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Контрольная работа n 3

Вариант 2

I. Определите время и залог глагола-сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык

1. When the pump is switched on hot water flows through the pipe to the radiators.

2. If a pipe is taken from a boiler and carried around a room horizontally and back to the boiler, no circulation will take place.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов it”, “that”, “one

1. 2. When the sun evaporates water from the sea, it leaves these salts behind.

3. There is one more source of energy that we are beginning to tap: sun’s rays.

4. Sanitary fitting are those appliances used in the collection and disposal of human and domestic waste materials.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции глаголов “to be”, “to have

1. When the radiator is turned on, heat is transferred from the pipe to the radiators.

2. The boiler must be big enough for the job it has to do.

3. One disadvantage of hot water system is that of scaling.

4. To solve this problem houses are to be built two storey high.

IV. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции Ving форм и инфинитива

1. The radiator is designed to transfer the heat from the hot water to the air in the room.

2. Before reading this text students discuss other methods by comparing the advantages of central heating systems.

3. The pipes should be of a size sufficient to convey the volume of water required to give up the needed heat.

4. Most heating installations are a compromise between what is ideal and what is practicable, when considering possible pipe runs, radiator and boiler positions.

V. Прочитайте текст и выполните упражнение после текста.


1. In general, a heating system should be designed so that the water will circulate by gravity. In any gravity system of heating (i.e. no pump) circulating head is extremely important. Briefly it is due to the difference in weight of a given volume of water in the flow and return circulators. This factor governs the speed of circulation, and it should be borne in mind that the rapidity of the circulation will determine the amount of heat which will reach a given radiator.

2. It will readily be seen that if a pipe is taken from a boiler and carried around a room horizontally and back to the boiler, no circulation will take place – provided the boiler connections are on the same level. If one pipe is connected to the top and the other to the bottom of a boiler, a slow circulation will be found to exist. If instead of pipe leaving the top of the boiler is to be taken to the top of the room, allowed to circulate around the room and return to the bottom of the boiler, a rapid circulation will be evident. This principle should be borne in mind in the design of any heating system.

3. Most heating installations are a compromise between what is ideal and what is practicable, when considering possible pipe runs, radiator and boiler positions, and the shape of any particular building.

There are a few rules which should be observed:

  1. The boiler must be big enough for the job it has to do.

  2. The pipes should be of a size sufficient to convey the volume of water required to give up the needed heat.

  3. Pipe runs should be as direct as possible.

  4. A system should be planned to provide enough heat in the worst possible conditions.

  5. The occupants of rooms should be given a means of controlling the heat output in the room by means of valves.

4. From a point of view of heat control, one valve only is needed and this can be fixed on either pipe; although in practice it is usually fitted to the return or lower pipe where it is out of the way. It is useful to fit a valve on each pipe so that radiators can be taken out for repair without having to run off the whole of the water in the system.

1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. Ответы переведите на русский язык:

  1. What is a gravity system of heating?

  2. Why is it so important the rapidity of circulation in a heating system?

  3. When will rapid circulation be evident in any heating system?

  4. What is used by the occupants of rooms to control the heat output in the room?

  5. Why is useful to fit a valve on each pipe?

Контрольная работа N 3

Вариант 3

I. Определите время и залог глагола-сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык

1. Much is being done in southern California, one of the world’s largest known reservoir of geothermal power.

2. A plant based on this principle has worked for some year in South Africa, where it purifies water being used in uranium processing.

3. Because concrete has a low resistance to the passage of heat, it is conducted into the interior.

4. The values used for sizing and performance of hot-water equipment do not produce accurate results.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов it”, “that”, “one

1. South Africa is one of the countries in the world most suited for solar heating.

2. Water mains are those pipes which distribute the water from the reservoirs.

3. Composition pipes are lighter than those made of cast iron.

4. Protecting the roof from the sun prevents it from expanding.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции глаголов “to be”, “to have

1. When this power station is completed it will produce about 800 mln kilowatts hours a year

2. Domestic heat pumps have only recently started to penetrate the residential market and the number of units is very small.

3. Most of the apartments with access to electricity have to use electric geysers or water heating.

4. Houses in hot-dry climate are to have compact layouts (расположение) due to the high solar radiation.

IV. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции Ving форм и инфинитива

  1. To support normal farming in Iceland, fruits, vegetables and flowers are grown in large green houses heated with natural steam or hot water.

  2. Workers in the utility industry, consulting engineers and manufacturers are meeting with difficulty in developing new equipment and more efficient systems, as well as in analyzing existing systems.

  3. Categories of dwellings are defined according to the materials to be used for walls and roof construction.

  4. Such solar batteries are very useful in supplying current for rural telephone


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