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  1. If two or more capacitors are connected in series, the equivalent capacitance of the series combination is given by:

  • 1/Ceq=1/C1+1/C2+1/C3+...

  1. The energy stored in a capacitor with charge Q is:

  1. The electric dipole moment p of an electric dipole has a magnitude:

  • p=2aQ

  1. The torque acting on an electric dipole in a uniform electric field E is:

  • τ=pxE

  1. The potential energy of the system of an electric dipole in a uniform external electric field E is:

  • U=- p·E

  1. he electric current I in a conductor is defined as:

  1. The average current in a conductor is related to the motion of the charge carriers through the relationship:

  • Iav=nqvdA

  1. The magnitude of the current density J in a conductor is:

  • J=I/A

  1. Ohm’s law in the differential form is:

  • JE

  1. Ohm’s law in the integral form is:

  • I=U/R

  1. The resistance R of a conductor is defined as:

  • R=∆V/I

  1. For a uniform block of material of cross sectional area A and length l, the resistance over the length l is:

  1. The power supplied to the element, is:

  • P=I∆V

  1. The power delivered to a resistor can be defined as:

  • P=I2R

  1. The equivalent resistance of a set of resistors connected in series is:

  • Req=R1+R2+R3+...

  1. The equivalent resistance of a set of resistors connected in parallel is found from the relationship:

  • 1/Req=1/R1+1/R2+1/R3+...

  1. Circuits involving more than one loop are conveniently analyzed with the use of Kirchhoff’s rules:

  • 1. The sum of the currents entering any junction in an electric circuit must equal the sum of the currents leaving that junction. 2. The sum of the potential differences across all elements around any circuit loop must be zero.

  1. Two objects, with different sizes, masses, and temperatures, are placed in thermal contact. Energy travels

  • From the object at higher temperature to the object at lower temperature,

  1. On a day when the temperature reaches 50°F, what is the temperature in degrees Celsius and in kelvins?

  • 100 C, 283 K.

  1. A helium-filled rubber balloon is left in a car on a cold winter night. Compared to its size when it was in the warm car the afternoon before, the size the next morning is

  • Smaller

  1. The first law of thermodynamics can be given as ________.

  • ΔE = Q + W

  1. The second law of thermodynamics can be given as __________

  • for any spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases

  1. Which of the following is not a state function?

  • Mole

  1. Two containers hold an ideal gas at the same temperature and pressure. Both containers hold the same type of gas but container B has twice the volume of container A. The average translational kinetic energy per molecule in container B is

  • the same as that for container A

  1. Two containers hold an ideal gas at the same temperature and pressure. Both containers hold the same type of gas but container B has twice the volume of container A. The internal energy of the gas in container B is

  • twice that for container A

  1. Two containers hold an ideal gas at the same temperature and pressure. Both containers hold the same type of gas but container B has twice the volume of container A. The rms speed of the gas molecules in container B is

  • the same as that for container A

  1. How does the internal energy of an ideal gas change as it follows path in figure?

  • increases

  1. How does the internal energy of an ideal gas as it follows path along the isotherm labeledin figure ?

  • stays the same

  1. Latent heat is

  • the heat released or absorbed by a thermodynamic system during a process that occurs without a change in temperature

  1. Adiabatic process is

  • process in which the net heat transfer between the system and its surroundings is zero

  1. A diatomic gas molecule has ... degrees of freedom

  • 6

  1. Energy may be transferred by

  • all answers are correct

  1. The molar specific heat of a gas is measured at constant volume and found to be 11R/2. The gas is most likely to be

  • polyatomic

  1. Parallel wires carrying currents I1 and I2 respectively

  • repel if they are directed opposite

  1. What are the opposite ends of a magnet called?

  • Its north and south poles

  1. How are electrical charges and magnetic poles similar?

  • Unlike attract and the same type repel

  1. How can you show that electricity creates a magnetic field?

  • Use a compass near a wire with current flowing through it

  1. How can you make an electromagnet?

  • Run current through a wire wrapped around an iron rod

  1. What happens when you turn off the current in an electromagnet?

  • The magnetism is turned off

  1. How can you create electricity with a magnet?

  • By moving a wire through a magnetic field

  1. Can you create electricity with a magnet?

  • Yes, by moving a wire through a magnetic field

  1. The geomagnetic field

  • makes a compass work

  1. A material that can be permanently magnetized is generally said to be

  • ferromagnetic

  1. The magnetic flux around a straight current-carrying wire

  • is strongest near the wire

  1. The gauss is a unit of

  • magnetic flux density

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