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Tm fit 81-100

I. Give synonyms and/or antonyms:

1. image

picture, photo

2. input

contribution, participation, ant. output

3. invalid

unacceptable; untrue, ant. valid

4. download

load, charge, ant. upload

5. log in

log on, register in, record in, ant. log off; log out

II. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:





link/ linkage/ linker/ linking

to link



load/ loading/ loader

to load

loadable/ loaded



to maintain




to monitor

monitorial/ monitory


III. Make up phrases by matching the words in the left column with those in the right:

1.input D

A. distortion

2. image A

B. delivery

3. invalid E

C. guide

4. message B

D. area

5. maintenance C

E. password

IV. Fill the web diagram with the words that can be used with the given word:

MEMORY - blank, allocation, chip, cell, error, ROM, expansion card, size, unit, upgrade.

VI. Do a mini-research and explain the difference between:

1. hard copy - backup copy - soft copy - master copy

Hard-/soft copy – forms of data representation

Backup-/master copy – forms of keeping information

Hard copy – information printed out on paper from a computer.

Soft copy – electronic form of keeping information in computer, CD etc.

Master copy – an original sample from which copies are made.

Backup copy – reserve copy made to restore deleted/unkept data/information

2. input - output

Input- information that is put into a system (or machine) so it can operate

Output – information produced by a computer

3. laptop – notebook - palmtop

Laptop – large portable, can be rested on user’s lap.

Notebook’s size is one of a sheet of notebook paper.

Palmtop – a small computer that can be held in the palm of one hand.

4. to reload – unload – download - upload

To reload – to put data or a program into a memory of a computer again.

To unload – to take smth. (disk or a tape) off or out a computer.

To download – to copy or move (data or program) into a computer memory, esp. from a larger computer; to copy information from Internet.

To upload – to copy or move (program or information) into a main system (or a larger computer)

5. log in - log off

To log in – to perform the actions that allow you to start using a computer.

To perform actions that allow you to finish using a computer.

VIII. State the type of logical relations between the following words:


Type of logical relations

1. input – processing C

A. part and whole

2. monitor – computer A

B. general and specific

3. computer- notebook B

C. cause and effect

4. junk mail – spam E

D. contrast

4. input – output D

E. equivalence

IX. Say what the following is used for:

1. hard copy

to have information printed out on paper so that to read it


to write computer programs

3. log in

to perform the actions that allow you to start using a computer system (to gain access to a computer system requiring user identification prior to access).

4. master copy

the original sample to make copies from

5. ROM

for reading data only (content can not be changed)

X. Say what can be:

1. input

data, error, channel, alphabet, block, box, equipment, data processor, area

2. uploaded

program, information, data, files, games, system

3. downloaded

data, program, free software, files, music

4. maintained

command, program, contact-switch, contact type button, wave, user

5. monitored

program, storage, scheme, performance

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