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XI. Виберіть правильний варіант:

  1. Our director (go) on business when the representatives (come).

  1. goes; will come c) will go; will come

  2. will go; come

  1. If he (not/be) busy tomorrow morning, he (receive) you.

  1. isn’t busy; will receive c) won’t be busy; receive

  2. won’t be busy; will receive

  1. We (place) an order for compressors as soon as they (send) us a contract form.

  1. place; send c) will place; will send

  2. will place; send

  1. We (not/buy) compressors till the Seller (give) us a discount.

  1. will not buy; give c) will not buy; gives

  2. don’t buy; will give

  1. I’m tired, but if you (make) me strong coffee, I (go on) working.

  1. will make; go on c) make; will go on

  2. will make; will go on

XII. Переведіть наступні речення з прямої у непряму мову:

“What discount can you give us?” asked Mr. White.

Mr. White asked (me) what discount I could give them.

  1. “Do you have an appointment?” said the clerk. The clerk asked if I had an appointment.

  2. “When will the plane land in London?” asked the passenger. The passenger asked when the plane would land in London.

  3. “How long are you going to stay at our hotel? Asked the receptionist. The receptionist asked me how long I was going to stay at their hotel.

  4. “Have you made a reservation for the flight yet?” said Marry. Marry asked if I had made a reservation for the flight already.

  5. “When did you send these documents?” asked Richard. Richard asked when I had sent that documents.

Варіант № 2

Прочитайте, письмово перекладіть текст та дайте письмово відповіді на запитання.


Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and the largest city of our country. It’s also one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe. Kyiv is situated on the both banks of the Dnipro river and occupies an area of 790 sq. km. The city has a population of about 2.7 million people.

Kyiv was first mentioned in historical documents in the 5th century. Since then the city has always been very important in the life of our state. Now Kyiv is famous for its beauty, for the variety of its green landscape, for its wonderful broad avenues, lots of chestnut trees and flowers all over the place. Kyiv is the city of an ancient history, so it has many places of historical and cultural value. Among them there are Kyiv-Pechers’ka Lavra build in 1051, St. Andrew’s Church – one of the most beautiful historical and architectural monuments, St. Sophia’s Cathedral founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1037, the Golden Gates, Vladimir Hill and very many others. There are 13 Russian Orthodox churches, a monastery and 2 convents. The national art of Ukraine (painting, sculpture and drawing) is shown in the Museum of Ukrainian Art.

Tourists admire beautiful monuments such as the monument to Prince Voloymyr, the monument to Taras Shevchenko, the monument to Bohdan Khmelnits’kyi.

Kyiv theatres are greatly appreciated by Kyivites and the guests of the city.

Kyiv is the major scientific and academic centre of Ukraine. A lot of higher educational establishments and schools of many kinds are located there. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and many research institutes are famous for their discoveries.

Kyiv is the centre of political life in Ukraine. It’s the seat of Supreme Council and the Cabinet of Ministers.

Kyiv is the major transportation hub of our country. It has got 5 railway stations, two modern airports and an important river port.

We, the Ukrainians, can be proud of our capital, as Kyiv is by right considered to be the city of the richest culture and unique beauty.

  1. Where is Kyiv situated? What area does it occupy?

  2. What is Kyiv famous for?

  3. Which places of interest in Kyiv can you name?

  4. Why is Kyiv considered to be the important political, cultural and scientific centre of our country?

  5. Why can the Ukrainians be proud of their capital?


Киев – столица Украины и самый большой город нашей страны. Он так же один из самый древних, и один из наиболее красивых городов в восточной Европе. Он расположен на обоих берегах Днепра и занимает площадь свыше 790 кв. м. Население города насчитывает более 2,7млн. человек. Киев, впервые был упомянут в исторических документах пятого века. С тех пор наш город всегда был важен в жизни нашего государства. Сегодня, Киев известен за его красоту, разнообразие живописных пейзажей, за удивительные широкие аллеи, большое количество каштанов и цветов по всему городу. Киев – город с древнейшей историей, таким образом, в нем много мест культурной и исторической величины. Среди них: Киево-Печерская Лавра, построенная в 1051 году, Церковь Святого Андрея, является одной из наиболее красивых исторических и архитектурных памятников, Собор Святой Софии основал князь Ярослав Мудрый в 1037 году, Золотые Ворота, Владимирский Спуск и многое другое. Существуют 13 Русских Православных Церквей, монастырь и два женских монастыря. Национальное искусство Украины (живопись, скульптура, рисование) показано в Музее Украинского Искусства.

Туристы восхищаются такими красивыми памятниками как памятник Князю Владимиру, памятник Тарасу Шевченко, памятник Богдану Хмельницкому.

Киевские театры весьма ценятся киевлянами и гостями столицы.

Киев – главный научный и учебный центр Украины. Большое количество высших учебных заведений и разнообразных школ расположено здесь. Украинская Академия Наук и много исследовательских институтов, знамениты своими открытиями.

Киев – центр политической жизни в Украине. Это место Верховной Рады и Кабинета Министров.

Киев – главный транспортный центр нашей страны. В нем есть пять железнодорожных станций, два современных аэропорта и важный речной порт.

Мы, Украинцы, можем гордиться нашей столицей, так как Киеву по праву принадлежит быть городом с богатейшей культурой, и уникальной красотой.

1. Where is Kyiv situated? What area does it occupy?

1. Kyiv is situated on the both banks of the Dnipro River and occupies an area of 790 sq. km.

2. What is Kyiv famous for?

2. Kyiv is famous for its beauty, for the variety of its green landscape, for its wonderful broad avenues, lots of chestnut trees and flowers all over the place.

  1. Which places of interest in Kyiv can you name?

3. There are a lot of places of interest in Kyiv such as Kyiv-Pechers’ka Lavra, St. Andrew’s Church, St. Sophia’s Cathedral and others.

  1. Why is Kyiv considered to be the important political, cultural and scientific centre of our country?

4. Kyiv is the centre of political life in Ukraine and the major scientific and academic centre of Ukraine. That’s why it’s considered to be the important political, cultural and scientific centre of our country.

  1. Why can the Ukrainians be proud of their capital?

5. The Ukrainians can be proud of our capital, as Kyiv is by right considered to be the city of the richest culture and unique beauty.