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Tm fit 121-140

I. Give synonyms and/or antonyms:

1. to release

set free, ant. to press

2. to remove

to delete, change place

3. to scale back

to scale down, zoom out, ant. zoom in

4. to scan

to search, look through

5. security

safety, defense

II. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:






to re/move

removed/ removable



to replace




to select

selective/ selected


reflection/ reflector

to reflect

reflective/ reflected



to reserve



III. Make up phrases by matching the words in the left column with those in the right:

1. restricted E

A. border

2. root D

B. access

3. screen A

C. guide

4.reference C

D. directory

5. remote B

E. information

IV. Fill the web diagram with the words that can be used with the given word:

SEARCH - area, criterion, engine, key, time.

VI. Do a mini-research and explain the meaning of the following words beginning with re-:

1. remove

abolish or get rid, take off or away from the position occupied

2. replace

take the place of, provide a substitute for, put back on a previous place or position

3. release

allow information to be generally available, allow to move or flow freely

4. restore

repair or renovate, bring back

5. restrict

put a limit on

VII. Give the definitions suiting the terms below:

1. register

A. very-high-speed memory device in CPU

2. remote access

B. using remote sources as local

3. to scale back

C. proportional change of size

4. screen saver

D. program for protection of the screen

5. search engine

E. service of some sites and net portals to search information, special search sites

VIII. State the type of logical relations between the following words:


Type of logical relations

1. remove – replace E

A. part and whole

2. periphery – scanner B

B. general and specific

3. Internet – search engine A

C. cause and effect

4. restricted information - security C

D. contrast

5. press a button – release a button D

E. equivalence

IX. Say what can be:

1. released

button, source, program,

2. removed

file, text, picture, icon

3. replaced

object, file, filename, iconа

4. restored

system, error, program, file

5. scanned

disk, text, file, picture

X. Say what the following is used for:

1. release

for calling a method; button release is one of events which can call program method execution.

2. route

for sending information through it

3. scale

for not distorting image by changing its size

4. security

for saving, protecting information

5. restriction of information

for saving private information from thieves

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