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2.5.3. Oral Practice. Explain in English the meanings of the following words and expressions.

Work in small groups and discuss them

• vast internal markets

• increase of international trade both absolutely and relatively

• percentage of any nations in the world trade

• the value of net exports

• mobility of resources

• disbalance of trade

2.5.4. Written Practice. Translation Focus

Translate the sentences into English making use of the active (2.4.1, 2.4.2).

1. На долю торговли приходится около 80% всего объема международных экономических


2. Для любой страны роль внешней торговли трудно переоценить.

3. Международный обмен товарами возможен и желателен в интересах всех стран.

4. Цена обмена устанавливается по закону спроса и предложения на таком уровне, что

совокупность экспорта позволяет оплачивать общий объем импорта (Дж. Милль).

5. Торговля — это средство, с помощью которого можно сократить разрыв в уровне развития

между странами (П. Самуэльсон).

6. Американский экспорт по сравнению с импортом более трудоемок и менее капиталоемок

(парадокс В. Леонтьева). Этот вывод противоречил всем существовавшим ранее

представлениям об экономике США.

7. Рациональное использование сравнительных преимуществ России (в ряде отраслей)

позволяет развивать внешнеторговые отношения со странами Европы высокими темпами.

2 .5.5. Multiple Choice Comprehension Check (basic Text 2.4)

Check the comprehension of the text choosing the answer which, you think, is correct.

1 . The variety of goods which nations want to consume they can produce independently.

a) Many nations simply cannot produce all goods with reasonable efficiency due to limited

domestic markets.

b) Some nations having limited domestic markets produce such goods.

c) Any nation imports all specific goods.

2 . The United States accounts for an increasing percentage of total world trade.

a) Yes. It is true as the U.S. is a large country.

b) No, it is not true. In 1947 the U.S. supplied about one-third of the world’s total exports as

compared to about one-tenth today.

c ) This statement doesn’t seem true. The world trade grows even more rapidly for Germany,

Japan and other nations than it does for the United States.

3 Disbalance in the nation’s trade means:

a)Exports exceed considerably imports.

b) Imports exceed considerably exports.

c ) Exports equal imports.

4. The exports of goods are substantially in excess of the imports of goods, which is characteristic of any

developed country.

a) It is no significance for any developed nation.

b)It is true as there must not be any disbalance in the international trade.

c)It is true only partially. It is important to know to what nations the main part of export is



5. Net exports is the difference between the value of a nation’s exports and that o f its imports.

a) I don’t think so. Net exports is the value of the increase of exports year after year.

b) It can’t be true. Net exports is the sum of the total volume of exports.

c) I’m quite positive about it.

6. A large change in net exports does not influence the financial situation o f the nation.

a) One can agree with this statement as having a point.

b) Such changes can have magnified repercussions upon the domestic levels of income, employment,

and prices; hence, the financial situation can improve or become worse.

c) The level of national income will probably change, but the financial situation will remain


7. The mobility of resources among nations is considerably higher than it is within nations.

a) On the contrary, the mobility of resources within nations is higher than it is among nations.

b) I suppose, the mobility of resources is a notion which depends upon the Ministry of Foreign

Affairs. I can’t see any difference here.

c) The differences in tax laws and governmental regulations put severe restrictions upon the

migration of all kinds of resources among nations.

8. International trade is a substitute for the international mobility of resources.

a) International trade is the movement of goods and services, hence it cannot be practised as

the international mobility of resources.

b) If human and property resources do not move freely among nations, the international trade

can provide a substitute. Goods are a sum of labor and capital.

c) International trade is subject to political interferences and controls, that’s why it stands to

reason that it can’t serve as the international mobility of resources.

2.6. Oral Practice

Hold a business conversation using the given cliches, set expressions, and some prompts.

Work with partners.

1 . Большинство стран не в состоянии производить все не-

In my opinion, there are a few reasons

2.От мировой экономики, от ее развития зависят практи-

I would like to say that Rusia exports.

4. Разница между стоимостьюsae rsced. экспорта страны и ее импор-

I'm quite certain abouthe total volume.


f e r e n c e s a n d

c o n t ro l s ...

17. Deve et a s aops i wva u nuq r e o y . , nek n out gr' niy l tat )etl m c eu ar(men t la S ao d -hiy rti h tgo ds I lDopment

2.7.1. Reading (skimming, scanning for subject and language study)

2.7. 1.1. Read the text “International Tr ade Agreements” and discuss it in the form of a dialogue.