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American English Booklet11.doc
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4. North Central

(1) rhotic

(2) [F] instead of [x] before r, [mFri] marry. So, in this dialect marry = merry = Mary.

(3) [hw] is frequent but limited to the older generation

(4) Canadian [EV] for [aV], but only in the areas bordering on Canada, mouse [mEVs]

(5) often [ar] rather than [Qr], car [kar]

(6) Iowa and further West: [Q] rather than [O] in words such as caught, that is, caught = cot. The vowel [O] is thus restricted to the context of [r], as in pour. Note: some speakers make a distinction between cot [Q] and caught [P]. The vowel [P] is like [Q] but it has slight lip rounding. Since the distinction is so small, it is very difficult to hear the difference between [Q] and [P]

5. Southern Mountain

(1) rhotic

(2) diphthongization of monophthongs, can't [keint]

(3) and the reverse: monophthongization of diphthongs, mile [ma:l]

(4) word-finally [I] rather than [i]

(5) sometimes centralization of round vowels: [oV]

(6) the words greasy and grease are pronounced with [z] rather than [s].

Exercise 20

Study carefully the diagnostic characteristic of RP from this scheme and prepare to speak about diagnostic characteristic of GenAm.

1. Non-rhotic, that is, no postvocalic-r (as in ENE, NYC and Southern)

car /ka:/, cart /ka:t/

2. Back /a:/ and not /a:/, i.e. unlike ENE (examples above)

3. Development of /q/ before r (no matter whether the letter r is pronounced or not):

/Iq/, /Vq/, /aIq/


example RP American (most dialects)

hear hiq hir

hearing hiqriN hiriN

tour tVq tVr

fire faIq faIr

4. The use of /P/ in words spelled with o where most American dialects have /Q/


example RP American

pot pPt pQt

5. /j/ in tune, due, new type of words:

/tjun/, /dju/, /nju/

  1. /a:/ where American has /x/


example RP American

pass pRs pxs

Master Card mRstq kRd mxstqr kQrd

can’t kRnt kxnt or kxt (the /x/ is nasalized;

the /n/ isn’t pronounced)

  1. The American diphthong /oV/ is represented as /EV/


example RP American

go gEV goV

note nEVt noVt

8. /L/ where American has /Q/ or /O/


example RP American

caught kLt kQt or kOt (or some intermediate vowel)

water wLtq wQtqr or wOtqr (or some intermediate vowel)

NOTE: RP does not have the flap /r/.

9. The distinction between the stressed schwa /A/ and the unstressed schwa /q/


example RP American

cup kAp kqp

hurry hArI hqri

banana bqnRnq bqnxnq note: means nasalization

NOTE: RP has final /I/, like Southern, and not /i/. Also, RP has no nasalization of vowels before nasal consonants, but that's a little detail.

10. /e/ for American /F/


example RP American

bet bet bFt

ten ten tFn (the vowel is nasalized)

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