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House. Flat

My house is my castle.

East or West, home is best.

Home is the girl's prison and the woman's workhouse.

Home is any four walls that enclose the right person.

Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home.

The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.


1. General

1. Загальна лексика

building / to build

споруда / будувати

dwelling / flat / block of flats / house / home

житло / квартира / багатоквартирний будинок / будинок / дім (оселя)

district / residential area / suburb

район / житлова місцевість / околиця, передмістя

story (floor) / two-storied building / to live(ed) on the ground floor (Br.)

поверх / двоповерхова будівля / жити на першому поверсі

to move(ed) into (out) / housewarming party

заїхати (виїхати) / входини

to let (let; let) a house / to rent(ed) a house / real estate agency / tenant

здавати в оренду будинок / орендувати будинок / агентство з нерухомості / орендар

2. Types of Dwelling

2. Типи житла

hut / country house (weekend house) / sky-scraper / palace / castle / barracks

хатина / дача / хмарочос / палац / замок / казарма

3. House parts

3. Складові будинку

roof / attic / chimney / stairs / porch / basement

дах / горище / димар / сходи / ганок / підвал

ceiling / floor / wall / window / window sill / Venetian blind

стеля / підлога / стіна / вікно / підвіконня / жалюзі

front door (back door) / door lock / door-bell spyhole

вхідні двері (запасний вихід) / замок у дверях / дзвінок / вічко

4. Premises and Outhouse

4. Прилегла прибудинкова забудова

yard / garden / kitchen garden / lawn / flower-bed / fence / path / pond / fountain / summer house / green-house / garage / shed (barn)

двір / сад / город / газон / клумба / паркан / стежка / ставок / фонтан / альтанка / теплиця / гараж / сарай

5. Repairing a House

5. Ремонт будинку

construction materials: wood / metal / plastic / brick / concrete / glass / marble / stone

будівельні матеріали: дерево / метал / пластик / цегла / бетон / скло / мармур / камінь

to paint(ed) / painted / wallpaper / linoleum / whitewash(ed)

фарбувати / пофарбований / шпалери / лінолеум / побілка (білити)

6. House Fittings and Housekeeping

6. Оснащення квартири та ведення домашнього господарства

house fittings: modern conveniences central heating / water supply / lift (Am: elevator) / radiator / fireplace

оснащення квартири: сучасні зручності / центральне опалення / водопостачання / ліфт / батарея / камін

to keep (kept; kept) house / to sweep (swept; swept) / to wipe(ed) / to polish(ed) / to air(ed) / to clean(ed) the garbage

вести домашнє господарство / замітати / витирати (мити) / натирати до блиску / провітрювати / прибрати сміття

7. Household appliances

7. Побутові прилади

iron / washing machine / vacuum cleaner / dishwasher / TV set with a remote control / hair drier / microwave oven / electric kettle / coffee maker / mixer / refrigerator

праска / пральна машина / пилосос / посудомийна машина / телевізор із дистанційним керуванням / фен / мікрохвильова піч / електричний чайник / кавоварка / міксер / холодильник

8. Rooms and Interiors

8. Кімната та інтер’єр

hall: rack / mirror / chest of draws / rug

передпокій: вішалка / дзеркало / комод / килимок

living room (lounge): furniture / sofa / cushion / arm-chair / coffee table / carpet / curtain / lamp / standard lamp

вітальня: меблі / диван / подушка / крісло / журнальний столик / килим / штора / лампа / торшер

bedroom: wardrobe / double bed / blanket / coverlet / mattress / pillow / bedside table

спальня: шафа / подвійне ліжко / ковдра / покривало / матрац / подушка / тумбочка

dining room / study / nursery / utility room

їдальня / кабінет / дитяча / комірчина

kitchen: sink / taps / cooker hood / coоker / oven / cupboards

кухня: мийка / крани / витяжка / плита / духова шафа / буфет (шафки)

bathroom: bath tub / shower cabin / washbasin / toilet

ванна: ванна (резервуар) / душова кабіна / умивальник / туалет

Introductory text From the History of Human Dwellings

Notes to the text:

for industrial purposes – у промислових цілях

public and scientific institutions – громадські й наукові установи

primitive men (ancient people) – первісні (стародавні) люди

stormy weather – негода

to look for protection – шукати захисту

to settle in caves – селитися в печерах

primitive stone structures – примітивні кам’яні споруди

to feel a need – відчувати потребу

within the town walls – у межах міських стін

shop opening on the street – магазин, що відкривається на вулицю

to sell goods – продавати товари

thick walls and narrow windows – товсті стіни та вузькі вікна

to stand up to enemy attack – протистояти ворожій атаці

dried in the sun – висушені на сонці

hearth – вогнище

through the hole in the roof – через отвір в даху

Most of the time people spend within the walls of some building. Houses are built for dwelling; large buildings are constructed for industrial purposes; theatres, museums, public and scientific institutions are built for cultural activities of the people. The purposes of modem buildings differ widely, but all of them originate from the efforts of primitive men to protect themselves from stormy weather, wild animals and human enemies.

In prehistoric times men looked for protection under the branches of trees; others settled in caves, dwelling places that storm and cold could not destroy. On the walls of their caves ancient people painted pictures. Such decorated caves are found in Europe, Asia and Africa.

When man began to build a home for himself, caves were imitated in stone structures; trees were taken as a model for huts built of branches. Such primitive stone structures and huts are the earliest types of human dwellings.

In the days of early civilization, once men had learnt how to build simple houses for their families, they began to feel a need to have a number of different kinds of houses in one place. At first the difference was mainly in size – the leader had a larger hut or tent than the rest of the people. Much later, when men began to build towns, there grew up a difference between town houses and country houses. The streets in towns were very narrow and there was not much place for building within the town walls, and therefore houses had to be built higher than they were in the country. A typical town house consisted of a shop opening on the street where the man did his work or sold his goods, with a kitchen behind and a bedroom above.

The rich people in the country built huge castles with thick walls and narrow windows. These castles were built not only as dwellings, but also to stand up to enemy attack. The earliest houses of which anything is known are those of ancient Egypt. They were built of bricks dried in the sun. Some of them were built around a courtyard or garden with rooms opening into it.

The earliest houses in Britain were round, built of wood. In the centre of the house there was the hearth; light came in through the hole in the roof above it and through the door because there were no windows.

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