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КОНТРОЛЬНІ РОБОТИ для самостійного опрацювання

Перший семестр


Варіант 1

І. Перепишіть речення. Визначте видо-часову форму дієслів та вкажіть їх інфінітив.

Наприклад: Last winter I spent a lot of time in the library.

spent – Past Indefinite, Active від неправильного дієслова to spend- проводити, витрачати.

  1. We shall know the news tomorrow.

  2. Mr. Brown left the hotel, took a taxi and drove to the theatre.

  3. Our friend works hard every day.

  4. Your interpreter translates contracts very well.

  5. Last week our director received foreign delegations.

  6. Ann helps her brother with his English.

  7. I understand my English teacher well.

  8. I bought a new dictionary three days ago.

  9. Mary will translate this article easily.

  10. A cruise on the Dnipro River offers visitors an introduction to Ukraine's history and culture.

  1. Перетворіть речення у запитальні та заперечні. Перекладіть їх на рідну мову:

  1. My son studies at the University.

  2. Last month experts had talks with foreign businessmen.

  3. Their secretary will bring the mail in five minutes.

  4. I skied and skated a lot when I was in the country last January.

  5. My daughter likes to swim in summer.

  6. My friend knows Spanish very well.

  7. We wrote a dictation the day before yesterday.

  8. The Browns will go to the country for the weekend.

  9. We shall get tickets for the theatre performance.

  10. One of her brothers made a tour of Europe last summer.

  1. Перепишіть і перекладіть речення на рідну мову, звертаючи увагу на переклад неозначених та заперечних займенників, а також їх еквівалентів:

  1. My aunt Polly is my mother’s sisters.

  1. Our relatives will come to see us next Friday.

  1. There are some books by English writers on the book-shelf.

  2. There is no ink in my pen. I cannot write.

  3. Do you want any milk in your coffee?

  4. Is there anybody here who knows French?

  5. Please tell us the story. Nobody knows it.

  6. He is busy. He has no time to go to the cinema with us.

  7. Do you know anybody in this city?

  8. There is nobody at home.

IV. Поставте запитання до виділених слів.

1.Ann’s telephone is in the bedroom.

2.Your friend’s coat is on the chair.

3.My husband phoned our daughter last night.

4.Our family travelled in Siberia last holiday.

5.The secretary will send the letter right away.

V. Поставте дані прикметники в три форми. Перекладіть всі форми.


short – shorter – the shortest

короткий – коротше – самий короткий (коротший)

Bad, little, beautiful, difficult, new, young, clever, cold, hot, warm, interesting, comfortable.

VI. Перепишіть речення з різними ступенями порівняння прикметників та визначте їх. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.

  1. Who is the most attentive student in your group?

  2. The Dnipro is the third longest river in Europe.

  3. India is not so big as China.

  4. Spanish is easier than German.

  5. My sister speaks English worse than I do.

  6. The tallest trees in the world grow in California.

  7. The famous Kyiv Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre has one of the best opera and ballet companies in the country.

  8. St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

  9. Which is larger: the USA or Canada?

  10. In December the days are the shortest.