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1Give extended commentaries on the following statements using necessary legal terms:

1. There is no universally accepted definition of a crime.

2. Criminal law is one of two main branches of law.

3. In the modern world there are certain acts that are almost universally regarded as crimes.

4. New laws or new interpretations of existing laws may make activities criminal that were once legal or, on the other hand, they may legalize acts that were once criminal.

5. There are some acts which are crimes in one country but not in another.

6. War is not a crime.

7. The principle of legality is the keystone of criminal law.

8. Legal systems traditionally do not allow double jeopardy.

9. All systems of law have statutes of limitation.

10. Most countries refuse to extradite their citizens to the jurisdiction of other countries.

11. It is generally agreed that the essential elements of a crime are voluntary action or failure to act and a certain state of mind.

12. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

13. Persons suffering from mental defects are not responsible for their actions.

14. The law recognizes that the use of even deadly force may be justified under some circumstances.

2. Consult the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus and find out whether the following legal practices are used in our country (fully, partially, not used). Ground your statements:

  • actus reus and mens rea;

  • defense of duress;

  • defense of insanity;

  • self-defense;

  • mitigation;

  • defense of crime of passion.

3. What — in detail — would happen to you in our country if you were caught:

a) speeding in your car;

b) in possession of soft drugs;

c) with a gun in your pocket;

d) breaking into house;

e) withholding information from the court being a witness;

f) using forged money to pay your purchase in the shop;

g) blackmailing your boss?

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