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Essentials of

Interior Design


Основы дизайна интерьера

Английский язык

для студентов

специальности «Дизайн»

учебно-методическое пособие





Т.И Сугоняко

Утверждено на заседании кафедры английского языка гуманитарных факультетов

………….., протокол №


Доктор философских наук,

кандидат архитектуры,

заведующий кафедрой искусств ГИУСТ БГУ

И.Н Духан

Под общей редакцией старшего преподавателя кафедры английского языка гуманитарного факультетов

Т.И Сугоняко


Настоящее пособие является частью учебно-методического комплекса для студентов специальности «Дизайн» по модулю «Профессиональный английский»

Пособие состоит из десяти тематических текстов аутентичного характера, раскрывающих общие сведения по дизайну и его развитию в целом, тексты по теории дизайна , эстетике, элементам дизайна, а также тексты о профессии дизайнера .

Содержание текстов выглядит актуальным. За прошедший ХХ век дизайн из профессии «второго уровня» - далеко после писателей, адвокатов, военных, политиков – выдвинулся на самый первый план культурного поприща, обрел небывалый для художников прошлого престиж. Расширение сферы дизайна в нашем мире – продукт сложнейшего переплетения многих факторов, и не последний из них – убедительность концептуальной базы проектного дела, раз за разом доказывающей свою перспективность и действенность.

Естественно, что широта задач современного дизайнерского творчества требует подготовки целого круга разносторонних специалистов, одинаково хорошо владеющих и художественными, и утилитарно-техническими сторонами своей деятельности, осознающих и её узкоспециальные, и общие проблемы.

Контекст учебных материалов способствует контексту специальности, что без сомнения может способствовать повышению мотивации к изучению профессионального английского, повышению уровня профессиональной подготовки дизайнеров, воспитанию нового поколения специалистов, соответствующих разнообразным запросам современного общества.

Поскольку наиболее актуальной проблемой в дизайне является проектирование целостного предметно-пространственного окружения, отражающего материальную и духовную культуру общества в своей совокупности, через текстовый материал аутентичного характера студенты знакомятся с методами и приемами решения конкретных проектно-дизайнерских средовых задач.

Все тексты сопровождаются методически грамотно построенным комплексом упражнений, которые включают предтекстовые задания, облегчающие понимание текста; задания на проверку понимания содержания; задания, стимулирующие развитие навыков на базе проблематики и словаря прочитанных текстов.

Главный акцент в заданиях «Over to You» перенесен с объекта дизайна на процесс проектирования, что особенно важно и для практики, и для высшей школы, готовящей дизайнеров разных специальностей.

Unit 1

Today’s Interior Design Profession

I. Go through the following list of words and note their meaning.




achieve (v.)



approach (n.)



assess (v.)



awareness (n.)



certain (adj.)



common (adj.)



comprehensive (adj.)



definition (n.)



distinguish (v.)



emphasize (v.)



enhance (v.)



evolve (v.)



fabric (n.)



goal (n.)



indivisible (adj.)



involvement (n.)



issue (n.)



mutilating (n.)



necessity (n.)



pattern (n.)



preliminary (adj.)



quality (n.)



recognizing (n.)



requirement (n.)



role (n.)



safety (n.)



scope (n.)


сфера деятельности

skill (n.)



superficial (adj.)



II. Before you read discuss this question:

  • What services do you think today’s interior designers perform?

III. Reading tasks

A. Understanding main points

Read the text about interior design and answer questions below the text:

Today’s Interior Design Profession

The profession of interior design has evolved from the earlier scope of the planning and decorating of interior spaces.

The terms interior designer and interior decorator, both relatively new phrases, are sometimes incorrectly used interchangeably. Many of today's interior designers would disagree with a recent comment that "interior design is often undertaken without strong involvement in architecture, especially by those active in the design of residential interiors.

Another way to distinguish design from decorating is to describe interior design as the activity that plans for the necessities of a space relating to issues of safety and protection, and that considers the basic function of a space, and space planning. Decoration, in contrast, implies ornamentation. Simply put, a decorator works only with surface decoration, such as paints, fabrics, and furnishings. Although decoration enhances a space, adds to its individuality, and may provide psychological and symbolic comforts within the space, it is not required to meet the most basic universal human needs.

The term interior decorator, first cataloged as a dictionary entry in 1867, was later followed by the term interior design in 1927. Interior design is described as "the art or practice of planning and supervising the design and execution of architectural interiors and their furnishings."' The Encyclopedia Britannica defines interior design as "the planning and design of man-made spaces, a part of environmental design and closely related to architecture. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics adds that interior design is a practical design that is conducive to a space's intended purpose, such as raising productivity, selling merchandise, or improving lifestyle.

It has become increasingly important for the designers of today to recognize and achieve the levels of education and training required to comply with the legal and ethical standards associated with the health, safety, welfare, and comfort of their clients; that is, professional interior design. However, it is recognized that many projects that would fall under the activity of interior design are carried out by many categories of talented people trained in specific skills, such as those related to architecture and industrial design.

  1. What common elements can be included in most descriptions of the practice of interior design today?

  2. Is there any relationship between interior design and architecture?

  3. How can we distinguish design from decorating?

  4. How does the encyclopedia Britannica define interior design?

  5. What kinds of people can carry out projects together with interior designers?

B.Understanding details

Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text. Find the part of the text that gives the correct information.

  1. The profession of interior design has evolved from architecture.

  2. The terms interior designer and interior decorator are sometimes correctly used interchangeably.

  3. Decoration is not required to meet the basic universal human needs.

  4. The term interior design was first cataloged as a dictionary entry in 1927.

  5. Decoration implies ornamentation.

  6. It has become less important for the designers of today to achieve the levels of education to comply with the legal and ethical standards.

C. Understanding meanings

1. Choose the best explanation for the phrase ‘interior designer’

  1. The activity that plans for the necessities of a space relating to issues of safety and protection

  2. The art or practice of planning and supervising the design and execution of architectural interiors and their furnishings

2. Choose the best explanation for the phase ‘interior decoration’

  1. Superficial application of ornament

  2. Enhancing a space adding to its individuality, providing psychological and symbolic comforts within the space.

IV. Vocabulary tasks

A. Definitions

Match these terms with their definitions.


a. The planning and design of architectural interiors and their furnishings, including the necessities of the space relating to issues of safety and protection. As a specialty profession, it began to develop separately from architecture in the 18th century.

2.Interior designer

b. The study or theory of beauty and our responses to it; the branch of philosophy that deals with art – its creation, forms, and effects – derived from the Greek word relating to perception.

3.Interior decoration

c. An individual who works with both the interior architecture and the furnishings of a space and whose preparation for the profession includes education and certification.

4.Interior design

d. Decoration of an interior through ornamentation that enhances the space, adds to its individuality, and may provide psychological and symbolic comforts, but is not required to meet the most basic universal human needs of safety and protection.

B. Collocations

Match these verbs and nouns as they occur in the text.


a. needs


b. spaces


c. execution


d. standards

5.comply with

e. design


g. comfort

V. Complete the sentences

  1. The profession of interior design has evolved from the earlier scope of the planning and …….

  2. Decoration may …….. within the space.

  3. Although decoration enhances a space, it is not required to …….. the most basic universal human ……. ..

  4. The goal of interior design is to … the design and … …….of architectural interiors and their furnishings.

  5. It is important for the designers today to achieve the levels of education required to ………. with the legal and ethical ………… associated with the health, safety, welfare, and comfort of their clients.

  6. The way to ……… from decorating is to describe interior design as the activity that plans for the necessities of a space relating to issues of safety and protection.

VI. Translate the following sentences using the vocabulary of the text

  1. Дизайн интерьера- это искусство, планирование пространства, контроль за проектом и проектирование архитектурного интерьера и мебели.

  2. Дизайнер интерьера и декоратор иногда используются взаимозаменяемо.

  3. Декорирование означает украшение.

  4. Декоратор работает с красками, тканями и мебелью.

  5. Профессиональный подход к дизайну в настоящее время-это подход, требующий соблюдения правовых и этических норм, связанных со здоровьем, благосостоянием и комфортом клиентов.

VII. Over to You

A Dozen Questions to Ask Yourself

1 How committed am I to the intensity and cost of this formal course of study?

2. How far do I intend to go in the field? Do I see this as a full-time professional career, a pastime, or a sideline to something else?

3. What specialties, if any, have I identified that I want to pursue?

4. Am I prepared to defer financial success for the first few years of my career?

5. Am I self-motivated and self-directed?

6. Do I enjoy working with and for people?

7. Can I manage my time and have the discipline necessary to meet deadlines and other requirements?

8. Can I manage the work performed by others?

9. Do I have the creative potential to carry out innovative design solutions?

10. Can I communicate my ideas visually, verbally, and in writing?

11. If necessary, will I be able to work outside a nine-to-five schedule?

12. Am I passionate about design?

Unit 2

Services Performed by Today`s Interior Designer.

I. Go through the following list of words and note their meaning.




allocate (v.)


распределять, упорядочивать

appropriate (v.)


ассингновать, упорядочивать

arrange (v.)


приспосабливать, выстраивать

awareness (n.)



bid (n.)


заявление, предложение



комплексный, сложный

compliance (n.)



comprehensive (adj.)



contribution (n.)



currently (adv.)

[’kɜ:rəntlɪ, ’kʌrəntlɪ] 

в настоящее время

custom (n.)



determine (v.)



distinct (adj.)


явственный, отчетливый

distinguish (v.)


отделять, различать

emphasize (v.)


подчеркивать, выделять

equipment (n.)


оснащение, аппаратура, оборудование

evaluate (v.)



finishes (n.)



fixture (n.)


светильник, освещение

furnishing (n.)


меблировка, обстановка

generate (v.)


производить, порождать, генерировать

goal (n.)


цель, задача

implementation (n.)


осуществеление, реализация, выполнение

involve (v.)



load-bearing (adj.)



major (adj.)


наиболее важный

manage (v.)


управлять, руководить

monitor (v.)



objective (n.)


цель, стремление

perform (v.)


исполнять, представлять

practitioner (n.)



predecessor (n.)






provide (v.)


предоставлять, предлагать, снабжать

purchase (v.)


покупать, приобретать

raise (v.)


поднимать, повышать, здесь: улучшать

rather (adv.)


скорее, вероятнее

rendering (n.)


здесь: изображение, иллюстрация

requirement (n.)



scale (n.)


здесь: масштаб

serve (v.)


служить, удовлетворять нужды

service (n.)


услуга, сервис

skill (n.)


навык, умение

solution (n.)



specification (n.)


спицификация, характеристика, описание

specify (v.)


устанавливать, уточнять

replicate (v.)


копировать, повторять

II. Before you read discuss this question:

What designers do you admire? Why?

III. Reading tasks

A. Understanding main points

Read the text about services performed by an interior designer and answer questions below the text:

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