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2 Complete this gp's referral letter with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets

Last April, Mr Nesbitt ___________1 (move) furniture when he __________2 (sprain) his back. He __________3 (consult) me and said the pain _________4 (keep) him awake every night. I ________5 (tell) him to rest and ___________6 (prescribe) a painkiller. The following week he ___________7 (report) feeling better, but a month later he __________8 (come) in to see me again. He _________9 (say) his back was stiff and there __________10 (be) some pain, but it __________11 (get) better slowly.

Mr Nesbitt ___________12 (not take) regular medication before his injury and ____________ 13(keep) fairly well.

3 Write the answers Mr Nesbitt would give to these questions

1 What were you doing when you sprained your back?


2 How did you feel after spraining your back?


3 How was your back after taking painkillers?


4 What medication were you taking before the injury?


5 How were you before the injury?


Test 4

1 Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives

  1. hard -harder-thehardest 7 sensitive

  2. fast 8 sleepy

  3. weak 9 strong

  4. well 10 effective

  5. painful 11 bad

  6. frightening 12 intense

2 Read each sentence. If it is correct, write a tick (/). If there is a mistake, correct it

  1. The most worst pain many women experience is in childbirth. ___worst_____

  2. It more hurts than it did yesterday. ________

  3. Physiotherapy can sometimes be more effective for back pain that drugs._______

  4. These tests are less painfuler than others, because only a drop of blood is needed.


  1. Which drug will give the most effective pain relief? ___________

  1. The fingers are one of most sensitive parts of the body. ___________

  2. My legs ache less when I'm walking than when I'm standing still. ___________

  3. Kidney stones are one the most painful conditions you can have. ___________

  4. It's difficult to say where it hurts the more. ___________

3 Complete these sentences with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in exercise 1

  1. Aspirin is the strongest (strong) painkiller we've got, I'm afraid.

  2. Can I do anything to make you feel _________ (well) ?

  3. Moving around is getting __________ (hard) to do.

  4. Injection is __________ (fast) way to administer pain relief.

  5. He is _____________ (weak) he was yesterday.

  6. For children, thinking about the injection is ________ (frightening) the pain itself.

  1. Your fingers are _______________ (sensitive) your shoulders.

  2. He is feeling _______________ (sleepy) now and the pain is decreasing

  3. I can't ignore the pain any more - it's just getting ________________ (bad).

  1. This is ______________________ (intense) pain I've ever felt.

  2. These pills are much _______________ (effective) than those.

  3. It was _____________ (painful) experience I have ever had.

Test 5