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Belarusian National Culture

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Belarusian National Culture

Belarus has an ancient and versatile culture created by the preceding generations and expressed in various written and oral artistic forms.

As a part of all Slavonic culture it has much and common with other Slavonic cultures.

Slavonic roots are vividly seen in ritual harvest and wedding songs, peasant ballads and colorful fairy tales.

The creation and functioning of national culture is closely associated with the names of first Belarusian enlighteners: Yefrosinija Polotskaya, Francisk Skaryna, Mikola Gusovsky and Simeon Polotsky.

Their selfless life and activity contributed greatly to the spiritual growth of Belarusian nation and the formation of its original culture.

But the flourishing of Belarusian culture fell on the 20th century when the Belarusian republic, was founded in 1919.

It was at that period that professional theatre, music, painting and literature came into existence.

In 1920 the Belarusian State Theatre was open in Minsk.

Remarkable progress was made in national music in the 20th century.

The composers have brought out many pieces of instrumental and chamber music.

At present there are many music groups that promote national music art.

Fathers of Belarusian modern literature are great national poets: Yanka Kupala & Yakub Kolas, who began their creative activity at the beginning of the 20th century.

A talented poet, translator and critic Maxim Bagdanovich also made a considerable contribution to popularization of Belarusian culture.

At present folk music and art are flourishing along with other types of folklore.

Management In the Social-Cultural Sphere

Management by definition is a function of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling.

An individual manager is a person who directly supervises people in organization.

Almost everything a manager does involves decisions.

The students of the department are being trained as managers in the social-cultural sphere, i.e. highly qualified specialists for institutions of culture, art, tourism and cinema-video centers and commercial firms.

There are traditional higher-school subjects, such as World and National History, World and National Literature, the History of Philosophy, the History and Theory of Culture and Art, General and Social Psychology, Pedagogics and Foreign Languages.

At the same time the students are taught special subjects to give them knowledge of their profession according to the chosen lines of specialization.

The Department of Management in the Social-Cultural Sphere collaborates with different organizations and firms in the fields of research work.

The successful manager requires a very high level of professional competence and needs to update his knowledge.

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