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5.2.2Прочитайте текст и скажите,

Methods And Measures

Every one of us has heard, probably in the recent past, about the rising rate of crime. But what is the crime rate in America today? Oddly enough, nobody really knows. Police statistics are our primary source of information about crime. But what do those statistics actually mean? When a police department reports that the crime rate is up, people in the community often react with fear and dismay. But such reports may not reflect an actual increase in crime. Instead they may mean that more criminals are being caught – or they may indicate that more people are reporting crime.

At present we have no truly reliable measure of criminal activity. Many crimes go unreported – rape victims, for example, often are ashamed to talk to the police. The statistics don’t include undetected crimes like bribery of customs officials. And since many crimes are never solved, the number of arrests does not tell us much. For many other crimes, however, arrest seldom leads to conviction. For example, only about one-quarter of all burglaries and auto thefts are “cleared” when a suspect is brought in. Obviously, the official figures conceal a vast reservoir of undetected, unreported, and unrecorded crime.

According to the most conservative estimate, one in every ten people is a victim of a crime each year – a figure 400 percent higher than that reported by the police.

Dramatic as these estimates are, they’re probably still too low. Surveys of victims are valuable – both in theory and in practice. From a theoretical standpoint, improved surveys will make it possible to relate the experience of being a victim to various sociological factors – such as income, education, and race – as well as to such psychological factors as fare of crime and attitude toward law enforcement. In other words, it should be possible to get a good picture of the victim. And perhaps we’ll find out whether some people are more likely than others to be the targets of crime.

From a practical standpoint, the survey should give us some accurate information on crime rates. When an increase in crime is reported, the average citizen often concludes that the police aren’t doing their job. In fact, the opposite is often true. A low crime rate may simply mean that the police are overlooking a good deal of criminal activity. Surveys on victimization could give the public the better picture of what the police are actually doing about crime.

5.2.3Прочитайте следующие высказывания и исправьте неверные высказывания в соответствие с содержанием текста:

1.The crime rate is decreasing in America.

2.Police statistics give real figures of the number of crimes.

3.When a police report that the crime rate is up people feel happy.


4.When a police department reports that the crime rate is up it really means that it has increased.

5.Nowadays we have reliable information on criminal activity.

6.Briberies of customs officials are usually undetected.

7.Many crimes are never solved.

8.Many rape victims don’t talk to the police.

9.The number of arrests tells much about the crime rate.

10.Arrest always leads to conviction.

11.Some people are more likely to be victims than others.

12.A low crime rate always means that the police are doing their job well

5.2.4 Заполните пропуски в предложениях следующими словами:

increasing measure victims statistics

arrest social












Nobody knows the ….. statistics of crime rate.




Police statistics may not ….. the real number of crimes.



The …… number of crimes may mean that more are being caught.



We have no reliable …… of criminal activity.




Many crimes are ……..





6. Many …… are ashamed to talk to the police.




Crime statistics don’t include …… of customs officials.



For some crimes …… doesn’t lead to conviction.




Improved surveys can …… the fact of being a victim with some ……










Some people are more …… to become victims than others.



The survey could give us some ……. information on crime rates.



Sometimes ……. show that the police are overlooking much of



criminal activity.






Прокомментируйте следующие высказывания:



Ill-gotten goods never prosper.





If the cap fits, wear it.






Providence sees to it that no man gets happiness out of crim.


Whoever profits by the crime is guilty of it.



Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker it breeds


contempt for it.






Every unpunished murder takes away something from the security of


every man’s life.






5.2.6Назовите причины, почему статистика не отражает реальной ситуации с уровнем преступности.

5.2.7Напишите краткую аннотацию текста.

Раздел 5.3

5.3.1Прочитайте отрывок из газетной статьи и мнение читателя. Поставьте абзацы в правильном порядке.

Up to the early twentieth century, marriage was considered a necessity. People chose partners who provided them with economic support and stability. Since then attitudes have changed and fewer people are tying the knots. Marriage is no longer necessity in modern society.

Do you agree with this view of marriage? What are the arguments for and against marriage? PBS Student magazine invites readers to write in with their opinions.

A.Secondly, it has been suggested that marriage provides more stability for children. Certain surveys of children in single-parent families claim they are more likely to commit a serious crime than children from two-parent, married households. But in spite of this, having married parents isn’t necessarily the best thing. It’s obvious that a stable single-parent environment is a lot healthier for children than an unhappy marriage.

B.First of all, it could be argued that marriage brings emotional and financial security to a relationship. This is partly true as married people are still legally bound to support their spouses. On the other hand, getting married and divorced is becoming increasingly easy. As a result, fewer people are prepared to work at their relationship, married vows are broken, and many couples are left emotionally scarred.

C Finally, some people claim that marriage is becoming more flexible, with personalized vows and contracts enabling couples to define their relationship themselves. Nevertheless, precisely because the ceremony is flexible and easy to adapt, many people are abusing it. In America there have been televised game shows, where people can win and marry spouses, and in Australia one man actually married his television set.

D. To conclude, it’s clear that marriage is no longer necessary to a successful, modern relationship. Nowadays a growing number of people simply prefer to live together. This continuing decline in marriages means there is greater freedom for individuals to choose their own partners and decide how they wish to live.


E.Marriage used to be considered a necessity for anyone

wanting to live together and start a family. But over the past two decades fewer and fewer couples have felt the need to tie the knot. What then are the advantages and disadvantages of marriage?

5.3.2Скажите, какие аргументы за и против брака приводит читатель. Согласен ли ты с этим? Какое твое мнение по отношению к браку?

5.3.3Письменно переведите текст со словарем.

5.3.4Прокомментируйте следующие высказывания:

1. “Remember this: very little is needed to make a happy life”. (Mark Aurelius, 121-180)

2.“There is nothing more tragic in life than the utter impossibility of changing what you have done”.

(John Galsworthy, 1867-1933)

3.“Everything in this life has to be paid for, and love has to be paid for



(Iris Murdock, 1919 -


4. “Life is made up of marble and mud”.




5.3.5 Напишите небольшое сочинение (10-12 предложений) на тему:

“My living position”.



Грамматика: The Participle

Текст: “Childhood Is Not The Happiest Time”

Раздел 6.1

Причастие (The Participle) соответствует русскому причастию действительного залога настоящего времени и деепричастию несовершенного вида.

Resting - отдыхая, отдыхающий


Формы причастия







being asked





having asked

having been asked

6.1.1Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами с

Present Participle Active:


The woman who is looking out of the window is my aunt.

The woman looking out of the window is my aunt.

1.The children who are playing in the garden are very noisy.

2.She came up to the man who was standing at the door.

3.There was a lot of work which was waiting for us.

4.He didn’t like the people who were surrounding him.

5.I noticed the people who were waiting for the taxi.

6.We are not the fans of the team which is losing.

7.I don’t know the man who is entering the door.

8.There is the man in front of him who is hurrying along the street.

9.We were looking at the kittens who were playing on the lawn.

10.The girl who was singing was about sixteen.

6.1.2Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами

сPresent Participle Active:


When she came home, she turned on the light.

Coming home, she turned on the light.


1.When you read English text, copy out the new words.

2.While he was waiting for me, he became the witness of an accident.

3.When I was walking through the park, I saw some beautiful flowers.

4.When you are leaving the house, don’t don’t forget to lock the door.

5.He didn’t tell the truth when he was writing the letter.

6.When she saw them, she smiled with pleasure.

7.When a child is growing up, he depends on his parents.

8.When he begins to work, he will not forget our instructions.

9.When a young man is choosing a profession, he needs advice.

10.When you see a robbery, call the police.

6.1.3Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию с Present Participle Active:

1.Читая статью в английском журнале, я выписал новые слова.

2.Читая статью в английском журнале, я выписываю новые слова.

3.Читая статью в английском журнале, я буду выписывать новые слова.

4.Дети, которые играют в комнате, мои внуки.

5.Он боялся собаки, которая лаяла на него.

6.Зная английский язык, ты можешь общаться с людьми разных стран.

7.Она лежала на диване, читая книгу.

8.Войдя в комнату, он быстро подошел к окну.

9.Встретив его, не забудь рассказать ему новости.

10.Она стояла у камина, задумавшись о чем-то.

6.1.4Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастие Present Participle Passive:

1.The question being discussed now is very important.

2.He doesn’t know the song being heard.

3.The house being built in our street is a new supermarket.

4.Do you like the film being discussed?

5.Being asked at the lesson, the student answered well.

6.The experiment being carried on by this scientist is very important.

7.Being packed in the beautiful box the flowers looked lovely.

8.The present being sent on time made me pleased.

9.Do you like the vegetables being bought at the market?

10.The picture being painted by my brother was great.


6.1.5Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию с Present Participle Passive:

1.Голос, который слышится из кабинета, мне знаком.

2.Здание, которое строится в нашем районе, будет новым бассейном.

3.Разреши мне послушать! Речь, которую сейчас произносят, очень интересная.

4.Цветы, которые сейчас поливают, посадил мой дедушка.

5.Когда его спросили об экзамене, он ответил, что уже сдал его.

6.Тебе нравиться книга, которую сейчас обсуждают?

7.Молодой человек, которого сейчас спрашивают, мой друг.

8.Когда птичку посадили в клетку, она перестала петь.

9.Стихи, которые сейчас читают, написал великий русский поэт.

10.Мама разрешила котенка, найденного на улице. Оставить дома.

Past Participle = Participle II

bought - купленный, который покупают written - написанный, который пишут

discussed – обсужденный, который обсуждают, который обсудили

6.1.6Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на

Past Participle:

1.He doesn’t like boiled eggs.

2.A broken cup lay on the floor.

3.The books written by this author are very interesting.

4.I remember his words told at the meeting very well.

5.Asked about that event, he replied nothing.

6.I don’t like the film seen yesterday.

7.The stolen things were returned to the owner.

8.We are interested in the goods produced by this factory.

9.This is the house built many years ago.

10.At the exhibition they saw the canvas painted by a great master.

Сравните употребление Participle I (-ing form) и Participle II (Past Participle)

Taking - берущий

taken - взятый

Discussing - обсуждая


discussed - обсужденный

Doing - делая, делающий

done - сделанный




6.1.7Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на

Participle I и Participle II:

1.A person taking a bath is our patient.

2.A person taken to hospital was his brother.

3.The letter written by him was very long.

4.Don’t make mistakes while writing a report.

5.The questions put to the professor were very important.

6.While putting flowers into a vase he broke it.

7.I saw my neighbour saying goodbye to his girl-friend.

8.She didn’t understand a word said by him.

9.He didn’t see the things kept in her box.

10.Ann entered the room holding a book in her hand.

6.1.8Выбери необходимую форму причастия:

1.Who is the girl (doing, done) her task on the blackboard?

2.The book (writing, written) by him is not very interesting.

3.The translation (doing, done) by me was right.

4.The (losing, lost) keys were not found.

5.The (losing, lost) team will not get the prize.

6.I don’t like the video (buying, bought) yesterday.

7.Do you know the boy (coming, come) towards us?

8.We like the songs (singing, sung) by this singer.

9.The woman (standing, stood) at the corner is my mother.

10.The question (discussing, discussed) at the meeting was very urgent.

6.1.9Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Participle I

или Participle II:

1.Пол, вымытый утром, был очень чистый.

2.Он пел пока мыл пол.

3.Вчера я был на вечеринке, устроенной моими друзьями.

4.Вот телеграмма, полученная утром.

5.Получая телеграмму, он забыл поставит подпись.

6.Это стихотворение похоже на все стихи, которые пишут подростки.

7.Как тебе нравится одежда, которую носят сейчас?

8.Девушка взяла книгу, лежавшую на столе.

9.Учитель внимательно прочитал сочинения, написанные учениками.

10.Они посмотрели на девочку, сидящую у озера.

Сравните употребление Present Participle и Perfect Participle

Buying – покупая

having bought - купив

Perfect Participle выражает действие, которое предшествует действию, выраженному глаголу в личной форме.


6.1.10Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на

Perfect Participle:

1.Having lost his address I couldn’t write to him.

2.Having traveled about Europe for two months, he returned home.

3.She went home, having finished her work.

4.Having shaken hands with them, we continued our way.

5.Having collected all the necessary materials, he began writing the report.

6.Having made the report, Tom left the classroom.

7.Having answered all the questions, she began retelling the text.

8.Having checked the compositions, the teacher gave them out to the pupils.

9.Having read the book, I gave it back to the library.

10.Having got the telegram, I gave it to my mother.

6.1.11Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Participle или Perfect Participle:

1.(to write) out all the new words, I started to learn them.

2.(to live) in Kiev, he was able to see all the ancient monuments.

3.(to hear) my friend’s voice, I left the room to open the door.

4.We went home, (to look) through the documents.

5.(to drink) coffee she was talking to her pall.

6.(to go) down the street, the boy was looking back from time to time.

7.(to throw) the ball, the little girl ran home.

8.(to know) French well the pupils can translate the text.

9.(to see) a stranger the dog started barking.

10.(to find) the keys we were able to open the door.

6.1.12Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Present Participle или Perfect Participle:

1.Прожив много лет в Англии, он хорошо разговаривает по-англий- ски.

2.Живя в Китае, они изучали культуру этой страны.

3.Проведя месяц на побережье, я почувствовала себя лучше.

4.Увидев своих друзей, мальчик подошел к ним.

5.Добравшись до места, они постучались в двери.

6.Читая эту книгу, я встретил много незнакомых слов.

7.Сделав домашнее задание, он пошел гулять.

8.Она смотрела на человека, стоящего на берегу.

9.Люди закричали, увидев своего кумира.

10.Встретив своих друзей, она очень обрадовалась.


6.1.13Раскройте скобки ,используя необходимую форму причастия:

1.(to have) dinner, he went out.

2.(to examine) by the doctor, the patient could not stop talking.

3.All the children looked at me (to listen) with great attention.

4.She felt tired (to run) such a long distance.

5.The wind blew (to bring) the smell of coffee.

6.(to hear) the man’s steps the wolf disappeared.

7.(to run) in anger, he gave me money with trembling hands.

8.There are some people (to come) in now.

9.(to translate) two articles, he decided to have a break.

10.While (to discuss) the problem, we sat on the window sill.

6.1.14Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя необходимую форму причастия:

1.Услышав голос отца, он вышел из комнаты, чтобы открыть ему дверь.

2.Переходя дорогу, будьте осторожны.

3.Она стояла посреди комнаты, глядя на разбитые тарелки.

4.Не читай, лежа в кровати.

5.Добравшись до берега, пловец немного отдохнул.

6.Книга, которую сейчас обсуждают – последнее сочинение этого писателя.

7.Вот новые журналы, присланные для нашего офиса.

8.Песня, которую поют, была написана несколько лет тому назад.

9.Я всегда с удовольствием читаю статьи, написанные этим


10.Став независимой, Украина начала развивать отношения с со странами восточной и западной Европы.


причастный оборот

Nominative Absolute Participial


- это оборот, в котором причастие выражает действие, которое

не относится к особе или предмету, обозначенному подлежащим предложения.

The weather being fine, we spent the whole day in the country.

Так как погода была чудесной, мы провели весь день за городом.