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ния; 11) в конце курса обучения; 12) после окончания вуза;

13)совмещаем работу и учебу.


1. Students are taught many ... specialities.

a) numerous b) various c) foreign d) qualified

2. Rooms where students have their practical classes are called ... .

a) lecture halls b) recreations c) canteens d) tutorial rooms

3. The University ... training and research within twelve schools.

a) obtains b) educates c) provides d) founds

4. Students who study by correspondence are known as ... .

a) internal students

b) external students

c) inner students

d) outer students

5. Upon graduation students ... a BA degree, a) provide b) supply c) try d) obtain


1. The Belarusian State Economic University was earlier known as ... .

2. ... are at the students' disposal.

3.The University is provided with ... .

4.We come to the University twice a year to ... .

5.... students obtain a BA degree.

6.Training and research are maintained within ... .


1.The Belarusian State Economic University was founded in 1933.

2.There are a number of video and computing classrooms at the University.

3.The academic year4s divided into three terms.

4.External students come to the University once a year.

5.At the end of the course of study students have their final state exams.

6.It's not difficult to combine work and studies.



1.What was the original name of the University?

2.How many schools are there at the University?

3.What school do you study at and what determined your choice?

4.How do you find the teaching facilities?

5.How often do you arrive at the University?

6.Is it easy or difficult for you to combine work and studies?


There are both state and commercial higher educational institutions in Minsk. You've chosen a state university. What motivated you?

Text В



2. Make up 5-6questions ofdifferenttypes. 3.Giveashortsummaryofthetext.

The Belarusian government considers education a major vehicle of social advancement. Most of the expenditure on education in Belarus comes from the state budget. Education is compulsory for all children from 6 to 16.

The system of education in Belarus, as the basis for development of intellectual, cultural, scientific and personnel potential, includes more than 5,000 pre-school institutions and nearly the same number of comprehensive schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges, 42 higher and 151 secondary special educational institutions. In higher education a great part of institutions are commercial high schools. Institutions of higher education fall into four types: University, Academy, Institute and Higher College.

There are 180 students per 10,000 people in the Republic of Belarus. Per every 1,000 people engaged in the economy there are 331 specialists with higher or vocational education.

The Republic of Belarus possesses significant scientific and technical potential for solving major social and economic problems, fundamental research and development.






occupy ['Dkjupai], approximately [a'prDksimatli], entirely [m'taiali], courage ['kAricfc], honour ['ппэ]


1.mention v — упоминать, ссылаться на

2.approximately adv — приблизительно

3.destroy v — разрушать

4.entirely adv — полностью, совсем

5.courage n — мужество

6.honour v — чтить, удостаивать

7.enterprise n — предприятие, предпринимательство

8.amalgamation n — объединение

9.achievement n — достижение

10.appear v — появляться

11.cross-roads n — перекресток

12.junction n — соединение, узел


1.When and where was Minsk founded?

2.What are the most popular Universities in Minsk?

3.Many goods produced by Minsk industrial enterprises are well-known on the world market. Can you name any?



Text K\J

Read TextA andfulfill the tasks which follow.


Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus. It is an old city. The chronicles first mentioned it in 1067. Minsk is situated on the river Svisloch, it occupies an area of 200 sq. km, its population is approximately 2 million people.

The city was destroyed almost entirely in World War II by the Nazis but people restored it from ruins and ashes. For the exceptional courage and heroism displayed by its residents in the struggle against Hitler aggressors Minsk was honoured with the title of Hero-City in 1974.

Modern Minsk is one of the most beautiful cities in Belarus, its political, economic, scientific and cultural centre. It has changed greatly for the last ten years. It looks like a modern European city. Many new structures have appeared in Minsk lately. Among them are the building of the Railway Station, the Fitness Centre, a number of business centres. The building of the National Library in the form of a diamond is very impressive.

Every year thousands of students from all over the country and abroad come to Minsk to study at its universities and academies. There are 10 state-owned higher educational institutions in Minsk, the largest of which are the Belarusian State University, the Belarusian National Technical University, the Pedagogical University, the Belarusian State Economic University, the Belarusian State Medical University. A number of non-state institutions have also appeared.

Minsk is the biggest cultural centre of Belarus. There are 12 theatres, 6 big concert halls, 16 cinemas in the city. There are hundreds of libraries, a great number of museums, some book publishers and one newspaper and magazine publishing house. We can't but mention the Palace of Arts, the Palace of Sports, the Exhibition of Economic Achievements, the Academy of Sciences, the film-studio "Belarusfilm".

Minsk is the largest industrial centre of the country. Numerous industrial enterprises produce automobiles, motor-cy-


cles, tractors, TV-sets, refrigerators, watches, electrical equipment and other goods. The products of our plants and factories are known on the world market and enjoy high reputation. Among such enterprises we can name the production amalgamations "MAZ", "Tractor Works", "Kamunarka" confectionary, "Milavitsa", "Elema" and others.

Minsk, situated on the cross-roads of strategic ways from West to East, between Moscow and Warsaw, Vilnius and Kiev, is the largest transport junction of the country.


1.MatchthewordsontheIefttothoseontheright. Make10wordpartnershipsandtranslatethemintoRussian.



a. courage



b. house



с institutions

4. exceptional

d. enterprises



e. city

6. publishing

f. centre

7. impressive

g. market



h. junction



i. amalgamation

10. world

j. building


1) был разрушен почти полностью; 2) восстановили его из руин; 3) за исключительное мужество, проявленное жителями; 4) был удостоен звания; 5) он выглядит как...; 6) в виде алмаза; 7) со всей страны и из-за границы; 8) высшее учебное заведение; 9) появились недавно; 10) нельзя не упомянуть; 11) выставка достижений народного хозяйства; 12) производственное объединение.


3.Choose the bestalternative to complete the sentence.

1.The production of Minsk ... is well-known among CIS countries.

a) institutions b) constructions c) enterprises d) households

2. Minsk was ... with the title of Hero-City in 1974. a) provided b) mentioned c) obtained d) honoured

3. The population of Minsk is ... 2 million people, a) more b) less c) exactly d) approximately

4. Minsk was destroyed almost ... .

a) entirely b) lately c) nearly d) currently

5.New structures have ... in Minsk lately.

a)raised b) appeared c) restored d) settled


1. ... in 1067.

2.Minsk was honoured with the title of Hero-City for ... .

3.Thousands of students from all over the country come ....

4.... have appeared in Minsk lately.

5.Minsk is the biggest political, ... .

6.Industrial enterprises of the city produce ... .

5.Saywhetherthe following statements are true orfalse.

1.Minsk is rather a young city.

2.The population of Minsk is more than 2 million people.

3.Minsk was honoured with the title of Hero-City in 1984.

4.There are no commercial institutions in Minsk.

5.Minsk industrial enterprises produce ships, aircraft, computers and other goods.


1.How old is Minsk?

2.What are the largest Universities in the city?

3.Can you name the most popular non state-owned institu-


4.What can you say about the cultural life in the city? What is your favourite theatre?

5.What are the biggest production amalgamations in Minsk?


6. The building of the National Library in the form of a diamond is very impressive, isn't it?

7. Getreadytodiscussthefollowing.

You friend from Great Britain came to Minsk for the first time. What places of interest will you show your guest?

Text В



2. Make up 5-6questionsofdifferenttypes. 3.Giveashortsummaryofthetext.

Minsk (the original name Mensk) is rather ancient. It was founded on the banks of the Nemiga and Svisloch rivers more than 900 years ago.

Mensk was first mentioned as a town in the Principality of Polotsk in a chronicle in 1067 in connection with the battle on the Nemiga between Prince Vseslav of Polotsk and Prince Yaroslav's sons.

There are some legends relating to the foundation of Minsk and the origin of the name.

Some historians associate the name of the city with the word "miena", as ancient Minsk was situated on the watershed of the river-routes linking the Baltic to the Black Sea. Others connect it with the river Menka. A folk-legend tells us that there lived a giant called Menesk who kept a mill, by the banks of a river, and ground rocks and stones to make flour for bread in order to feed his warriors who protected his settlement.






deciduous [di'sidjuss], coniferous [kg'nifargs], create [kri:'eit], thoroughfare ['0Arafea], possess [pa'zes], damage ['daemidj], disaster [di'zcusts], measure [тезэ].


1.border (on) v — граничить (с)_

2.damp а — влажный, сырой

3.deciduous а — лиственный

4.coniferous а — хвойный

5.create v — создавать

6.thoroughfare n — транспортная магистраль

7.possess v — обладать, владеть

8.undergo v — испытывать, претерпевать

9.transition n — переход

10.overcome v — преодолевать

11.favourable а — благоприятный


1.Do you know any versions of the origin of the name "Belarus"?

2.Is the climate of Belarus favourable for agriculture?

3.Is the Republic of Belarus a member of the UNO and the


4.The Republic of Belarus is not rich in natural resources,

is it?


Text A

Read TextA andfulfill the tasks which follow.

The Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Belarus is located in the centre of Europe, on the cross-roads of trade between East and West, North and South. It borders in the west on Poland, in the north and in the east on Russia, in the southeast on Ukraine, in the northwest on Lithuania and Latvia. Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus. The total population is about 10 million people.

The flat character of the territory, the damp moderate continental climate, the developed hydrographic network and the mixed deciduous and coniferous woods create favourable conditions for habitation, farming, construction of industrial enterprises and thoroughfares.

More than 20,000 rivers flow in the territory of the country. The longest are the Dneper, the Western Dvina and the Neman. One of the characteristics of Belarusian nature is a large number of lakes — about 11,000. The largest and the most beautiful is lake Naroch. It is the main health resort in Belarus. The country also possesses such important natural complexes as the National parks "Belaviezhskaya pushcha" and "Braslav lakes", Nalibokskaya pushcha, the lakes Svityaz, Beloye and others. About 36 per cent of the territory of the country is covered with woods.

Belarus is a country with heroic past. Many times it was occupied by numerous aggressors. During World War II heavy fighting took place on the territory of Belarus. From the very first days of the war the country became a battle-ground. But its inhabitants struggled heroically and after the war the Republic of Belarus became a member of the UNO for its contribution to the struggle against Nazi Germany.

The Republic of Belarus is currently undergoing an economic transition to market relations. But in spite of certain economic difficulties faced by the country, it has great potential to overcome them.

. The Republic of Belarus is a sovereign independent state. President is the head of the state.



1.Matchthewordsonthelefttothoseontheright. Make 10wordpartnershipsandtranslatethemintoRussian.



a. woods



b. resort



с state

4. favourable

d. transition



e. enterprises



f. relations

7. health

g. population



h. conditions



i. parks

10. national

j. climate


1) создают благоприятные условия; 2) расположена на перекрестках торговых путей; 3) смешанные лиственные и хвойные леса; 4) жители героически сражались; 5) в настоящее время претерпевает; 6) суверенное независимое государство; 7) имеет большой потенциал для преодоления; 8) промышленные предприятия; 9) главная здравница страны; 10) шла тяжелая борьба; 11) переход к рыночным отношениям; 12) несмотря на экономические трудности.


1. The climate of Belarus is ... .

a) dry b) flat c) coniferous d) damp

2. The Republic of Belarus is ... an economic transition to market relations.

a) going b) undergoing c) moving d) coming

3. Belarus has all necessary conditions ... ecpnomic difficulties, a) to improve b) to create c) to overcome d) to undergo