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population of Canada

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Тақырыбы: «People of Canada» Мақсаты: оқушыларға Канаданың адамдары туралы мәлімет беру, осы тақырып аясында сұхбат құруға үйренеді.

Күтілетін нәтиже: -оқушылар Канаданың халқы туралы

мәлімет алады.

-тақырып аясында сұхбаттасуға үйренеді.

Қолданылған модуль: «Білім беру және білім алудағы жаңа тәсілдер», «Сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға үйрету»

Қолданылған әдіс-тәсілдері: «Ой қозғау», «Менен сұрақ, сізден жауап»,

Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті:

Не істеймін?

Оқушының іс-әрекеті:

Ресурстар: осы іс-әрекет үшін қандай құралдар, компьютерлік жабдық және т.б қажет?

Ой қозғау.

  • What do you know about Canada?

  • What can you say about cities and population of Canada?

оқушылар ой қозғау сұрақтарына жауап бере отырып сабаққа мақсат қоюға қатысады.

Оқу мақсатын алға қою

оқушыларға Канаданың халқы туралы мәлімет беру, осы тақырып аясында сұхбат құруға үйренеді.

оқушылар мақсат қоюға қатысады

Үй жұмысын сұрау

үй жұмысын айтады.

Мәтінмен жұмыс

Population. Canada has a population of over 34 million, about 80% of which live in the south. About three quarters of Canada's population live in towns and cities. Canada's largest metropolitan areas are Toronto [], Montreal [], Vancouver [] and Ottawa []. The French were the first to settle in the country in large numbers during the 17th end early 18th centuries. People of British origin came to stay there mainly after 1763, the year when the British conquered the French Colony of New France. As a result Canada has a dual cultural heritage and both French and English are official languages. Other groups of population are Germans, Italians, Ukrainians, Scandinavians, Poles, the Dutch and Eskimo [] (Inuits []).

1. Listen to the text "Canada" and say which of the two is right.

1. The name "Canada" comes from an Indian/French word.

  1. The largest country in the world is Canada/Russia.

  2. Most of the Canadians live in the north/south.

4. Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories/3 provinces and 10 territories.

  1. Forests /prairies cover about half of Canada.

  2. The Queen is represented in Canada by the lord governor /governor-general.

  3. There are 3/4 political parties represented in the House of Commons.

8.Every child in Canada can be educated in English/English and French.

оқушылар мәтінді оқиды, аударады

«Менен сұрақ, сізден жауап»

Where is Canada situated?

What is the capital of Canada? Who are the natives of Canada?

What languages do people speak in Canada?

What is the population of Canada?

Is Canada a country of mountains, rivers and lakes?

What kind of state is Canada?

How many provinces and territories does it consist of?

What are the main political parties in Canada?

Imagine that you are going to Canada. What do you expect to see there?

Оқушылар сұрақтарға жауап береді

Questions and answers.

  1. How large is Canada? – It’s the second country after Russia and the largest country in western Hemisphere.

  2. What is the country’s most important symbol? – The country's most important symbol is the maple leaf.

  3. How many people live in Canada? – Canada has a population of over 34 million.

  4. What are the official languages in Canada? – English and French.

  5. How many provinces and territories does Canada have? – Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories.

  6. How much territory do forests cover? – Forests cover about half of Canada.

  7. What political system is there in Canada? – Canada is a a constitutional monarchy.

  8. Who is the head of state? Elizabeth II, Queen of England.

  9. Who represents the Queen? The Queen is represented in Canada by the governor-general (David Lloyd Johnson, since October 2010).

  10. In which of the two languages can children be educated? – Children can be educated in either of the two official languages.

Оқушылар сұрақтарға жауап береді

Multiple choice test of Canada

1.What country does Canada border on in the North?

a) The USA.

b) Russia.

c) Finland.

2. Which is the largest province in Canada?

a) Quebec.

b) Prince Edward.

c) Ontario.

3. Which agricultural product grown in Canada is world famous?

a) Flax.

b) Wheat.

c) Potato.

4. Which tower rises above the Parliament Building in Ottawa?

a) Green Tower.

b) Victoria Tower.

c) Peace Tower.

5. Who are the natives of Canada?

a) The aborigines.

b) Eskimos, Indians.

c) The Maoris.

6. Who is at the head of the country?

a) The Queen of Britain.

b) The President of the USA.

c) The President of Russia.

7. Which museum in Ottawa illustrates the cultures of Eskimos and Indians?

a) The Museum of Nature.

b) Laurier House.

c) The Museum of Civilization.

8. In what province is the Niagara Falls situated?

a) Newfoundland.

b) Ontario.

c) Nova Scotia.

9.Where is the parliament of Canada situated?

a) In Toronto.

b) In Montreal.

c) In Ottawa.

10.What is the symbol of Canada?

a) Maple leaf.

b) Chestnut leaf.

c) Oak leaf.

Тест орындайды


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Үй жұмысы: «Canada» тақырыбына диалог құрау.


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