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II Grammar

1. We're opening a new factory ..... Italy.




2. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things ......


in nature

in the nature

3. Detroit ..... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan.


was chosen

have been chosen

4. I’ll ….. go now. My friends are waiting.


have to


be able to

5. I don't know if he ..... to join us, but if he does, it will change my plans.

will make up his mind

will have made up his mind

makes up his mind

has made up his mind

6. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like .....?


a French

the French

7. The children ... to the zoo.

were enjoyed taken

enjoyed being taken

were enjoyed taking

enjoyed taking

8 When ...?

has the letter posted

has the letter been posted

was the letter posted

did the letter post

9 You _____. If you could drive, I ______ you my car.

can not drive; will lend

can not drive; would lend

would not drive; would have lent

10 Alice explained to us that the flower shop ..... down the road.

was situated

is situated

had been situated

III Essay Writing

My favourite writer ( actor, artist, musician, composer, singer).

Signature of the examiner_______________



The National Gallery of Art was created for the people of the United States of America by a joint resolution of Congress.

The Board of Trustees consists of four public servants and five private citizens. Under the policies set by the Board, the Gallery acquires and maintains a collection of paintings, sculpture, and the graphic arts, representative of the best in the artistic heritage of America and Europe. Supported in its daily operations by federal funds, the Gallery is entirely dependent on the generosity of private citizens for the works of art in its collections.

The paintings and sculpture given by the founder, Andrew W. Mellon, including works by the greatest masters from the 13th through the 19th centuries, have formed a nucleus of high quality around which the collections have grown. Mr. Mellon's hope that the newly created National Gallery would attract gifts from other collectors was soon realized in the form of major donations from Samuel and Rush Kress, Chester Dale, Edgar William and many others, as well as individual donations from hundreds of additional donors.

As the Gallery expands its interests into 20 century art, the Collectors Committee, an advisory group of private citizens, has provided funds for the acquisition of paintings and sculpture of our time.

The collections of the National Gallery of Art are so rich that it is absolutely impossible to enlist all the painters and sculptors, among whom are Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Monet, Degas, Picasso, Dali, Moore.

Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Write an annotation translation of the text

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