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International Organizations (24)

Міжнародні організації (ООН, ЄС, СОТ, НАТО)”.

The United Nations Organization – international organization of countries created in 1945 with the aim to promote cooperation in solving the problems of the world, to develop good relations between countries, maintain peace all over the world.

North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) – regional defense alliance. The purpose of this organization is to enhance the stability, well-being and freedom of its members through a system of collective security.

Several multinational economic communities were formed after World War II to promote trade among countries that have common economic and political interests.

The European Common Market was created by the treaty of Rome in 1957.

The European Economic Community had been founded to oversee the economic integration of the nations of Western Europe

Ukraine is the member of the United Nations Organization and takes part in many other international organizations.

Some nations have joined together to form trading partnerships and made trade agreements that facilitate open trade. They are the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), common markets, and producers’ cartels.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was formed in 1944. It was established to protect countries’ currencies from fluctuations. It can temporarily lend funds to a country that has any financial problems.

The World Bank (the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development),an autonomous United Nations agency, is concerned with the development of the infrastructure (roads, schools, hospitals, power plants) in less-developed countries.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and trade (GATT) was established in 1948. According to this agreement the government leaders from nations throughout the world have cooperated to create monetary and trade agreements that facilitate the exchange of goods, services, ideas, and cultural programmes.

Економічне і соціальне значення туризму.

Economic and social significance of tourism. (26, 30)

Tourism has a great economic and social significance. More than 270 million tourists spend 92 billion dollars annually on traveling in places outside their own countries. This is one of the largest items in the world’s foreign trade. Tourism is one of the fastest growing economic activities. It is the most important export industry and earner of foreign currency. The government of Ukraine established the department of tourism and gives encouragement and sponsorship to tourism development.

Small business and multinational corporations make not bad benefits from the tourist industry.

There is a widespread optimism that tourism might be a powerful and beneficial agent of both economic and social change. Indeed, tourism has stimulated employment and investment and made a positive contribution to the balance of payments in many countries throughout the world.

History of Tourism (29)

Про історію туризму.

People began traveling in the ancient world. Ancient people traveled for various purposes such as pleasure, trade, scientific exploration and religious pilgrimages.

The ancient Romans and Greeks were the most famous ancient travelers. Romans traveled to Greece on summer vacation, escaping the heat.

Commercial trading also made ancient people travel from one place to another. In the Eastern part of the world there was the famous Silk Road on which the merchants from many foreign countries traded there.

The search for scientific knowledge was another major motivation for travel in ancient times. Greeks were the first who compiled geographic information of the world. The desire to discover and understand other places and people made many scientists to travel in many directions. Marco Polo made his famous journey through Asia and brought back beautiful descriptions of places and people he met. And as a result of Christopher Columbus’s traveling there was discovered a new land – America.

Middle Ages are characterized as the opening sea travel.

Tourism in Ukraine (17,18 )

Розвиток туристичної індустрії в Україні.( на Львівщині)

The specific geographical position and landscape, favourable climate conditions, rich natural, historic, cultural potential of Ukraine create vast opportunities to meet cognitive, sporting and spiritual needs of Ukrainian and foreign tourists. Tourism has economic and social significance.

Tourism is one of the fastest growing economic activities. It is the most important export industry and earner of foreign currency. The government of Ukraine established the department of tourism and gives encouragement and sponsorship to tourism development.

Small business and multinational corporations make benefits from the tourist industry.

The most popular tourist regions are the Crimea, the Carpathian mountains, and such cities as Kyiv, Odessa, Lviv.

Ukraine takes part in international tourist exchange.

There is a widespread optimism that tourism might be a powerful and beneficial agent of both economic and social change. Indeed, tourism has stimulated employment and investment and made a positive contribution to the balance of payments in many countries throughout the world.

Львів, як культурно –туристичний центр України. (1,)

Львів, як перлина Західної України. (7)

Співпраця національних виробників із іноземними партнерами. (16)

Роль Львівщини у міжнародному бізнесі. (27)

Lviv is one of the oldest towns of Ukraine. It was founded in the thirteenth centure by Prince Danilo Halytsky. Since Ukraine is independent, Lviv has been growing into an international trading, scientific, cultural and tourist centre. Lviv is a well-known centre of musical culture. The Lviv Opera House, the Organ Hall, the Lyudkevich concert Hall, the Cathedral of Dominicans regularly organize concerts and musical parties. The academic choir “Trembita”, a choir of men and boys “Dudaric” musical schools , brass bands form a musical potential of region.

You can admire works of art at numerous shows and exhibitions in art galleries. The Lviv Day is celebrated every year in autumn. Foreign musicians and theatre troops often perform here and international art festivals are held.

The region takes an active part in student, professor and scientist exchange programs with foreign educational and scientific institutions.

(16) A great number of joint ventures with American, British, Dutch, German, Swedish, Canadian, Polish and Russian financial capital have appeared and work successfully in different spheres.

A great number of privatized enterprises in Western Ukraine attract attention of potential investors. Agricultural Project sponsored by the Dutch government was implemented in the Lviv region. The “Switoch” company cooperates with the world-known company of “Nestle”.