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Practical work in Medical Center of “iitu” jsc

June 3, 2013. (First day)

The meeting in the auditorium, familiarization with the practice, the appointment of an internship.          June 4, 2013. (Second day) Familiarity with the head and trainees. Friends say that CT can and all that. June 5, 2013. (Third Day) Teachers provide notice of compulsory passage Photo X-rays. June 6, 2013. (Fourth day) Learning to use the base load tap changer ((case attachment of the population). Conducted a search of students 1,2 and 3 courses in RPN database to identify the organization to which they are attached.               June 7, 2013. (Day Five) Continued to search students 1,2 and 3 courses in RPN database to identify the organization to which they are attached.           June 10, 2013. (Sixth day) Continued to search students 1,2 and 3 courses in RPN database to identify the organization to which they are attached. June 11, 2013. (Seventh Day) Continued to search students 1,2 and 3 courses in RPN database to identify the organization to which they are attached. June 12, 2013. (Day Eight) Trained Merit pressure on both manual and automatic davlemere and measured the temperature.

         June 13, 2013. (Day Nine) Doing crossword puzzles on topics IT, finance, management, and medicine.           June 14, 2013. (Day Ten) Preparing a report on the practice.

Unified health information system (uhis).

The Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, improving the management of the industry at all levels to actively use modern information technology. The concept of a single information space industry includes Unified health information system (UHIS) - a multi-component system automates the activities of health care organizations at all levels, all control structures and a set of portal solutions used to solve the pressing problems of the branch management.

Implementation of uhis:

Worked on the creation of UHIS domestic experts in the field of health and IT - technology that has had a profound influence on the development of human resources in health informatics

UHIS - the property of the state - the state medical organizations do not bear the costs of acquiring software UHMIS

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the national budget creates a powerful IT-infrastructure industry

Principles of construction in UHIS:

Patient orientation - transparency and accessibility of information for patients

- About health services

- About his health

Minimization routine functions and the human factor - the information is recorded in a place of its origin.

The speed and availability of information - information available "here and now" equally to all participants in the process.

Credibility - the information is collected and consolidated in all components of the system based on a single master data systems, under the same rules and regulations

UHIS includes this portals and resources:

Medical and Statistical System

Resource Management System

The monitoring system of sanitary and epidemiological situation

The control drug supply

The quality management system of medical services

The system of financial management

Portal Register attached population (RAP)

Portal Bureau of hospitalization (BG)

Portal stimulatory component of capitation (SCN)

A single health information system (HIS)

The basis for the realization of the national project "Development of a Uniform Health Information System of the Republic of Kazakhstan" is the State Reform and Development Program of Health for 2005-2010. Further improvement UHMIS occurs within the State Program of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan Salamatty" for 2011 - 2015 years.

Single health information system of the Republic of Kazakhstan - a set of software and hardware tools and technologies tied together by means of data transmission, united by a common ideology, approaches classifiers and other means of ensuring that the whole structure of health management based on uniform procedures for the collection, processing, aggregation and analysis of information.

UHMIS owner of RK is the state represented by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. However, according to the Concept of "Unified National Health System of the Republic of Kazakhstan", each medical organization working within the system, will be provided with the software UHMIS RK.

On the creation of the Republic of Kazakhstan worked UHMIS domestic experts in the field of health care and IT-technologies, which had a huge impact on the development of Public Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Software systems UHMIS:

Medical and statistical system

Patient orientation system that provides computerize all the processes of interaction of patients with the medical staff.

The database accumulates personalized information about health care services rendered to the patient from the time of birth (applying to medical organizations, the treatment and diagnostic measures, identified the disease, and designated medical services rendered to the patient, including drug consumption, if the treatment took place directly in the medical organization , planning and monitoring of the implementation of preventive measures).

Resource Management System

solve strategic and operational issues of personnel and logistics of medical institutions, according to their actual needs, and also provides the use of common directories and codify.

The monitoring system of sanitary-epidemiological situation

solves the problem of collecting, compiling and analyzing information, timely information to the responsible departments of the Ministry of Health and local authorities on sanitary-epidemiological status in all regions of the Republic.

The management system for ensuring monitoring of drug trafficking

performs automated control of the processes of production, traffic and use of medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment.

As part of this system identified four sets of tasks. The first - a set on the formation of information resources in matters of accessibility and affordability of medicines. The second - the formation of information resources on the prevention of disease and drug-drug deaths. The third set - the formation of information resources for the consumption of free medicines to the patient level. And the fourth - on the formation of information resources on the quality of medicines.

The quality management system of medical services

to enhance the quality control of medical institutions and personnel of medical institutions and personnel of the services provided on the basis of forming the object of indicator parameters. The system provides information support to training and certification of medical personnel. All cases of misdiagnosis and the complaints of the patients treated in this system on the basis of strictly documented information about the installed diagnosis and medical services.

Financial management system

manages the cash flow industry.

Create UHIS RK allows

For health authorities:

- Timely management decisions;

- To fund health care services for the new principles;

- To monitor health indicators, the volume and quality of care;

- To manage the quality of medical services.

For health care organizations:

- To plan preventive actions;

- To manage the system of training and the rational allocation of human resources;

- Improve the efficiency of decision-making through access to accurate and complete information;

- Automate the processing of state and departmental reports;

- Avoid duplication of reference and the flow of information (registration data at its source);

- To ensure the efficiency and availability of information for professionals;

- Access to a wide range of users to sources of information in their professional activities, education, science, etc.

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