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2.Они развивают культурные связи (отношения) между двумя странами.

3.Мы не изучали иностранный язык в прошлом году.

4.А вы изучали иностранный язык в прошлом году?

5.Он пользуется английским как вторым языком.

6.Он слушал радио, когда пришла сестра.

7.Что ты сейчас слушаешь?

8.Ты вчера слушал музыку?

9.Она читает научную литературу на английском.

10.Лектор говорил о быстром экономическом развитии Китая.

11.Когда ты получишь степень бакалавра?

12.Рост населения был очень высоким много лет назад.

13.Они экспортируют компьютеры во многие страны. 14.Что вы экспортируете в Италию?

1.1.20.Прочитайте текст и найдите предложения, сказуемое которых выражено видо-временной формой Present Perfect Tense.

1.1.21.Сократите текст, опустив несущественные детали.

1.1.22.Составьте план и передайте содержание текста по ключевым словам:

In the course of, native speakers, in a number of speakers, official language, a second language, more widely, is used, scientific literature, technological and economic development, diplomacy, establishment, mother tongue, the growth of population.

1.1.23. Расскажите, как и где изучают английский язык в нашей стране.

Раздел 1.2.

1.2.1. Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:

matter n

дело, вопрос, сущность, предмет

business matter

деловой вопрос

small matter


easy matter

простое дело

broaden v

расширять, расширяться

mind n

ум, рассудок, память

absence of mind

забывчивость, рассеянность

essential а

непременный, обязательный, существенный

attitude n

позиция, отношение, положение

stock market

фондовая биржа

incredibly adv

неправдоподобно, невероятно

arrogant a

высокомерный, надменный, наглый

force v

заставлять, принуждать

throat n

горло, гортань, горловина

hermit n

отшельник, пустынник, странник

share v

делить, разделять, пользоваться совместно

we share everything

у нас все общее

share the room with smb. жить совместно в одной комнате

share in a firm

быть акционером фирмы

bit n

кусочек, частица

a little bit

немного, чуть-чуть

wait a bit

подожди немного

every bit of


although cj

хотя, несмотря на то, что

concern v

касаться, затрагивать, беспокоить

as concerns

что касается

immediately adv

немедленно, тотчас

trick n

хитрость, шалость, трюк, глупость

appropriate a

подходящий, уместный, присущий

brain n

мозг, рассудок, разум

skill n

мастерство, опыт, умение

establish v

основывать, создавать, устраивать

accept v

принимать, соглашаться, верить

picky a

разборчивый, капризный, придирчивый

own n

собственность, принадлежность

on one‘s own

самостоятельно, независимо

opportunity n

удобный случай, возможность, перспектива

1.2.2.Прочитайте текст и определите, какую специальность автор этого сообщения хочет приобрести и почему для него так важно знать иностранные языки.


I think it‘s really important to learn any language no matter how few people speak it. It broadens your mind, you learn about other cultures and about other ways of thinking. A lot of people, I know, in England, when I said I was learning Hungarian, would say, ―What‘s the point? Nobody speaks it outside Hungary‖. I remember telling my mum I wanted to learn Swedish and she said, ‗Nobody speaks it outside Sweden‖, but what if I wanted to go and live there? It would be essential that I learn it. You can‘t expect people to speak English.

People have the attitude in England that, you know, the whole world speaks English. They stop the American guy who works here in the stock market and he said, ―Oh, in five years time everyone in Budapest will speak English.

Budapest will be an English-speaking town‘. I think that‘s incredibly arrogant. Of course, if people want to learn it as a second language that‘s their right, but

you can‘t force them. You can‘t force a language down somebody‘s throat, you have to want to learn it.

I saw a film recently, called ―Nell‖, about a hermit. Jody Foster played the hermit. She only shared her language with her mother, but then her mother died and she was left with no-one in the world who could understand her. There was quite a good line when someone said, ―How are we going to communicate with her?‖ and someone else replied ―Well, someone‘s going to have to learn her language‖, not ―She‘ll have to learn English‖. I quite liked that bit.

I think language learning is very important for literature, as there‘s some literature that we cannot translate. Some works by Pushkin, for example, Eugene Onegin, they say are impossible to translate because Russian has very different endings, which can make very complex poetry which just doesn‘t work in English.

When you‘ve learnt how to learn a language, when you‘ve learnt one language, I think you can easily learn more languages, although I don‘t know how many languages I could keep in my head at the same time. I am not totally fluent any more, I think, in Russian, not having used it for a couple of years, because I am now concerning on Hungarian, but if I go to Russia I remember it immediately – well it comes back after two or three days. If I meet a Russian man, it‘s much more difficult. The Hungarian words come into my head.

Once you‘ve learnt how to learn a language, I think you can learn others.

You know the tricks, you know how to use the appropriate part of your brain. I know people who have parents from two different countries, half Russian, half

Hungarian, or half English, half French and they‘ve brought up bilingually.

They can learn other languages, because they have that kind of skill already quite well-developed inside them.

I always try and get a phrase book if I go anywhere, because I think it really opens doors, it really helps to establish contact, if you know a few words like

‗thank you‘, ‗please‘, and ‗good-bye‘. It shows that you‗re interested and that you care about the country.

English people are so used to foreigners speaking English that they accept all accents, and understand even when foreigners speak English very poorly, but I think Hungarians are quite picky. I always find that there are a lot of people who try to correct every single word, which can make communication very difficult.

I‘ve studied five foreign languages now, French, Russian, Spanish,, Czech and now Hungarian. Sometimes I have studied on my own, sometimes in a class. I think it‘s definitely easier in a class. I tried to learn Hungarian on my own, but you really have to live in a place if you are going to have any idea about the language. For example, when I went to Spain, I could hardly understand anything at first, as people spoke ten times faster than anyone ever spoke at school.

I think it‘s really interesting to meet people from other cultures and to communicate with them in their own language. I think of my best friends, only a few are native English speakers. I have good friends in Russia, France,

Holland, Iceland, Czech, Slovakia and Slovenia, all over, and it really gives me the opportunity to travel and broaden my mind. I think I will probably learn another language at some point. I think it may be Swedish, but only because

I‘ve heard that it‘s really easy, or may be Italian, I suppose.

1.2.3.Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1.Is it possible to learn a foreign language if you don‘t want but you are forced to?

2.What opportunities does the knowledge of a foreign language give to anybody?

3.How is it easier to study a foreign language?

4.Will it be easier to learn the second foreign language after you‘ve learnt the first one?

5.Is it difficult to study a foreign language?

6.Are there different compartments in brain where you store foreign languages?

7.Is it more difficult to learn similar or quite different languages?

8.Does the ability to speak a foreign language depend on your selfconfidence?

9.Is it useful to learn a foreign language if it is spoken only in one small country?

10.What is the best way to study a foreign language?

11.Is it easy to speak a foreign language if you haven‘t practiced it for a long time?

12.How is it better to establish contact in a foreign country?

1.2.4.В каждом абзаце найдите предложение, выражающее его основную мысль. Озаглавьте каждый абзац.

1.2.5.Составьте план текста на русском языке.

1.2.6.Переведите составленный план на английский язык.

1.2.7.Напишите краткое изложение текста на английском языке.

Раздел 1.3.

1.3.1. Прочитайте текст и определите его основную идею.


1.manage a lot better – справиться с этим гораздо лучше

2.to be up-to-date with progress – идти в ногу с прогрессом

3.as well as - также как

There are very many good reasons to learn other languages. Very little clear, detailed communication can occur between people who don‘t have a common language. Learning the languages of others helps in talking to people, reading and writing things, and in understanding the TV and films from other countries, and opens up much a wider range of sources of information.

When traveling and when you want to see the world you can manage a lot better if you understand the signs around you, and if when you meet people and want to ask questions, if you can speak to them in their own language, they‘re often a lot more friendly and helpful than if your first question is: ―Do you speak English?‖ If you are working in the field where interesting things are happening abroad, like science, business or medicine, and you want to be up-to- date with progress in that field, you can‘t always wait for the latest reports to be translated into your own language, as this often doesn‘t happen for some time, especially if you speak a language like Hungarian, where there are only a limited number of translators, who are often expensive, and so only selected information is translated.

I think it‘s very valuable and helpful in learning languages if you start from an early age. Many people can learn the best up to about the age of 20, as they have a lot of time for it which later, with family and work, often isn‘t possible.

Somebody thinks that learning a language after the age of twenty or so needs a lot of enthusiasm, and more time, as the learning process is generally a little slower for older people than for people with young impressionable minds. After twenty, it‘s very difficult to learn more languages if you‘ve not already learnt one before, as it‘s a special way of learning. It‘s not like learning maths or science – instead it involves a different way of thinking. You have to learn to think in another language. This is like music, maybe. You have to learn how to learn another language as well as learning the grammar and vocabulary involved, so if you‘ve learnt one extra language already, it‘s easier to learn more. I think that for many multilingual people, the second language is a lot easier than the first.

I think that the learning process really starts to work when you feel that it‘s important and that you have a reason to learn it – if you can find the language useful, not just part of school curriculum. For example, if you learn English and you are confronted with it on the radio, on TV, and if you listen to music with English words.

1.3.2.Письменно переведите текст со словарѐм.

1.3.3.Выберите заголовок, наиболее соответствующий содержанию текста:

1.Learning Foreign Language

2.The Best Way To Learn A Foreign Language

3.Make Your Learning Easy

4.Don‘t Start Learning If You Are Over 20

1.3.4. Ролевая игра. В вашу студенческую группу пришѐл новый студент. На уроке английского языка вы выясняете, что он/она свободно говорит на трѐх иностранных языках. Выясните, как ему/ей удалось научиться хорошо говорить на трѐх иностранных языках.


Грамматика: видо-временные формы глагола в группе Perfect и Perfect Continuous


Текст Life At College And University

Раздел 2.1.

2.1.1. Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в видо-временную форму

Present Perfect:


They just (to go out).

They have just gone out.

1. I just (to speak) to him. 2. She never (to be) in Paris. 3. I (to be) very busy lately. 4. They (not to come) yet. 5. Sue already (to buy) a new house. 6. Mike (to meet) her today. 7. We (to watch) interesting programs on TV this week. 8. I (to see) this film three times. 9. He (to live) in this house for many years. 10.She (to be married) for three years.

2.1.2. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Present Perfect, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:


The lesson has already begun.

Has the lesson begun yet?

No, the lesson hasn‘t begun yet.

1.They have already bought a new house. 2. My parents have already returned from Spain. 3. He has already heard this news. 4. She has already read this story. 5. They have already paid all the bills. 6. They have just arrived from London. 7. We have had three lectures today. 8. You have studied some economic laws this month. 9. I have read this novel twice. 10. He has called you three times.

2.1.3.Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Past Perfect, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:


The lesson had begun when they came.

Had the lesson begun when they came?

No, the lesson hadn‘t begun when they came.

1.My friend had left when we arrived. 2. We had left an hour before he returned. 3. They had done that work by last Friday. 4. Before we went sightseeing we had studied the map. 5 They had sold all the tickets by the time I called. 6. We had studied the train schedule before we went to the booking office. 7. By the time he came we had cleaned the house. 8. They had paid all the bills before they left for home. 9. They had visited their granny before they left Moscow. 10. Our manager had signed the contract when I came to the office.

2.1.4.Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Future Perfect, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:


The lesson will have begun when they come.

Will the lesson have begun when they come?

No, the lesson won‘t have begun when they come.

1. My father will have ordered the tickets by that date. 2. She will have done this work by Friday. 3. He will have booked the tickets by tomorrow. 4. They will have sold their car by next month. 5. Tom will have written his report by that time. 6. Mother will have prepared the dinner when we come. 7. I will have called him by that time. 8. The clerk will have printed the papers by next Wednesday. 9. He will have signed the papers by noon. 10. Jane will have answered the letter by that time.

2.1.5. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Студенты уже сдали экзамены. 2. Солнце уже взошло. 3. Дети ещѐ не встали. 4. Я посмотрел интересную передачу по телевизору сегодня. 5. Фильм уже закончился, когда я пришла домой. 6. Они уже построили новый дом, когда их сын женился. 7. Снегопад закончился, когда наступило утро. 8. Я закончу писать доклад к понедельнику. 9. Студенты сдадут экзамены к февралю. 10. Они вернутся домой к девяти часам.

2.1.6. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Present Perfect Continuous, задайте cпециальный вопрос, начиная со слов данных в скобках:


It has been raining since morning. (Since when..?)

Since when has it been raining?

1.He has been working at this problem since August. (Since when …?) 2. They have been studying the contract for two hours. ( How long …?) 3.The

managers have been discussing this matter for half an hour. (How long

…?) 4. They have been dancing since nine. (Since when …?) 5. She has been speaking on the phone for half an hour. (How long …?) 6. The children have been watching TV since morning. (How log ...?) 7. He has been reading since three o‘clock. (Since when …?) 8. They have been doing this work for two hours. (How long …?) 9. You have been playing computer games since nine. (Since when …?) 10. My boss has been writing a report for two hours. (How long …?)

2.1.7. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Past Perfect Continuous, задайте cпециальный вопрос, начиная со слов данных в скобках:


It had been raining for an hour when they left. (How long …?)

How long had it been raining when they left?

1.They had been doing this work for several days when they got this offer.

(How long …?) 2. The clerks had been preparing the documents for an hour when their boss came. (How long …?) 3. We had been skiing for half an hour when the snowfall began. (How long …?) 4. I had been cooking for an hour when my friends came. (How long …?) 5. The children had been watching TV for two hours when mother switched it off.. (How long …?) 6.

They had been discussing the contract since 10 a.m.when they came to agreement at last. (Since when …?) 7. He had been having a shower for ten minutes when this TV program began. (How long …?) 8. The car had been running well since August when the accident happened. (Since when …?) 9. By the time I finished my shopping I had been walking for three hours.

(How long …?) 10. He had been playing tennis for some years before he could play well. (How long …?)

2.1.8. Прочитайте предложения, поставив глагол в видо-временную форму

Future Perfect Continuous:


Ann (to work) for two hours when she finishes her composition.

Ann will have been working for two hours when she finishes her composition.

1. I (to write) this article for a week by next Monday. 2. He (to watch) this program for twenty minutes when his friend comes. 3. She (to have a shower) for ten minutes when the film begins. 4. He (to wash) his car for some minutes when the mechanic comes. 5. The managers (to discuss) this matter for half an hour when the boss comes. 6. They (to have talks) for two hours when they come to an agreement. 7. The children (to watch) TV for an hour when mother comes. 8. When I return the children (to play) computer games for forty

minutes. 9. When we come to the conclusion I (to discuss) this problem with my friends for some time. 10. He (to work) at this problem for a month when he makes an experiment.

2.1.9. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Он с утра читает. 2. Мои родители путешествуют по Америке с начала сентября. 3. Мы изучаем экономику в течение трѐх лет. 4. Я уже полтора часа смотрю эту передачу. 5. Управляющие уже два часа обсуждали контракт, когда пришѐл генеральный директор. 6. Мы уже час катались на лыжах, когда пошѐл сильный снег. 7. Дождь шѐл минут сорок, когда мы решили поехать на станцию на такси. 8. Дети играли уже часа два, когда наступило время обеда. 9. Мы будем вести переговоры два часа, когда приедет наш главный экономист. 10. Они будут обедать в ресторане минут двадцать, когда ты к ним присоединишься.

2.1.10. Вставьте недостающие части речи.

























2.1.11.Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по по словарю.

divide v

делить, разделять

at least

по меньшей мере, во всяком случае

subject n

предмет, тема, объект

necessary a

необходимый, нужный, вынужденный

however adv

тем не менее, однако, несмотря на это

pass n

проход, путь, переход

alone a predict

один, единственный, одинокий

enough a


grant n

дар, субсидия, стипендия

authority n

власть, администрация

differ v

отличаться, расходиться во мнении

size n

размер, величина, объем

graduate n

выпускник учебного заведения

degree n

ступень, степень, положение, ранг

research n

исследование, изучение, поиски