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Тематический план ФИТМиФ.docx
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Learn these words and phrases by heart:

size (extra small, small, medium, large, extra-large) - размер changing room / fitting room - примерочная credit card – кредитная карта

to issue a credit note – выдать кредитный билет

be out of stock – отсутствовать на складе

stockroom - склад

expensive –дорогой

cheap - дешевый

to return - возвращать

a restocking fee – сбор при возврате товара

a refund – возврат денег

a cash desk / register – расчетная касса

a counter – прилавок

Can I help you? - Могу ли я вам помочь? What size are you? /What is your size? – Какой у вас размер?

Can I try it (them) on? – Можно это (их) примерить? How does it fit? – Ну как, подходит? How much is it? – Сколько это стоит?

How would you like to pay? – Как бы вы хотели произвести оплату? Do you think it's possible to get a discount? – Можно ли получить скидку?

This suit is on sale. Этот костюм продается со скидкой.

Could you wrap it up for me? – Не могли бы вы это упаковать?

Is there a charge for that? – Взимается ли плата за это?

Keep your receipt [riʹsi:t]. – Сохраняйте кассовый чек.

Study and act out the following dialogues:

Salesman: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I'm looking for a sweater.

S: What size are you?

C: I'm an extra-large.

S: How about this one?

C: Yes, that's nice. Can I try it on?

S: Certainly, there’s the changing room over there.

C: Thank you.

S: How does it fit?

C: It's too large. Do you have a large?

S: Yes, here you are.

C: Thank you. I'll have it, please.

S: OK, how would you like to pay?

C: Do you take credit cards?

S: Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and American Express.

C: OK, here's my Visa.

S: Thank you. Have a nice day!

C: Thank you, goodbye.

Customer: Can you help me, please?

Salesman: Yes, sir. What is it?

C: I'm looking for a flannel suit, size 40.

S: What color do you want?

C: I prefer something in gray.

S: Here's an excellent suit in gray flannel. Will you try it on?

C: Yes, I will. Where is the fitting room?

S: Come this way.

C: How does it look?

S: It looks great. It's exactly your size.

C: How much is it?

S: This suit is on sale. It's only 115 dollars.

C: All right. I'll take it.

  1. Karen walks into a shoe store. 

She wants to buy a pair of new shoes for herself....


May I help you?


Yes. Do you have these shoes in size seven?


I'm not sure.  If you can't find them on the rack, they may be out of stock.  But let me look in the stockroom.


Thanks. I'd like to try on a pair if you have them.


I'll be right back.

  1. Karen walks into a boutique.  She wants to buy a scarf....

Sales Assoc:

Hi, are you being helped?


No, I'm not.  I'm interested in some scarves.

Sales Assoc:

All our scarves are in this section.  What do you think of this one here?  It's made of silk.


Hm, it looks nice, but I'd like to have something warm for the winter.

Sales Assoc:

Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarf.  How about this one?


I think that's what I want.  How much is it?

Sales Assoc:

It's...seventy-five dollars plus tax.


It's a little expensive.  Do you think it's possible to get a discount?

Sales Assoc:

Hm, since you like it so much, how about a 10 percent discount. That's the best I can offer.


That's good.  Could you wrap it up for me?

Sales Assoc:

Sure.  Is there anything else I can get for you?


No, that should be it.  Thank you.

  1. John is very happy to buy a small CD player at a pretty good price. 

When he checks out at the register, he asks the cashier about the return policy....


Is there anything else you would like to buy?


No, thank you.  I guess that's it.  By the way, in case there's a flaw in this CD player, can I return it?


Yes.  But you must return it within 30 days.


Is there a charge for that?  I know other stores have a restocking fee.


There will be no charge at all.  However, you must show us the receipt.  (The cashier is handing the receipt over to John for him to sign.)  Could you sign it here, please?


Thank you. 


All right.  Keep your receipt.  If something comes up, you can show it to us and we'll give you a refund.


Thanks.  I'll put it in a safe place.


Learn the words and phrases by heart:

to complain of – жаловаться на

to be ill with – болеть чем-либо

a sick-list – больничный лист

to fall ill – заболеть

to catch cold – простудиться

flu – грипп

complication on smth. after smth. – осложнение на что-либо после чего-либо

I have a headache / toothache/ stomachache. - У меня болит голова / зубная боль / боли в животе.

I feel anxious. - Я чувствую тревогу.

I’ve got chest pains. - У меня боли в груди.

I’m losing weight. - Я теряю вес.

I’ve got a cough. - У меня кашель.

I’ve got painful joints. - У меня боли в суставах.

I feel dizzy. - У меня кружится голова.

I have very high blood pressure. - У меня очень высокое кровяное давление.

I’ve got difficulties in breathing. - У меня трудности с дыханием.

I’m sneezing. – Я чихаю.

I lost consciousness. - Я потерял сознание.

I’ve got fever. - У меня температура.

I’ve got a sore throat. - У меня болит горло.

I’ve lost my appetite. - Я потерял аппетит.

I have a running nose. – У меня насморк.

Act the dialogues:


- What's the matter, David? You look very unhappy.

- Bad toothache. It's been hurting me all day.

- You had better go and see your dentist, hadn't you?

- I'm seeing him tomorrow. I was unable to make an appointment with him for today.

- How about trying to find another dentist who can see you today? Shall I get the telephone book and do it for you?

- No, thank you, Sheila. I'd rather you were not making such a fuss over me. I'd rather wait until tomorrow. I prefer seeing my own dentist when it is possible.


Doctor: Well, what’s the matter with you, Mr. Walker?

Patient: You’d better ask me what not the matter with me, doctor, is. I seem to be suffering from all the illnesses imaginable: insomnia, splitting headaches, backache, and pain in the stomach.

D.: Don’t worry, Mr. Walker. Pull yourself together and tell me what troubles you in particular.

P.: I’ve caught a cold, doctor, I’ve got a sore throat, a running nose and I’m constantly sneezing and coughing. To make things still worse, I had an accident the other day, hurt my right shoulder, leg and knee and nearly broke my neck. In fact I feel more dead than alive.

D.: Let me examine you. Your heart, chest and lungs seem to be all right. But it’s quite clear that you’ve run down, and if you don’t take care of yourself, you may have a nervous breakdown and have to go to the hospital.

P.: Well, what should I do, doctor? I feel low and fit for nothing.

D.: I advise you, first of all, to stop worrying. Take a long rest. Keep off alcohol and give up smoking, if possible, at least for a time. Take two table-spoonfuls of this medicine three times a day before meals. It will do you good. If you follow my advice, I can promise you full recovery within two or three months.