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V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Кажется, мы с вами где-то встречались.

2. Что ты собираешься делать, когда закончишь школу?

3. Мы проголодались и остановились перекусить.

4. Ей следует читать больше литературы в оригинале.

5. Телевизор надо починить.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The language spoken in Scotland is ... .

a) Scot, b) Scottish, c) Scotch, d) Scotland's.

2. The oldest university in Britain is ....

a) London, b) Cambridge, c) Oxford, d) Edinburgh.

3. The financial centre of London is ... .

a) the West End, b) the East End, c) Westminster, d) the City.

4. Which party is in power in Great Britain now?

a) the Labour, b) the Conservative, c) the Liberal, d) the Social-Democratic.

5. The telephone number to call for emergency services in Britain is ... .

a) 03, b) 09, c) 911, d) 999.


I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Once a French cab driver played a joke ой Conan Doyle. The driver took Conan Doyle from the station to the hotel and said, "Thank you, Mr Conan Doyle." Conan Doyle was surprised and asked how he knew his name. The driver said that he had seen in the papers that the writer was coming to Paris. And he said that Conan Doyle's appearance was typically English and he guessed at once, who he was. "Besides," said the man, "your name is written on your luggage."


1. What was Conan Doyle surprised with?

2. What helped the driver to recognize Conan Doyle?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

The driver took the writer from the station to the hotel.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Mark Twain (I — be) not only a famous writer but also a famous humorist. He (2 — travel) a lot and (3 — make) speeches in different towns. During these speeches he always (4 — tell) funny stories.

Wherever he (5 — go) he (6— follow) by reporters who (7 — write) down everything he (8 — say). His stories (9 — tell) and (10 — retell) and (11 — pass) down from generation to generation. Once he (12 — hear) a rumour that he (13 — be) dead and (14 — remark): "The rumours of my death greatly (15 — exaggerate)."

There (16 — be) a lot of humorous stories (17— connect) with the name of Mark Twain. Here (18 — be) one of them.

Once Mark Twain and two of Ms friends (19 — sit) in a restaurant. One of the friends just (20 — return) from a trip to the mountains. He (21 — say) that the air in the mountains (22 — be) very clear. In many places the echo of a voice (23 — come) back five times stronger than the original voice.

"That (24 — be) nothing," (25 — say) the second friend. "In Colorado, in many places the echo of a voice (26 — speak) in the morning (27 — come) back in the afternoon."

Mark Twain (28 — laugh) and (29 — say), "The echoes which you (30 — tell) us about (31 — be) very unusual. But in a small church in Hannibal where I (32 — be) born, there (33 — be) an even more unusual echo. If someone (34 — say) in a loud voice, "Good morning! How (35 — be) you?", the echo (36 — come) back after a moment very clearly, "I (37 — be) very well, thank you, and how (38 - be) you?"

Of course, Mark Twain's friends not (39 — believe) the story, but they (40— enjoy) it.