- •«Історія англійської мови» питання до іспиту
- •Завдання до Семінарського заняття 1 The Subject of the History of the English Language. Analysis of Development of Languages. The Comparative Historical Method
- •Завдання до Семінарського заняття 2 germanic languages
- •Literature
- •1. Germanic
- •2. Non- Germanic
- •Завдання до Семінарського заняття 3-4 old english
- •Literature
- •Завдання до Семінарського заняття 5-6 middle english
- •Suggested literature
- •Завдання до Семінарського заняття 7 early new english
«Історія англійської мови» питання до іспиту
The comparative historic method.
Germanic languages: linguistic features, classification.
The Great Consonant Shift.
Old English written records. Runic inscription.
Old English phonology.
Old English morphology.
Old English syntax.
Old English vocabulary.
Middle English dialects. The London dialect.
G. Chaucer as a founder of the literary dialect. The major features of Chaucer’s English.
Linguistic situation on the British Isles after the Norman Conquest.
Peculiarities of Middle English phonology.
Peculiarities of Middle English morphology
Peculiarities of Middle English syntax.
Middle English vocabulary and word formation.
Early New English. Socio-linguistic features.
Early New English – linguistic features.
The Great Vowel Shift.
The first English dictionaries.
Expansion of English today.
Завдання до Семінарського заняття 1 The Subject of the History of the English Language. Analysis of Development of Languages. The Comparative Historical Method
1. Theoretical questions (for the test and discussion)
1) The Subject matter of The History of the English Languages.
2) The Comparative Historic Method: its principles, stages of operation and weak points.
3) W. Jones and the idea of the Proto-Language.
4) Germanic philologists contributing to development of Comparative Linguistics: A. Schleicher, F.Shmidt, Franz Bopp, J. Grimm, K. Verner
2. Reports:
Causes of language evolution
A. Schleicher (the theory of language tree), F.Shmidt (the theory of waves) and their idea of language relations.
Franz Bopp, Rasmus Rask and their contribution to comparative philology.
Jacob Grimm, Karl Verner and their contribution to sound laws.
3. Practical task - to be done in written form and submitted at the end of the lesson:
Sample of the work (A4 Format)
South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University
control work 1
Odesa - 2007
sound correspondence between English, German and Latin
1. Sounds t-z-d
English |
German |
Latin |
2. Sounds # - # - #
English |
German |
Latin |
Establish some regular sound correspondence between English, German and Latin, supporting it with a number of words, e.g.
t [t] -- z [ts] -- d [d]
English German Latin
two zwei duo
ten zehn decem
tip Zipfel digitus