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Card№ 12

LISTENING (10 min.)

Task 1.Listen to the text [T.12] - 3 min. and give T(true) and F(False) answers. (Time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 1 min.) .




Claire could live without electric light because she loves candles


Andy couldn’t live without her mobile. She means that's how she keep in touch with all her friends.


It would be a nightmare for Julia to have no dishwasher


The first thing which Tyler`d miss most would be her mobile phone


The two things which Tyler couldn`t live: dishwasher and mobile phone

Task 2. Retell the main idea of the listened text (Time for preparation-2 min., time for answering-2 min.).

SPEAKING(10 min.)

Task 1. Discuss on the given situation. (Time for preparation- 3 min., time for answering- 1 min.).

You are going to give an interview about habits, please talk about bad habits.

Task 2. Speak on the given topic “A healthy lifestyle” (Time for preparation- 4 min., time for answering- 2 min.)

READING (10 min.)

Task 1. Read the text and translate the 1st paragraph of the text. (Time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 2 min.).

People often wonder how to make their house more cosy and comfortable. One of the best ideas is a fireplace. Fire has been always associated with warmth and positive feelings. People like sitting at rainy days before the fireplace and drink coffee. Appropriate furniture also gives the effect of a real home. Modern sofas and armchairs with plenty of cushions create a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Although people prefer minimalist style, it is important to put your family or friend’s photo on the wall, and place souvenirs from trips abroad either on the window –sill or wooden bookshelves. Electrical appliances like huge TV and video are never attractive-they are always difficult to hide.

My dream is to live in a big detached house surrounded by a big garden full of flowers and trees. I wouldn't like to live in an apartment with blocks of flats and rude neighbour’s making noise in the middle of the night. My dream house should be located outside the city, in a very picturesque place on the outskirts of town where I can find true peace and happiness. Therefore, my dream house should have the characteristics that represent my spiritual world and personality with its location as well as its inner and outer design.

Task 2. Write a suitable heading to the paragraph. (Time for preparation- 2 min., time for answering- 1 min.).

WRITING (10 min.)

Task 1. Write an essay to the given situation (60 words), (Time for preparation- 8 min., time for answering- 2 min.).

Situation: You are late to work. Write Memo from Staff to Supervisor, addressing late arrival for work as a result of not feeling well.

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