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комплексна контрольна робота

з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за П С)»

для студентів спеціальності 5.02010501 «Діловодство»

Галузь знань 0201 Культура

Варіант № 6

1. Fill in the missing words (terms, reclaim, charges, delivery, letter of credit, arbitration, freight/loading, penalty, substandard, parties, payment, specification, late invoked)

2. Draft contract between

WIDGETRY Ltd (hereafter known as "the seller")

and MERCURY plc (hereafter known as "the buyer")

The seller undertakes to supply the buyer with 120,000 super widgets, to BSI (1) specification and to pay all (2) and insurance(3)

The terms of (4) and immediate payment of (5) charges by confirmed and irrevocable (6) are to be standard.

A (7) clause will be included in the contract. It will be (8)… against the seller for late delivery or (9) quality; against the buyer for (10) ..payment.

In the event of non-payment, the seller shall be entitled to (11) the goods.

In case of a dispute between the (12) to the contract, the matter will be taken to independent (13)…All the (14) of the contract must be complied with by both parties.

2. Write the numbers in words.

87,188 1/2

3. What are these numbers in figures? Write them

point nought two

4. Choose the correct forms or open the brackets. Translate the sentences.

I ask (he, him) a lot of questions about his job. We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of (our, ours). They (to arrive) tomorrow? I (to lock) my door when I went to work. .Mr.Brown (not decide) yet.

We (to get) in touch with him by 4p.m.

5. Translate the sentences.

Вибачте, Ви містер Міллер з Бона?

Містер Стентон чекає на Вас.

Я завжди мріяв побувати в Британії.

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