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5.What devices were used to conduct electricity in second-generation computers?

6.What devices were used to conduct electricity in third-generation computers?

7.What device is used to conduct electricity in fourth-generation computers?

III. Match the electrical device with the computer generation.

a. integrated circuit

1. first generation

b. vacuum tube

2. second generation

c. integrated circuit chip

3. third generation

d. transistor

4. fourth generation

IV. Topics for discussion.

1.Pretend you are the president of a large company during the 1950s. Name one advantage and one problem in buying a UNIVAC for your company.

2.If a computer was small enough and inexpensive enough for you to own and carry to university, what would you use it for?

3.Why are fourth-generation computers used by many companies?

V. Find proper English terms to the following explanations:

Basic structure

A processor's major functional components are:

Bus Interface

The third execution unit in a Pentium,


where non-integer calculations are





The Pentium has two on-chip caches


of 8KB each, one for code and one for


data, which are far quicker than the


larger external secondary cache.

Floating Point Unit

This brings a mixture of code and data


into the CPU, separates the two ready


for use, and then recombines them and


sends them back out.

Level 1 Cache

The branch prediction unit tries to


guess which sequence will be


executed each time the program


contains a conditional jump, so that


the Prefetch and Decode Unit can get


the instructions ready in advance.

VI. Translate the sentences. Explain the usage of Predicates in Passive.

1. Video card is inserted into your computer to make the graphics more pleasurable to the eye. 2. The processor's logic gates work together to make decisions using Boolean logic, which is based on the algebraic system established by mathematician George Boole. 3. Random Access Memory can be upgraded to help increase speed and performance. 4. These CPUs are also prime examples of the two competing CPU architectures of the last two decades – the former being classed as a CISC chip and the latter as a RISC chip. 5. In fact Intel's own 8086 was more powerful and had been released earlier. 6. At the time that the original PC was designed, most of the interface chips available were intended for use in 8-bit designs. 7. Typically dozens of microprocessors are made on a single wafer. 8. The circuitry is built up in layers. 9. Layers are made from a variety of substances. 10. When bare silicon is exposed, it can be bombarded with ions to produce transistors - this is called doping. 11. After


exposure, developing removes those portions of the photo resist which had been exposed to light, leaving a mask through which etching can take place. 12. Microprocessors are manufactured in "clean rooms" - ultra-clean environments where the operators wear space-age protective suits. 13. As soon as all the layers have been added to a wafer, each chip is tested and any offenders are marked.

14.The individual chips are now separated, and at this point are called "dies".

15.The faulty ones are discarded, while the good ones are packaged in Pin Grid Arrays - the ceramic rectangles with rows of pins on the bottom which most people think of as microprocessors.

VII. Put the words into the right order.

The very, had, microprocessor, first, clock, a 100KHz. Pentium, a 200MHz clock, the, Pro, uses, 200 million, which, second, times, per,


Processor, the, by use, all the elements, of a "clock", of, stay, step, in.

Things, as, "ticks", happen, clock, the, various.

(PC), Program, location, Counter, internal, the, is, memory, memory. Control Unit, the, from, the, transfers, Instruction Register, into, instruction, its,


PC, it, the, the, is incremented, in sequence, to next, so, instruction, that, points.

Some, are handled, itself, instructions, by, Control Unit, the.

Any, sequences, can, out, operation, be, carried, using, of, simple, instructions.

VIII. Translate the text in written form. Annotate it in English.

Key words: abacus, mechanical device, astronomic(al), computer, sketch, digit, to confirm, property, to create, to develop, to assemble, test, ballistic, the US Navy, decryption, universal.

Text B



Некомп'ютерна техніка

3000 років до н.е. – у стародавньому Вавилоні була винайдена перша

рахівниця абак.

500 років до н.е. – у Китаї з'явився більш «сучасний» варіант абаку з кісточками на соломинках – суаньпань. Одним із різновидів суаньпань є російська рахівниця, яка в деяких випадках використовується і в наш час.

Нульове покоління

87 рік до н.е. – в Греції був виготовлений «антикітерський механізм»

механічний пристрій на базі зубчастих передач, що являє собою спеціалізований астрономічний обчислювач.

1492 рік – Леонардо да Вінчі в одному зі своїх щоденників малює ескіз 13-розрядного підсумовувального пристрою з десятизубцевими кільцями. Хоча пристрій, що працює на базі цих креслень було збудовано лише у XX столітті, все ж таки реальність проекту Леонардо да Вінчі підтвердилася.

Комп'ютер ENIAC

1941 рік – Конрад Цузе створює обчислювальну машину Z3, що володіла всіма властивостями сучасного комп'ютера.

1942 рік – в Університеті штату Айова (англ. Iowa State University) Джон Атанасов (John Atanasoff) та його аспірант Кліффорд Беррі (Clifford Berry) створили (а точніше – розробили і почали монтувати) перший в США електронний цифровий комп'ютер (Atanasoff-Berry Computer ABC (комп'ютер)). Хоча ця машина так і


не була завершена (Атанасов пішов у діючу армію), вона, як пишуть історики, мала великий вплив на Джона Мочлі, який створив через два роки першу ЕОМ ENIAC.

На початку 1943 року успішні випробування пройшла перша американська обчислювальна машина Марк I, призначена для виконання складних балістичних розрахунків ВМФ США.

В кінці 1943 року запрацювала англійська обчислювальна машина спеціального призначення «Колосс». Машина працювала над розшифровкою секретних кодів фашистської Німеччини.

В 1944 році Конрад Цузе розробив ще більш швидкий комп'ютер Z4.

1946 став роком створення першої універсальної електронної цифрової обчислювальної машини ENIAC.

В 1950 році в Києві під керівництвом академіка Лебедєва була створена перша в континентальній Європі ЕОМ – МЕСМ.

Unit 5

I. Read the text and answer the questions below.

Text A

The role of Technology

Technology plays an increasingly important part in our daily lives. While many technological developments may be beneficial – in the field of medicine, for instance – there are many others whose effects are less positive. We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the home and in the whole area of freedom and privacy.

In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative effects. The development of robotics has meant that in industries such as carmanufacturing robots are replacing people. They work faster and more


accurately and they don’t need breaks. As a result, industrial workers see job opportunities dwindling further and unemployment levels rising. In addition, more and more people are working from home using personal computers, which means that they lose the stimulus that comes from working in direct contact with other people and may feel isolated.

Another example of the negative effect of technological change can be found on the domestic front, in the home. In my view, technological developments such as the microwave are devaluing traditional home-making skills like cooking.

Finally, there are the implications of information technology for freedom and privacy. More facts about individuals are being stored in date banks, which may be accessed through networks of computers. This creates an ever-increasing risk of accidental or deliberate leaking of private details. Every day more information is collected by banks, credit card companies, consumer organizations and so on – and who is there to keep an eye on what happens to it? It is certainly convenient to store information in this way, but I feel it could lead to long-term problems. There may be other hidden dangers – theoretically, could a ‘thinking’ computer start to use the data against us?

To sum up, I believe that we must be very careful with technology. While it has clear advantages, there is also the danger that it could turn on us and we could find ourselves the victims of our own success.

1.What is the main topic of each paragraph?

2.What specific information is given to support each main paragraph?

3.Which point lacks sufficient support?

4.What evidence can you think of to support it?

II. Find out if the following statements to the text A are true or false.


AThere are many technological developments whose effects are rather


BIn many industries robots are replacing people.

CPeople work faster and more accurately than robots and they don’t need breaks.

D Technological developments such as the microwave are developing traditional home-making skills like cooking.

EA ‘thinking’ computer could start to use the data against us.

FThere is no any danger that it could turn on us and we could find ourselves the victims of our own success.

III. Make a dialogue with your partner on how you benefit by the computer. Use the following statements.

I use my computer to print out my compositions because my handwriting is quite untidy.

I like using self-test programs. They make revising much easier – and my marks have got better.

Now that we can use the Internet, I use the computer to talk to people in other countries.

Through the Internet the computer can give me lots of facts about different subjects. It’s very useful if I have to write about something I don’t know a lot about – and much better than going to the library.

I use the computer to find out new words – it’s quicker than using a dictionary.

I use the computer to contact other people around the world in seconds by using the e-mail facility. This means that I don’t need to spend much time writing letters to companies or organizations if I need information.

If I feel embarrassed practicing my pronunciation in class, I can use the computer to help me.


• I don’t need to rely on the teacher so much if I am working on the computer.

IV. Read and translate the text. Put ten questions to it and decipher all abbreviations used in this text. Render the text in English.

Text B

What is a Modem?

A modem is a device that lets one send digital signals over an ordinary telephone line not designed for digital signals. If telephone lines were all digital then you wouldn't need a modem. It permits your computer to connect to and communicate with the rest of the world. When you use a modem, you normally use a communication program or web browser to utilize the modem and dial-out on a telephone line. Advanced modem users can set things up so that others may phone in to them and use their computer. This is called "dial-in".

There are four basic types of modems for a PC: external, USB, internal and built-in. The external and USB set on your desk outside the PC while the other two types are not visible since they're inside the PC. Sometimes the USB type is called "USB external". The external serial modem plugs into a connector on the back of the PC known as a "serial port". The USB modem plugs into the USB bus cable. The internal modem is a card that is inserted inside the computer. The built-in modem is part of the motherboard and is thus built into the computer. It's just like an internal modem except it can't be removed or replaced. As of 2001, built-in modems are primarily for laptops. What is said in this HOWTO regarding internal modems will generally apply also to built-in modems.

When you get an internal or, built-in, modem, you also get a dedicated serial port (which can only be used with the modem and not with anything else such as another modem or a printer). In Linux, the serial ports are named ttyS0,


ttyS1, etc. (usually corresponding respectively to COM1, COM2, etc. in Dos/Windows). For the new devfs they are all in the /dev/ttys/ directory and named 0, 1, etc. With a USB modem, the driver simulates a serial port at say /dev/usb/asm/0.

Modems usually include the ability to send Faxes (Fax Modems). "Voice" modems can work like an automatic answering machine and handle voicemail. The v.92 protocol can put the modem "on hold" when someone makes an ordinary voice call to your telephone, provided that you have "call waiting" from your telephone company. Thus you can get a phone call while online. As of Jan. 2003 Linux doesn't seem to support it. Some linmodem drivers may support it.

V. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Predicates and define their tense forms.

1. Internal modems usually have a pair of modular telephone jacks on the back of the computer. 2. They should be right next to each other and look like a jack on the wall of a house where a telephone plugs in. 3. Network cards also have modular jacks, but they are seldom in pairs and are slightly wider since they normally have 8 pins. 4. Internal DSL "modems" exist and also have telephone jacks, but they are not very common (most are external) as of 2002.

VI. Put the verb to be in the required tense form and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. A modem (to be) a device that lets one send digital signals over an ordinary telephone line not designed for digital signals. 2. If telephone lines (to be) all digital then you wouldn't need a modem. 3. It permits your computer (to be) connected to and communicate with the rest of the world. 4. Advanced modem users can set things up so that others may phone in to them and use their


computer. This (to be) called "dial-in". 5. There (to be) four basic types of modems for a PC: external, USB, internal and built-in. 6. The external and USB set on your desk outside the PC while the other two types (to be) not visible since they're inside the PC. 7. The internal modem (to be) a card that is inserted inside the computer. 8. The built-in modem (to be) part of the motherboard and is thus built into the computer. As of 2001, built-in modems are primarily for laptops.

VII. Translate the terms (Participle I + noun) into Ukrainian.

Pattern: accounting file

який? ←файл

що обліковує

accounting information accounting system addressing mode addressing unit aiming symbol altering error translating system adding element blending function blocking factor circulating register

VIII. Ask questions to which the following sentences would be the answers.


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