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Implementation of the project uhmis allows people to get the following benefits:

- Access to a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan "e-passport for health" to ensure continuity in the provision of health care;

- Provision of necessary medical patient information;

- Improving the speed and efficiency of patient care;

- Improving the quality of medical care by providing greater awareness of medical personnel about new medical technologies, the introduction of electronic and paper-based reduction, verifying the correctness of the diagnosis, prescribing and preventive measures;

- Informing patients about the operation of health care organizations and individuals, on the order of hospitalization in hospitals and schedule of consultants in outpatient institutions;

- The ability to store and reuse of accumulated medical information about the patient, and as a consequence, to avoid duplication of numerous studies;

- Improving the safety of the use of medicines by improving the awareness of the medical staff and patients registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan medicines and their side effects;

- Informing patients about the health and epidemic situation in the whole country, in a particular region, on a separate disease.

Database Register attached population (rap)

Register attached population (RAP) - Internet portal, developed in 2011, for policymakers and health care organizations that provide primary health care.

RAP contains this data:

E-census 96% of the population (15,800 inhabitants)

For more than 400 organizations, providing primary health care

Information on the medical staff of PHC organizations - more than 8 thousand and 15 thousand doctors construction

The electronic register of addresses residents of Kazakhstan - more than 4 million addresses


Practical work was carried out in the infirmary of the international IT University of. During the internship, I learned the functionality of this center. I learned to work with the programs as a government database attached register of the population (RPN) and a unified health information system (UHMIS).   I am alone responsible student, so all my practice, I have come to the medical center without delay at the appointed time (from 9-00 to 12-00), and carried out all the tasks that the doctor gave me. My colleagues and I had a key task, it was to use the database IITU students and find out which hospital, each student was registered. I wondered why? For what? Is it necessary? later, as I explained, the information needed to calculate the number of nonresident students, and to enter into an agreement between the university and companies from these hospitals. Now I'll tell you a little about the program. This program is a prime example of the use of information technology in various fields, including medicine. From this we can see the data from any inhabitant of the city, region or village, which had been previously registered. The database contains all information about a person, for example: which hospital he was registered, medical history, and where the treatment took place, what was sick and when it all happened. Data on the citizen of the country can be known from the database with the introduction of the passport data to the console program. During the passage of my practice, I have analyzed the data of students 1,2 and 3 courses of International IT University. Due to the passage of this practice, and analyzing all, I can conclude about the importance of information technology in the health service. The development of various programs do work in the medical field more comfortable, functional and detailed. For example: do not spend a lot of time collecting documents in the archives to look for them, it is enough to sit down at the computer to enter data and all information about a person's lifetime you have the electronic version! After completion of all stages of practice, I can safely say that all of the goals and objectives that were assigned at the beginning of the work have been achieved.

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