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political system of Australia

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Тақырыбы: « Political system of Australia»

Мақсаты: оқушыларға Австралияның саяси жүйесі туралы мәлімет беру, таным-түсініктерін кеңейту, сөздік қорын молайту.

Қолданылған модуль: «Сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға үйрету», «Білім беру үшін бағалау және оқуды бағалау»

Қолданылған әдіс-тәсілдері: «Ой қозғау», «Әр сұраққа бір жауап», «Бұл ақпарат дұрыс па әлде жалған ба?»

Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті:

Не істеймін?

Оқушының іс-әрекеті:

Ресурстар: осы іс-әрекет үшін қандай құралдар, кітаптар, компьютерлік жабдық және т.б қажет?

Ой қозғау.

  • 1. What is the official name of Australia? 2. What territories are there in the Commonwealth of Australia? 3. What area has Australia? 4. What is the capital of Australia? 5. In what hemisphere is Australia situated?

оқушылар ой қозғау сұрақтарына жауап бере отырып сабаққа мақсат қоюға қатысады.

Оқу мақсатын алға қою. оқушыларға Австралияның саяси жүйесі туралы мәлімет беру, таным-түсініктерін кеңейту, сөздік қорын молайту.

оқушылар мақсат қоюға қатысады

Мәтінмен жұмыс. Political System of Australia

Australia is a constitutional monarchy, with the Queen of Great Britain at its head.

It consists of six states and two territories.

The queen is represented by the Governor General, who is appointed by the Australian government. The Governor General appoints members of the Executive Council, his advisory cabinet.

The main legislative body in the country is Federal Parliament. It consists of the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The members of the Senate are elected for a six-year term. There are ten senators from each state and two from each territory in the Senate. The House of Representatives is elected by general direct vote for a three-year term. The executive power belongs to the queen and the government. It is headed by the Prime Minister. The ministers are chosen from members of Parliament and the Executive Council. There are two major political parties in Australia: the Australian Labour party and a coalition of the Liberal and the Agrarian parties.Till the 1930s Australia mostly depended upon Great Britain in its political affairs. But in 1931 Australia became fully independent from Great Britain.

Оқушылар мәтінді оқиды, аударады

To read and translate the dialogue

. - Hello! How are you?

-  Hello! I’m fine, thanks. And you?

- I am fine too. I’ve heard our English teacher is going to Canada next summer. Would you like to visit this country?

- Sure. I think it is an interesting country. I have read a lot about Canada and I would like to see wonderful waterfalls, beautiful lakes and mountains.

- Yes, Canada is full of contrasts with polar bears and blooming gardens, igloos and skyscrapers. My dream is to see the whales that live there.

- Oh they are really fantastic. As for me I think it would be interesting to visit Canadian national parks and Niagara Fall.

- Yes, there is a lot to see in Canada. I mean the biggest cities – Montreal and Toronto.  They are beautiful.

- Toronto is the home of “The Maple Leafs”, a famous hockey team. I would like to go to a hockey match in Toronto.

- I hope all your dreams will come true. Good luck

Оқушылар сұрақтарға жауап береді



(мадақтау, ынталандыру)

Сабақ барсында бейресми бағалау түрін қолдану.

Формативті бағалау әдісімен бағалау.

Бағалау парақшасы

Үй жұмысы: реферат жазып келу



Мұғалім стикерлер таратады.

Оқушылар сабақ барысында не ұнады, не ұнамады өз пікірлерін жазады.


Based on the liberal democratic tradition, the Australian system of government guarantees religious tolerance and freedom of speech and association. The Federal Government of Australia comprises the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The Australian political system consists of:

•  The Parliamentary System

•  The Commonwealth Parliament

•  Governor-General

•  The Senate

•  The House Of Representatives

•  Executive Government

•  Federal Judicature

The Parliamentary System The Federal system of government was established in 1901 under the Constitution of Australia. The powers are distributed among the national government (Commonwealth) and the six states by the Constitution. The Commonwealth Parliament The Commonwealth Parliament constitutes the Queen represented by the Governor- General and two houses –the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The most important functions of the Parliament are :

•  To form a Government

•  To legislate

•  Provide government funds

•  To provide a popular representation forum

•  Inspect government actions

Proposed laws can become Acts of Parliament only after it has been passed by both the Houses and is approved by the Governor-General.

Constitutional changes involve actions of both Houses of Parliament as well as the people and if an agreement is not reached, the Governor- General presents a proposal to the people.

Governor-General On the advice of the Prime Minister, the Queen appoints the Governor- General. The functions of the Governor- General are categorized into:

•  Constitutional and Statutory duties

•  Formal ceremonial duties

•  Non-ceremonial social duties

The Senate The Senate comprises 76 Senators. Each of the six states has 12 elected Senators and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and the Northern Territory have 2 each. State Senators have a six year term while the territory senators have a three year term. The House of Representatives The House of Representatives consists of 150 members, each one representing a separate electoral system and is elected for a three year term. Other functions of the members of the House of Representatives include:

•  Law making

•  Committee work

•  Representing their electors

A distinguishing feature of the House is that the party with the majority support gets to form the government.

Executive Government The Governor-General appoints the Prime Minister who, as per the constitutional convention, further appoints the parliamentary leader of the party.

The Federal Executive Council constitutes all the ministers presided by the Governor-General. Its primary functions include:

•  Receive ministerial advice

•  Approve the signing of formal documents like proclamations, regulations, ordinances and statutory appointments.

The key decision making-body of the government is the cabinet. It consists of Senior Government Ministers.

Federal Judicature The establishment of the High Court of Australia and other courts is provided for by the constitution. The Governor-General in Council appoints the High Court judges.

Major functions of the High Court are:

•  Interpret and apply the law of Australia

•  Decide cases of special federal significance

•  Hear appeals by special leave from Federal, State and Territory courts.

Major Political Parties of Australia

•  Australian Democrats

•  Australian Greens

•  Australian Labor Party

•  Country Liberal Party

•  Family First Party

•  Liberal Party

•  The Nationals

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