

9.Управляющие могли бы подписать контракт, но не пришли к соглашению с покупателями.

10.У него могло бы быть множество возможностей, но он их упустил.

3.1.3. Поставьте глагол to be able в соответствующую видовременную форму:

1.I went out, I ……to get any more information.

2.I’d love …..to sing like you.

3.He doesn’t know if he ….. to come.


4.She barely …… to read or write two years ago.

5.He will get much money and they ….. to buy anything they want.

6.As far as I ……to find out he has no criminal convictions.

7.He …..to ask her about the reasons of her visit in a minute.

8.I …..to take you all, for the simple reason there isn’t enough room in the car.

9.You …..to get to the library faster if you go through the park.

10.The students …..to take this course next term.

3.1.4.Прочитайте предложения и проанализируйте употребление may, might, may/might have:

1.I'd like to make one or two comments, if I may.

2.He may arrive this afternoon.

3.May I take a suggestion?

4.She may not understand.

5.She may have changed her mind and decided not to come.

6.He might have built his own house.

7.There might be easier way to solve the problem.

8.The injury may have caused brain damage.

9.I might not be able to play on Saturday.

10.You might be asked to show your passport.

3.1.5.Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя модальный глагол may (may have) – might (might have):

1.Вы уже сделали всю работу. Вы можете уйти пораньше сегодня.

2.Можно узнать причину твоего отсутствия на собрании?

3.Мне не нравится это блюдо. Можно мне его поменять?

4.Я бы начал с обсуждения этого вопроса, если можно.

5.Они, вероятно, остановились в этой гостинице.

6.Его сестра, возможно, подвезёт их до вокзала.

7.Им, вероятно, очень нравится осматривать достопримечательности.

8.Дети, вероятно, уже вернулись со стадиона.

9.Он, вероятно, отослал документ факсом.

10.Продавец, возможно, назвал неверную цену.

3.1.6.Выберите правильный глагол из данных в скобках:

1.You (needn’t, must) stop at the red light.

2.She (must, has) be asleep.

3.You (mustn’t, should) use the official phone for private talks.

4.There is no bed in the room so when John arrives he (must, will have to) sleep on the sofa.

5.There (must, should) be some mistake – nobody called Brown lives here.


6.Children don’t (have to, be to) pay to go in.

7.You (mustn’t, needn’t) take the test.

8.We (had to, ought to) show our passports when we arrived in Belgium.

9.She (has to, should) see a doctor about that cough.

10.We (are to, should) leave a tip, (aren’t, shouldn’t) we?

11.He has planned his holiday in advance. He (has to, is to) go to the sea on Saturday.

12.I don’t spend as much time with them as I (ought to, have to).

3.1.7. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя эквивалент модального глагола - to have to:

1.Он вынужден много ездить на машине.

2.Они вынуждены долго стоять на светофоре.

3.Мы вынуждены поехать туда автобусом.

4.Водитель грузовика был вынужден остановиться.

5.Мы были вынуждены подождать, пока она передумает.

6.Он был вынужден остаться дома, так как заболел гриппом.

7.Дети были вынуждены вернуться домой, так как началась гроза.

8.Они будут должны принять его замечания.

9.Он будет вынужден изменить своё мнение о ней.

10.Они будут должны сделать пересадку в Бристоле.

3.1.8. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя эквивалент to be to:

1.Инженерам предстоит большая работа.

2.Студентам предстоит пройти курс маркетинга.

3.Нашему предприятию предстоит увеличить продажи.

4.Правительству предстоит решить много социальных задач.

5.Управляющим предстоит изменить план действий.

6.Посетителям предстояло осмотреть всю выставку.

7.Нам предстояло решить важную проблему, касающуюся транспорта.

8.Актрисе предстояло дать большое интервью.

9.Спортсменам предстояло сыграть очень важную игру.

10.Им предстояло организовать подготовку рабочих.

3.1.9. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя эквивалент модального глагола must – should:

1.Нам следует больше ходить пешком.

2.Местным властям следует решить проблему транспортных пробок.

3.Вам не следует переходить улицу на красный свет.

4.Им следует хорошо изучить дорожные правила.