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Зошит Англ мова СОЗ 3 курс 2 семестр

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Герундій у функції обставини

Герундій з прийменником вживається в функції обставин (часу, способу дії та ін.)ю

Перед герундієм у функції обставини завжди стоїть прийменник, при чому значення прийменника не залежить від попереднього слова.

Прийменники in, on (upon) перед герундієм мають тимчасове значення:

in — при, в час, в процесі;

on (upon) — по, після, при;

by — шляхом, при допомозі;

through — дякуючи, із-за.

They ate without talking.

Вони їли, не розмовляючи.

Upon reaching the park he waited and waited and Carrie didn’t come. Прийшовши до парку, він чекав і чекав, а Керрі не приходила.

У ролі обставин з таким самим значенням вживається і дієприкметник теперішнього часу. Але на відміну від герундія, якому в цій функції завжди передує прийменник, дієприкметник теперішнього часу ніколи не вживається з прийменником.

Тому в реченні

On coming home he began to work слово coming — герундій, а в реченні Coming home he began to work Coming є дієприкметником, хоч обидва речення на українську мову перекладаються однаково:

Прийшовши, додому, він почав працювати.

Activity 1. Complete each sentence with one of these verbs.

answer apply be be listen make see try use wash work write

1.He tried to avoid answering my question.

2.Could you please stop _________________________ so much noise?

3.I enjoy _____________________________ to music.

4.I considered _________________________ for the job but in the end I decided against it.

5.Have you finished ___________________________your hair yet?

6.If you walk into the road without looking, you risk _____________________ knocked down.

7.Jim is 65 but he isn't going to retire yet. He wants to carry on_________________________

8.I don't mind you _______________________the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.

9.Hello! Fancy _________________________ you here! What a surprise!

10.I've put off_______________________ the letter so many times. I really must do it today.

11.What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody ______________________ so stupid?

12.Sarah gave up ___________________to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.


Verb + -ing or to... (remember/regret etc.)

When one verb follows another verb, the structure is usually verb + -ing or verb + to... .


verb + -ing


verb + to...


• They denied stealing the money.

• They decided to steal the money.

• I enjoy going out.


• I want to go out.


Often we use -ing for an action that happens

Often we use to... for an action that

before the first verb or at the same time:

follows the first verb:

stealing denied

going enjoy

decided to steal

want to go

Some verbs can be followed by -ing or to... with a difference of meaning:


I remember doing something = I did it and

I remembered to do something = I remembered that

now I remember this.

I had to do it, and so I did it.

You remember doing something after you

You remember to do something before you do it:

have done it:

• I remembered to lock the door when I left but I

• I'm absolutely sure I locked the door. I

forgot to shut the windows. (= I remembered that I

clearly remember locking it.

had to lock the door and so I locked it)

(=I locked it and now I remember this)

• Please remember to post the letter. (= don't forget

• He could remember driving along the road

to post it)

just before the accident happened, but he


couldn't remember the accident itself.








I regret doing something = I did it and now

I regret to say / to tell you / to inform you

I'm sorry about it:

= I'm sorry that I have to say (etc.):

• I now regret saying what I said. I shouldn't

(from a formal letter) We regret to inform you that

have said it.

we are unable to offer you the job.



Go on


Go on doing something = continue doing, the

Go on to do something = do or say something new:

same thing:

• After discussing the economy, the minister then went

• The minister went on talking for two hour

on to talk about foreign policy.

• We must change our ways. We can't go on


living like this.


Activity 2. Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to... . Sometimes either form is possible.

1.They denied stealing the money. (steal)

2.I don't enjoy________________________________very much. (drive)

3.I don't want________________________________ out tonight. I'm too tired. (go)


4.I can't afford _____________________________out tonight. I haven't got enough money. (go)

5.Has it stopped ____________________________ yet? (rain)

6.Can you remind me ________________________some coffee when we go out? (buy)

7.Why do you keep ________________________ me questions? Can't you leave me alone? (ask)

8.Please stop _____________________________ me questions! (ask)

9.I refuse_________________________________ any more questions. (answer)

10.One of the boys admitted _________________________ the window. (break)

11.The boy's father promised _________________________ for the window to be repaired. (pay)

12.Ann was having dinner when the phone rang. She didn't answer the phone, she just

carried on________________________________ (eat)

13.'How did the thief get into the house?' 'I forgot______________________the window.' (shut)

14.I've enjoyed __________________you. (meet) I hope ________________you again soon. (see)

15.The baby began _______________________in the middle of the night. (cry)

16.Julia has been ill but now she's beginning _____________________ better. (get)

Activity 3. Complete these sentences with a suitable verb in the correct form, -ing or to... .

1.a. Please remember to lock the door when you go out.

b.A: You lent me some money a few months ago.

B:Did I? Are you sure? I don't remember ______________________you any money. c. A: Did you remember _________________________________ your sister?

B:Oh no, I completely forgot. I'll phone her tomorrow.

d.When you see Mandy, remember ___________________her my regards, won't you?

e.Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember ________________________ it by the window and now it has gone.

2.a. I believe that what I said was fair. I don't regret______________________________ it. b. (after a driving test) I regret____________________ that you have failed the test.

3.a. Keith joined the company 15 years ago. He was quickly promoted and became

assistant manager after two years. A few years later he went on _____________________

manager of the company.

b. I can't go on _____________________________ here any more. I want a different job.

c.When I came into the room, Liz was reading a newspaper. She looked up and said

hello to me, and then went on ___________________________________ her newspaper.

Activity 4. Use Gerund or Infinitive.

1.I would like (inviting, to invite)___________________ you and some of my other friends for dinner sometimes.

2.I enjoyed (being, to be) ______________________with my family at the lake last summer.

3.Bob agreed (helping, to help) _______________________me move out of my apartment this weekend.

4.My parents can't afford (paying, to pay) ___________________all of my college expenses.

5.Mary, would you mind (mailing, to mail) this letter on your way home?

6.Do you expect (passing, to pass) ______________________this course? If so, you'd better work harder.

7.Angela offered (working, to work) ______________________for me tonight because I feel awful.


8.I refuse (considering, to consider) ______________________ your proposal. I've made up my mind.

9.I wish you consider (accepting, to accept) _____________________ my proposal. I know I can do the job.

10.I don't think I'll ever finish (writing, to write) _____________________this report. It just goes on and on.

Activity 6. Read and translate the text.

Telephony is the transmitting of speech over a considerable distance by means of electric current, using wires.

Telephone communication includes:

1)telephone sets to change sound energy into electro waves and back again,

2)transmission system to carry electric waves over any distance, and

3)switching system to connect any two telephone sets.

Telephone is a device for reproducing sounds over considerable distances. Telephone set includes a transmitter and an electric network in addition to the receiver. The transmitter transmits sounds and the receiver receives them. The receiver includes a telephone and a microphone. Both the microphone and telephone are linked to a common circuit with an apparatus at the other end of the line.

Activity 7. Translate the following sentences.

1.Telephone communication includes telephone sets.

2.Telephone sets change sound energy into electric waves.

3.Sounds are reproduced over considerable distances.

4.The receiver includes both a telephone and a microphone.

Activity 8. a) Read and translate the questions.

1.By what means is speech transmitted over a distance?

2.By what means are electric waves carried over a distance?

3.By what means are two telephone sets connected?

4.What parts does a telephone set include?

5.What parts does a receiver include?

6.What parts are linked to a common circuit?

7.What device is used for reproducing sounds over considerable distances?


Activity 9. Read and translate these word combinations.

1.Speech transmission

2.Sound transmission

3.Transmission equipment

4.Telephone set

5.Considerable changes

6.Considerable number

7.Electric apparatus

8.By means of electric waves

9.By means of switching systems

10.By means of a telephone set

11.Any number

12.A common circuit

Activity 10. Open the brackets.

1.Telephone set _____________________ (to include) a transmitter and an electric network in addition to the receiver.

2.The transmitter __________________(to transmit) sounds and the receiver receives them.

3.What parts _________________________ (to include) a telephone set?

4.The receiver __________________________ (to include) a telephone and a microphone.

5.Telephone sets ____________________ (to change) sound energy into electric waves.

Activity 11. Give the English equivalents of the Ukrainian words given in brackets.


(Звукова енергія)


is changed into electric waves.












(Система переключення)



connects two telephone sets.











Telephone sets transmit sounds over




(значні відстані).





Telephone communication


(включає) three parts.








(Телефонна слухавка)



(складається з) a telephone











(на додачу до) a microphone.

Home task: _______________________________________________________________________


Заняття 10.

Тема Комплекси з герундієм. Синтаксичні функції герундія. Типи комп’ютерних систем

Комплекси з герундієм

Герундій у реченні може відноситись до підмета або додатка. Так, у реченні He stopped working and smiled Він припинив роботу і усміхнувся дія, виражена герундієм (WORKING) відноситься до підмета (він працював, а потім припинив роботу). У реченні І don’t forgive you for being late for dinner

Я не прощаю вам. того, що ви запізнилися на обід герундій відноситься до додатка.

Але герундій може також відноситися до іменника або займенника, що не є підметом чи додатком речення. Цей іменник чи займенник (суб'єкт герундія) завжди стоїть перед герундієм і позначає особу або предмет, що виконує дію або зазнає дії, вираженої

герундієм. Сполучення герундія з таким

іменником або займенником становить

герундіальний комплекс:


Don’t fear my forgetting this document.

Не бійтесь, що я забуду цей документ.

Перша частина герундіального комплексу — іменник у присвійному чи загальному відмінку або присвійний займенник. Друга частина — герундій, що виражає дію, яку виконує або якої зазнає особа чи предмет, позначений першою частиною комплексу:

They were afraid of my finding out the truth.

Вони боялися, що я узнаю правду. They told us of director’s coming there.

Вони сказали нам про те, що директор приходив туди.

Якщо іменник, до якого відноситься герундій, не вживається в присвійному відмінку, він ставиться перед герундієм у загальному відмінку, але при заміні його займенником вживається, як правило, присвійний займенник:

I hadn’t much hope of his plan working.

У мене було мало надії на те, що його план буде ефективним. I hadn’t much hope of its working.

У мене було мало надії на те, що він (план) буде ефективним.


Герундіальний комплекс становить один складний член речення і в реченні може бути:

а) підметом:


Your coming here is very desirable.

Ваш приїзд сюди дуже бажаний.

It’s no use my telling you a lie.

Навіщо мені говорити вам неправду?

б) додатком (безприйменниковим і прийменниковим):

Forgive my saying it.

Простіть, що я сказала це.

I insist upon your staying.

Я наполягаю на тому, щоб ви залишились.

в) означенням:


I don’t know the reason of your leaving.

Я не знаю причини вашого від'їзду.

г) обставиною:

I entered the room without his seeing it.

Я увійшла до кімнати так, що він і не побачив цього.

Activity 1. Use Gerund or Infinitive.

1.I would enjoy (visiting, to visit) _______________ you in Kyiv while you're studying there.

2.The children seem (understanding, to understand) __________________________why they have to stay home tonight.

3.Don't forget (locking, to lock) __________________ all of the doors before you go to bed.

4.I'm really sorry. I didn't mean (hurting, to hurt) _____________________your feelings.

5.Why do you keep (asking, to ask) ______________________ me the same question over and over again?

6.I've decided (looking, to look) _______________for another job. I'll never be happy here.

7.You need (trying, to try) __________________ harder if you want to get the information.

8.Why do you pretend (enjoying, to enjoy) _____________________ his company? I know you don't like him.

9.Let's get together tonight. I want to talk about (opening, to open) ___________________

a new business.

10.I have a secret. Do you promise (telling, to tell) __________________________ no one?

11.The president plans (giving, to give) __________________everyone a bonus at the end of the year.

12.I have a good job, and I hope (supporting, to support) _________________myself all through school.

13.I can't wait (finishing, to finish) __________________ work today. I'm taking off on vacation tonight.

14.My neighbour and I get up at six every morning and go (jogging, to jog)_______________.

Activity 2. Choose the correct word.

1.Information is given into the computer in the form of _______________.

a) ideas;

b) characters;

c) rules

2.The basic function of a computer is ____________________information.

a) to switch;

b) to keep;

c) to process


3.The data needed for solving problems are kept in the ____________________.

a) memory;

b) input device;

c) output device

4.Inputting information into the computer is realized by means of___________________.

a) a printer;

b) letters;

c) diskettes

5.A computer can carry out arithmetic-logical operations ___________________.

a) quickly;

b) instantaneously; c) during some minutes

6.Computers have become _______________________in homes, offices, research institutes.

a) commonwealth; b) commonplace; c) common room

7.Space _________________________uses computers widely.

a) information;

b) production;

c) exploration

8.Computers are used for image_______________________.

a) processing;

b) operating;

c) producing

9.Computers help in________________________ of economy.


a) environment;

b) management;


c) government.

10. Air traffic control depends on computer-_________________



a) generated;

b) instructed;


c) combined


Activity 3. Choose

the correct definition.







1. Computer

a) a machine by which information is received from the computer;



b) a device capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters and













Input device

c) an electronic machine that processes data under the control of a stored














d) a disk drive reading the information into the computer;


Output device

e) information given in the form of characters.


















































Activity 4. Convert the following sentences in the Past Simple.

1.Many people have an opportunity to use computers.

2.There is no doubt that computers solve problems very quickly.

3.Computers bring with them both economic and social changes.

4.It is well known that computers prepare laboratory tests.

5.Those persons are computer literate and think of buying a new computer.

6.Experts know much about how to prepare programs.




electronic circuit

to operate switches

to store numbers

to input / to feed in

to turn on = to switch on

to turn off = to switch off

to process data

to supply






input device

disk drive

to make decisions

Activity 5. Read and translate the text.


A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters, and characters (symbols).

The basic idea of a computer is that we can make the machine do what we want by inputting signals that turn certain switches on and turn others off, or magnetize or do not magnetize the cores.

The basic job of computers is processing of information. For this reason computers can be defined as devices which accept information in the form of instructions, called a program, and characters, called data, perform mathematical and / or logical operations on the information, and then supply results of these operations. The program, or part of it, which tells the computers what to do and the data, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, are kept inside the computer in a place called memory.

It is considered that computers have many remarkable powers. However most computers have three basic capabilities.

First, computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations, such as: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and exponentiation.

Second, computers have a means of communicating with the user. After all, if we couldn't feed information in and get results back, these machines wouldn't be of much use. Some of the most common methods of inputting information are to use terminals, diskettes, disks and magnetic tapes. The computer's input device (a disk drive or tape drive) reads the information into the computer.

Third, computers have circuits which can make decisions. The computer can only decide three things, namely: Is one number less than another? Are two numbers equal? and, Is one number greater than another?


A computer can solve a series of problems and make thousands of logical decisions without becoming tired. It can find the solution to a problem in a fraction of the time it takes a human being to do the job.

Activity 6. Answer the questions.

1.What is a computer?

2.What are the main functions of a computer?

3.In what way can we make the computer do what we want?

4.What is the basic task of a computer?

5.What is a program?

6.What are data?

7.What is memory?

8.What three basic capabilities have computers?

9.What are the ways of inputting information into the computer?

10.What is the function of an input device?

Activity 7. Translate the word-combinations.

Складна мережа електронних кіл; керувати (приводити в дію) перемикачами; зберігати (запам'ятовувати) числа; обробляти символи; включати; вимикати; обробка інформації; інформація у вигляді команд;

символи, що називаються дані; виконувати математичні операції; видавати результати; основні властивості; пристрій введення; приймати рішення;

виконувати тисячі логічних операцій