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5.3. Quiz:

Score skarzhen and history of cancer patients.

Features objective investigation for suspected malignancy.

Mandatory minimum clinical examination in the outpatient setting.

Rules students in oncology clinic. Supervision of patients. Reports on rounds.

Indications for appointment symptomatic treatment of cancer patients.

Correction inkurabelnoho psychological state of the patient.

Principles of ethics in oncology. Types of higher nervous activity and response of patients with cancer.

Tactics doctor in relation to cancer patients.

Motives failure patients on treatment. The ratio of people who recovered from cancer, with patients with long standing forms of malignant tumors.

Information relative. Kantserofobiya. Euthanasia. Calling consultant.


5.4. Final stage:

Control and correction of professional skills and knowledge held by solving situational and clinical tasks, tests for self-control. Assesses knowledge and skills students study each assessment.

The teacher has homework, recommended literature on the subject next class basic and additional.


VI. Materials for methods of classes

6.1.Materialy control baseline (rising levels) of students: t estovi task

Physician Oncologist:

1.       must notify the relatives of the patient prognosis;

2.       from relatives cope true diagnosis;

3.       inform the patient about the presence of tumor it *;

4.       not to inform the patient and family about the true diagnosis

The oncologist should explain to the patient:

1.       purpose and methods of examination;

2.       nature of the proposed treatment;

3.       Weather for denial of treatment;

4.       All of the above *.

In case of refusal of treatment the patient must specify:

1.       prognosis regarding recovery;

2.       forecast of life *;

3.       inform the patient about the possibility of death soon while refusing treatment.

Kantserofobiya this:

1.       fear of the patient to the possibility of cancer *;

2.       fear of the doctor not to miss cancer patient during the examination.

3.       fear of the patient before the treatment of malignant tumors

4.       own doctor to cancer patients


6.2. Materials for the methods of the main stage sessions T able, owner of anticancer chemotherapy, hospital records and medical history of patients with precancerous diseases and cancer of various locations, medicines.


6.3. Materials for the final stage of the study: clinical case studies

Final Test

clinical case studies (Correct answers are marked "*")

Task 1. to general hospitals enrolled patient B. '56 complaining of epigastric discomfort, pohudinnya general weakness. On V in cardiac endoscopy of the stomach revealed an ulcer with jagged edges, irregular shapes. Biopsy results - stomach cancer. What is the most favorable tactics to communicate with patients?

A. Tell the patient that he has cancer of the stomach and send the additional examination.

B. * Refer the patient to consult an oncologist telling a patient that is found in the stomach ulcer, which may have precancerous.

C. Tell the patient that he had stomach cancer and suggest treatment.

D. Tell the patient that he has cancer and sent for treatment to an oncologist.

Task 2. Patient entered the clinic N., 53, with neglected tumor of the right breast. Tumor size 8h5 cm in the right axillary area - not driven conglomerate. Vnutrishkiryany Multiple metastases. What is the most favorable tactics to communicate with patients?

A. Tell the patient that she neglected cancer treatment is impractical.

B. Tell the patient that she neglected cancer, to send to the district oncologist.

C. * Tell the patient that the tumor in her breast and sent to the district oncologist to assess the possibility of treatment.

D. Tell the patient that she neglected cancer and send to simptomatychne treatment to an oncologist.

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