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4. Under segments we mean separate groups of ... .

a) competitors b) consumers c) researchers d) sellers 5. Marketing is satisfying ... needs.

a) customer b) producer c) seller d) competitor


1.Marketing is a social and managerial process by which ... .

2.In the old sense marketing is ... .

3.In the new sense marketing is ... .

4.Research is necessary to ... .

5. ... are separate groups of consumers.

6.If you want to be a success ... .

5.Saywhetherthe following statements are true or false.

1.Marketing is not only selling and promotion, it is rather satisfying customer needs.

2.Selling is one of the most important marketing functions.

3.The basic marketing tool is advertising.

4.Marketing research is done by way of market segmenta-


5.Demographic factors include opinions, interests and hob-


6.To be a success you must be ahead of your competitors.


1.What is marketing in a broad sense?

2.What is the dictionary definition of marketing?

3.What is the aim of marketing?

4.What is the basic marketing tool?

5.What is market segmentation?

6.Why is it important to be a professional in the marketplace today?

7.Getreadyto discussthe following.

The whole marketing system affects every aspect of our lives. We all are involved in marketing. Is it really so? Give your examples.


Text В



2.Make up 5-6questionsofdifferenttypes.


A basic decision in marketing products is branding, in which an organization uses a name, phrase, design, symbols or combination of these to identify its products and distinguish them from those of competitors.

A brand name is any word, "device" (design, sound, shape or colour), or combination of these, used to distinguish a seller's goods or services. Some brand names can be spoken, such as a Big Mac hamburger. Other brand names cannot be spoken, such as the rainbow-coloured apple (the logotype or logo) that Apple Computer puts on its machines and in its ads.

A trade name is a commercial, legal name under which a company does business. A trademark identifies that a firm has legally registered its brand name or trade name so the firm has its exclusive use, thereby preventing others from using it.

Branding policy is important not only for manufacturers but also for retailers and consumers. Retailers value branding because consumers shop at stores that carry their desired brands. Consumers may benefit most from branding. Recognizing competing products by distinct trademarks allows them to be more efficient shoppers.

UNK 13




experience [ik'spiarisns], antiquity [zen'tikwiti], appropriate a [a'prsuprnt], current ['kArant], authority [o:'0Dnti], society [sa'saiati].


1.root n — корень

2.antiquity n — древность

3.concern v — касаться

4.appropriate а — соответствующий, подходящий

5.current а — текущий

6.society n — общество

7.responsibility n — ответственность, обязанность

8.obligation n — обязательство, обязанность

9.authority n — власть, полномочие

10.remedy n — средство, лекарство

11.superior n — начальник

12.smoothly adv. — гладко, плавно

13.choice п — выбор

14.make decisions — принимать решения


1.Why have you chosen the School of Management?

2.What functions do managers usually fulfill?

3.What qualities must a good manager possess?


Text A

Read TextA andfulfill the tasks which follow.


Management is a new science though it has its roots in antiquity. Only during the 20th century management has made the transition from a technology based on experience to a science based on a system of laws.

We all are involved in managing because we constantly make decisions concerning how to spend or use our resources. So management is the art and science of making appropriate choice.

By definition management is a function of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling. Our society is made up of all kinds of organizations, such as companies, government departments, hospitals, schools, libraries and so on. In all these organizations, there are people carrying out the work of a manager. The role of the manager today is very important. First of all he must have a good understanding of management principles, he must possess the ability to analyze complex problems, he must be able to assess the current issues and to adapt to economic, political, social and ecological system in which we live.

In most companies, the activity of a manager depends on the level at which he (she) is working. Top managers will be more involved in long-range planning, policy making, and the relations of the company with the outside world.

Middle management and supervisors are generally making the day-to-day decisions which help an organization to run efficiently and smoothly.

To be a successful manager you must know your responsibility and authority. Responsibility is the obligation to carry out a task. Authority is the right to act in the name of a superior in an organization. Successful managers are people who command the respect of workers and who set high standards."

Management ability does not come automatically. The remedy for this is training and experience.



1. Matchthewordsonthelefttothoseontheright,Make 10wordpartner-

1. management

a. problems



b. issues

3. good

с management



d. choice



e. manager



f. principles

7. successful

g. standards



h. understanding

9. current

i. function

10. high

j. world


1) хотя и уходит корнями в историю; 2) переход к науке, основанной на системе законов; 3) мы все вовлечены в управление; 4) искусство и наука делать правильный выбор; 5) выполнять работу менеджера; 6) обладать способностью анализировать сложные проблемы; 7) уметь оценивать текущие вопросы; 8) вовлечены в долгосрочное планирование; 9) действовать от имени руководителя; 10) помогают вести работу организации эффективно и плавно.


1.A successful manager must know his (her) responsibility and ... .

a) obligation b) controlling c) authority d) ability 2. A good manager must be able ... the current issues.

a) to assess

b) to deal c) to record

d) to support

3. Top managers are ... in long-range planning.

a) concerned

b) involved c) dealt

d) considered


4. Every day people make decisions ... how to spend their resources.

a) enabling b) encouraging c) researching d) concerning 5. ... is the obligation to carry out a task.

a) Authority b) Management c) Responsibility d) Supervision


1.Management has its roots ... .

2.Management has made the transition from ... .

3.By definition management is ... .

4. ... will be more involved in long-range planning.

5.The manager must possess the ability ... .

6.... is the obligation to carry out a task.

7.Training and experience are necessary to ... .

5.Say whetherthe following statements are true orfalse.

1.Management is an old science.

2.All people are involved in managing.

3.The main functions of management are selling and promotion.

4.A good manager must be able to assess the current issues.

5.It is not necessary for a good manager to be well-edu-


6.Responsibility is the right to act in the name of a supe-



1.Is management a new science?

2.What functions do managers carry out?

3.Are all people involved in managing? If yes, in what way?

4.What does the activity of a manager depend on?

5.Do responsibility and authority mean the same?

6.What is necessary to be a successful manager?

7.Getreadytodiscuss the following.

Some people think that management is an art. Some people think that management is a science. What is'your opinion?


Text В



5.Make up 5-6 questions ofdifferenttypes.


Henry Fayol, a French industrialist, identified five managerial functions: planning, organizing, command, coordination and control. Over the years this list has been updated and expanded to eight managerial functions.

Planning. Planning is the formulation of future courses of action. Plans and objectives on which they are based give purpose and direction to the organization.

Decision making. Managers choose among alternative courses of action when they make decisions.

Organizing. Structural considerations such as the chain of command, division of labour and assignment of responsibility are part of the organizing function.

Staffing. Staffing is recruiting, training and developing people who can contribute to the organized effort.

Communicating. Managers are responsible for communicating to their employees the technical knowledge, instructions, rules and information required to get the job done.

Motivating. An important aspect of management today is motivating individuals to pursue collective objectives by satisfying needs and meeting expectations with meaningful work and valued rewards.

Leading. Managers become inspiring leaders by serving as role models and adapting their management style to the demands of the situation.

Controlling. When managers compare desired results with actual results and take the necessary corrective action they do it through the control function.



Text 1

British and American English

English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the official second language in India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Israel, South Africa and some other countries.

There is an amazing variety of spelling, meaning, pronunciation, usage and even punctuation in the English language amongst the many people who use English. Here are some examples to see the difference between British and American English.



British English

American English













the cinema























Text 2

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NAS of Belarus) was founded in 1929 under the name of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences.

NAS of Belarus has become the guiding research center of Belarus, which unites the highly-skilled scientists of different specialities and dozens of scientific research organizations.

It comprises 49 institutes. 44,000 scientific and technical experts conduct fundamental and applied scientific research. Over a thousand of them have a Doctor's degree, and almost 14,000 are Masters of Science. The achievements of Belarusian scientists in the fields of mathematics, physics, nuclear power, chemistry, biology, microelectronics, computer science, in agriculture, ecology and environmental protection have gained international recognition. The financial backing of fundamental and applied research is achieved through budget subsidies, and on a contractual basis.

Text 3

The Executive Committee of the CIS

On the 8th of December 1991 in Viskuli (the Brest region) the leaders of the USSR founding republics - Belarus, Russia and Ukraine - decided to dissolve the USSR and create the Commonwealth of Independent States. Minsk was chosen as a location for the central bodies of the CIS.

The Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (established in April 1999) is based in Minsk


with a branch in Moscow. It is a single permanently acting executive, administrative and coordinating body of the CIS.

The basic spheres of the Committee's activity are: elaboration of proposals regarding the prospects for the Commonwealth's development, preparation of draft documents, aimed at development cooperation between the states in political, economic, social and other fields.

One of the important functions of the Executive Committee is to ensure the information exchange between the CIS states.

Text 4

"Belaya Russ"

Ancient human camps on the territory of Belarus existed 25 thousand years ago.

In the 6-8th centuries Slavonic tribes that had been living between the Elbe and the Vistule rivers, began to settle in the south and in the east, including the territory of Belarus.

The term "Belaya Russ" was for the first time used in the XII century. Up to the XV century the north-eastern Russ lands which are the republic's territory today were called "Belaya Russ" and the name stuck to these lands alone. The origin of the name, however, has so far never been known. Some researchers ascribe it to the white colour of the local peasants' everyday linen clothes and to their fair hair. Others associate it with the direct meaning of the word "belyi" which is clean, non-occu- pied, free, independent and therefore presume that old Russ lands which had not been captured by Tatar-Mongols or Lithuania were called "Belaya Russ" in those early days. Still others maintain that Belaya Russ was the land inhabited by Christians unlike Chernaya Russ where pagans lived. There are also other versions of the name's origin.

Text 5

Free Economic Zones in Belarus

The important role in attraction of foreign investments in the national economy belongs to free economic zones (FEZ).