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III Essay Writing

Will modern technology such as the internet ever replace the book or the written word as the main source of information?

Signature of the examiner_______________



Benjamin Franklin

Franklin was easily the foremost American scientist of his day, and his ingenuity was immensely wide ranging. He was a printer, publisher, writer, statesman, and scientist. He was also a gifted inventor. Here are some of his inventions.

Having established by observation and logic, and then by a practical kite test, that lightning is atmospheric electricity, he went on to invent the lightning rod, to this day a building's best protection against thunderbolts.

Franklin also originated much of the vocabulary of electricity, including such terms as "battery", "condenser", "charge", "discharge", "positive", "negative".

Americans had previously relied on the open fireplace, which sent most of the heat up the chimney, or the German stove, which made breathing uncomfortable by constantly reheating the air. Franklin pulled the stove away from the wall to increase its heating efficiency and gave it a flue that lost less heat and also served as a simple radiator.

His restless mind fixed on problems large and small. It is to Franklin that we are indebted for the grocer's claw, the mechanical hand attached to a pole used for reaching items stored on high shelves.

At the age of 83, under the spur of his own nearsightedness, Franklin invented the bifocal. The top half of each lens was for distance viewing, the bottom half for reading.

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II Grammar

1. In ..... end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television.




2. Don’t bother to ask him. I will do it ..... .



by myself

4. John has bought this TV set on credit. He ..... all the money by the first of August.

will pay

is paying

will have paid

will be paying

5. Do you know this man? – Yes, I work with ..... .




6. Put the notice ..... the noticeboard.




7. Ted is looking for a job. He is a good worker and I hope that by the end of the month he ..... a good job.

will find

is going to find

will have found

is finding

8. Over 57 million students ..... in American schools which range from kindergartens to high schools.

were enrolled

are enrolled

has been enrolled

9. Robert Burns ..... a lot of wonderful poems.


has written

was written

10. The bridge ..... by tomorrow morning.

will have been reconstructed

is being reconstructed

will be reconstructed

III Essay Writing

Do you worry about the environment?

Signature of the examiner_______________


Samuel F B. Morse

Morse gave up a successful career as a portrait painter to pursue his interest in telegraphy and gained more fame and wealth than he could have imagined as a painter. Before his invention of the unique dot-dash code that bears his name and the remarkable electromagnetic system that he assembled to transmit the message, the exact location of a fast-moving train was not known, and this lack of exactitude was often fatal.

Morse had completed a model of his system, including the code, by 1853. The telegraph was not patented until 1844 and not put to practical use on the railroad until 1851. Although it immediately proved to be the best available method on communicating between railway stations to determine whether or not a given train had arrived at that point or had already left, established practices diehard, and the telegraph system was not universally adopted for full 20 years after its first use.

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