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Завдання до Семінарського заняття 2 germanic languages

1. Theoretical questions (for the test and discussion):

    1. The place of the Germanic Languages among other world languages. The Indo-European Languages

    2. The Germanic languages: classification and geography.

    3. The Germanic tribes: east, west and north.

    4. The language peculiarities of the Germanic languages: phonetic, grammar, vocabulary.

    5. The Great Consonant Shift: its essence, results and interpretation.

    6. The writing system of the Germanic languages

2. Reports:

  1. The Gothic language – the only written trace of the early Germanic tribes

  2. The Great Consonant Shift. Interpretation of the Great Consonant Shift.

  3. The Germanic tribes: east, west and north (3 students)

  4. The runic alphabet


  1. Жлуктенко Ю.О., Яворська Г.А. Вступ до германського мовознавства. – К., “Вища школа”, 1986. – P. 58 – 65.

  2. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка: Учебник. – М.,”Изд-во Астрель”, “Изд-во АСТ”, 2003. – 348с.

Practical tasks (to be done in written form):

1. Creative task (to be done in written form): Make up a list of words of Germanic and non-Germanic origin. Supply it with corresponding proto-forms (use any English Etymological Dictionary)

Sample of the work

South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University

creative work

Words of Germanic and non-Germanic origin



Odesa - 2007

The list of words of Germanic and non-Germanic origin

1. Germanic





P.Gmc. *elino-bugon, lit. "bend of the forearm."

2. Non- Germanic






ex -(out)+ fortis (strong)

Завдання до Семінарського заняття 3-4 old english

  1. Theoretical questions (for the test and discussion):

Part 1 (Seminar 3)

  1. The historical background of development of Old English.

  2. The Celtic languages.

  3. Etymological survey of the Old English vocabulary.

  4. The Old English dialects.

  5. The Old English alphabet.

  6. The Old English vowels system. Mutations: breaking, palatalisation, i-mutation, velar mutation, contraction of vowels due to a dropped -h, lengthening of originally short vowels. Rules of reading.

  7. The Old English consonants system. Mutations: doubling, hardening, rhotacism, splitting of velar C, loss of consonants. Rules of reading.

  8. Stress in Old English.

Part 2 (Seminar 4)

  1. The Old English morphology.

  2. Word formation in Old English.

  3. The Old English syntax.

2. Reports:

Part 1 (Seminar 3)

  1. Origin and development of Old English vowels (Comparison of Gothic and Old English).

  2. “Beowulf” – an epic poem of the 7th century.

  3. The Old English consonants system. Mutations: doubling, hardening, rhotacism, splitting of velar C, loss of consonants.

Part 2 (Seminar 4)

  1. The origin of the non-finite form of the verb.

  2. The origin of the article.

  3. The origin of the analytical verbal forms.

  4. Old English Syntax.

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