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Final Exam_A

16.9 Кб

Date: 11.05.2009 Name&Surname: Group: EN1-

      1. Final Exam

Advanced Java

  1. (4pt)Which of them are not type-wrapper classes(underline):

    1. Double b. String c. Integer d. char e. Character

  1. (4pt)Which of following classes are not implicitly related to Collection hierarchy:

    1. ArrayList b. Iterator c. TreeSet d. String e. Arrays

  1. (4pt)Select heavyweight components:

    1. ChangeListener b. JLabel c. JSlider d. JFrame e. Button

  1. (4pt)Underline Classes directly involved in network data transfer between two applications:

    1. Thread b. String c. ServerSocket d. StringTokenizer e. InputStream

  1. (4pt)Which of them are parameterized classes (Generic classes):

    1. public static < T extends Comparable< T > > T maximum( T x, T y, T z )

    2. Serializable

    3. Stack<E>

    4. String

    5. Comparable<T>

  1. (30pt)Explain each term, write how they can be used, less words more sense:

    1. type-wrapper classes

    2. Condition

    3. Adapter class

    4. parameterized classes

    5. class ServerSocket

    6. Collections

    7. GUI

    8. Runnable

    9. Nested class

    10. javax.swing.Timer

  1. (10pt)Define each of following data structure elements:

    1. Linked List –

    2. Stack –

    3. Queue –

    4. Tree –

  2. (20pt)Write and execute thread which creates infinite loop that outputs every second current time.

  1. (20pt)GUI Layouts:

    1. (10)How layouts are used in frames.

    1. (10)Explain each of following layout definitions

  • setLayout( null );

  • setLayout( new FlowLayout() );

  • setLayout( new BorderLayout() );

  • setLayout( new GridLayout(3,2) );

  • (bonus 10pt) Explain process of drawing map(matrix) on panel, list tools necessary to perform that.

    By: Andrey Bogdanchikov 2 Good Luck

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