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Copper is known to form two types of compounds called cuprous and cupric. Cuprous oxide is used in the manufacture of ruby glass and cupric oxide helps to make blue glass.

II. Проанализируйте и письменно переведите следующие предложения.

1.Oxygen being a very active element, it is difficult to prevent metals from oxidation.

2.All the elements in Mendeleyev's table are arranged according to their atomic weights.

3.Tungsten is known to be used for the production of electric lamps.

4.To study hydrocarbons in detail they had to make a number of experiments.


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Life depends fundamentally on organic polymers. They are known to provide food, clothing and transportation. Indeed nearly all the material needs of man could be supplied by natural organic products. The list of these materials and things made of them might be very long. The organic polymers from which leather, wool, cotton, rubber, paper and other materials could be made include proteins, cellulose, resins and few other classes of compounds.

The first modified natural polymers were commercially produced about two hundred years ago. Creating new materials plays a most important part now. The foundation of chemistry of polymers have been laid by the discovery of the polymerization reaction made in the 19th century by A. M. Butlerov,

Modern methods of physical and chemical analyses have recovered the principles that govern the properties of the natural polymers. Basing on them the scientists began creating artificial polymers.

A new industry of man-made organic polymers has appeared. Plastics and synthetic coating are already in common use.

Synthetic polymers are light in weight, easily transposed, easily repaired, highly resistant to corrosion and solvents and satisfactory resistant to moisture. It would be necessary to add that they have long-lived durability and resistance to high temperatures.

They are inexpensive enough to compete with the structural materials such as metals and ceramics.

What is a polymer in general? This is a combination of a large number of repeating units, making the giant molecules having the form of long flexible chains.

II. Проанализируйте и письменно переведите следующие предложения. 1.Nylon is known to be a fiber with properties resembling those of silk.

2.It should be said that Russian chemists Butlerov, Lebedev and others have done much in researching polymers.

3.The formula of a compound being known, we can calculate its molecular weight.


4.When added to brass aluminium greatly increased its resistance to corrosion.


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The use of metals marked one of the great stages in the evolution of man. Man has used metals for centuries in gradually increasing quantities, but it was not until the Industrial Revolution that they came to be employed in really vast quantities. The machinery which was being set up to manufacture articles previously made by individual craftsmen demanded metal. Year by year the amount of metal used steadily increased.

At the same time new metals were being discovered. With the increase in the number of metals has come an increase in the number of their alloys. Still iron remains by far the most important of all metals. .

The manufacture of iron or steel consists first in reducing it from the oxide in which state it is generally found, then in removing impurities which are undesirable, and finally in adding carbon or such other metals as may be needed. After this the metal can be greatly altered in character by the heat and quenching treatment it is given. It may be made elastic, tough, hard, brittle, or comparatively soft. It is not surprising that a huge number of steels are available, each steel having its special purpose. By far the commonest type of steel is an alloy of steel and carbon, the qualities of the different steels being dependent upon the percentage of carbon.

In general it is found that the addition of carbon makes steel harder but less ductile, and it is astonishing to think that as little as one part of carbon in 10,000 of steel can so completely filter the characteristics of the alloy as to produce almost a new metal.

But the properties of steels are by no means dependent only upon the carbon content; the heat treatment of steel after its formation is very important.

The treatment of steel is now an elaborate science of its own, and it is, of course, closely connected with the contents of the steel. The heating and the quenching are designed to bring about the arrangement of the crystalline structure in the desired way; to give the particular properties required. For example, steels containing a high percentage of carbon may be quenched after being heated to a high temperature to make them hard, and then moderately tempered to restore toughness, both these qualities being required in a steel to be used for suiting other metals.

II. Проанализируйте и письменно переведите следующие предложения.

1. Nickel added to bronze is known to improve its electrical properties.

2.The scientists have found an atom of oxygen to be 16 times as heavy as that of hydrogen.

3.Oxygen combining with another substance, an oxide is formed.

4.Steel cannot be cast into moulds without being heated to the temperature required.



В связи с процессами глобализации, происходящими в современном мире, необходимость владения иностранными языками существенно возросла. Иностранные языки становятся важнейшим средством, позволяющим осуществлять сотрудничество в самых разных сферах: политической, экономической, культурной, спортивной.

Английскому языку принадлежит особое место: сегодня он является основным языком межнационального общения. Почти полмиллиарда человек владеет им как родным или использует как первый иностранный. Большинство научных и образовательных программ, предлагаемых университетами и колледжами, осуществляется на английском языке.

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