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Information For Students / Examination Questions on Philosophy

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The Examination Questions on Philosophy.

  1. The nature of philosophical knowledge.

  2. Philosophy as the theoretical basis of worldview.

  3. Philosophy as general methodology.

  4. Philosophy in its various representations.

  5. Worldview. Historical forms of worldview.

  6. The main functions and the significance of philosophy.

  7. An outline history of philosophy. The historical stages and modes of philosophizing.

  8. Philosophy of Antiquity. General characteristics of schools and philosophical systems.

  9. Middle Ages: general characteristics and an account on the religious philosophy.

  10. The Mediaeval argumentation on the universals. Nominalists and Realists.

  11. The Renaissance: the ideas of Humanism and Philosophy of Science.

  12. The Modern Ages: transition to a new philosophy. Empiricism and Rationalism.

  13. The philosophical problem of Man, Society and State in French Enlightenment.

  14. General account on The Classic German Philosophy.

  15. I. Kant and his critical philosophy.

  16. Hegel, the giant of nineteen century German Philosophy.

  17. Anthropological materialism of L. Feuerbach as a necessary stepping stone for non-classical philosophy of the 19-20 centuries.

  18. Marxism – a new doctrine of the 19th century. The idea of alienation.

  19. Contemporary Western Philosophies: general analysis of its schools and trends.

  20. Neo-Classical Philosophies of Human and problems of his life. Philosophy of Life (Shoupenhauer, Bergson, Neitzcshe).

  21. Contemporary Western Philosophies. Existentialism. (Heidegger, Sartre, Camus, Jaspers, Berdyaev).

  22. Contemporary Philosophies. Positivism and its historical forms (Comte, Spenser, Mach, Avenarius).

  23. Contemporary Philosophies. Logical Positivism and Linguistic Philosophy (Moore, Russell, Schlick, Carnap, Wittgenstein).

  24. Contemporary Philosophies. Critical Rationalism (Popper).

  25. Contemporary Philosophies. Hermeneutics as a theory of interpretations (Hadamer, Schleuermacher).

  26. Contemporary Religious Philosophy. New-Thomism (Bokchenjsky, Watter, Mariten).

  27. Ukranian Philosophy: the stages of development, peculiarity, perspectives.

  28. Interlude on Russian Philosophy. The Westerners and Slavofiles.

  29. An outline Theory of Dialectics. Historical forms of Dialectics. Dialectics and Metaphysics.

  30. The basic categories of Dialectics.

  31. The Law of the Transformation of Quantity into Quality and its methodological value.

  32. The Law of Unity and Struggle of Opposites. Contradiction as a source of development.

  33. The methodological significance of the Law of Negation. The progressive nature of development.

  34. The category of Being in philosophy. The forms of Being.

  35. Matter: the unity and diversity of the Forms of its manifestations.

  36. Motion as the Mode of existence of Matter.

  37. Space and Time as the attributes of Matter.

  38. The philosophical conception of Man. Man as a biopsychosocial being.

  39. Man as a Personality. Personality. Collective. Society. The Purport of Being.

  40. Cosciousness: essence and origin.

  41. Consciousness. Language. Communication.

  42. The decisive role of Labour operations and practical actions in the formation of Man’s Consciousness.

  43. The structure of Consciousness. Self-consciousness. Reflection.

  44. On the essence and meaning of Knowledge. The Subject and Object of Cognition.

  45. Practice as the Basis and Purpose of Cognition and the Criteria of True Knowledge.

  46. The philosophical concept of Truth. Absolute and Relative Truth. Truth, Error and Lie.

  47. Intellectual-Sensuous Contemplation and Thought: the essence, levels and forms.

  48. The Operations and Modes of Thought.

  49. The philosophical conception of Society. Social Being and Social Consciousness.

  50. The Economic Sphere of Society’s life. Material Production: the concept and the main elements.

  51. Interaction between Society and Nature.

  52. The Social Sphere of Society’s Life: Structure, Nations, Family and Everyday Life.

  53. The Political Sphere of Society’s Life. Politics, the State and Law.

  54. The Spiritual and Intellectual Sphere of Society’s Life. Social Consciousness: the essence and levels.

  55. The Structure of Social Consciousness: Moral, Legal, Political, Religious, Science, and Aesthetic Consciousness.

  56. The Scientific perception of the Universe and the World of Science.

  57. The Philosophy of Culture. Culture and Civilization.

  58. Progress as a historically necessary Direction of Society’s Development.

  59. The global problems of Mankind and the future of Social Progress.

  60. The Axiological aspect of the problem of Man’s and Society’s Life.